WTF: Cryptomnesia

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A common error for most writers is something called parallel thinking, or Cryptomnesia, which is a term for when you're absolutely certain you've come up with an original idea, only to discover after the fact that you had heard of it elsewhere. That's why you should always get multiple reads on your book. I believe JKR and Co.'s motto of "Keep Calm and Keep the Secrets" led to a very guarded writing room and a lean list of names for editorial oversight. The benefit of this decision is an assurance that the probability of leaks is low. They've always been proactive in shielding Potter from getting out ahead of schedule, so this is nothing new. The pitfalls, however, are that a staff of editors would have caught some of the more ridiculous writing mistakes and glaring examples of parallel thinking.

First was Moaning Myrtle. As a relatively insignificant figure in the larger story, we never had a need to know much about her character. But in Cursed Child they wanted to expand on her slightly, while reminding the reader of her interaction with both Harry and Cedric during the Triwizard Tournament. Nothing wrong with that. The tournament plays a substantial role in Cursed Child. What I did find wrong was why they would name her Myrtle Elizabeth Warren.

J.K. Rowling has shown herself to be a news enthusiast, especially when it comes to the American media. As well, she has exhibited a clear favoritism toward progressive ideals. The leader of the American progressive movement (behind Bernie Sanders) is a woman named...wait for it... Elizabeth Warren. She's extremely significant to American politics, and a household name here in the U.S.

Have you recently heard the expression "Nevertheless, she persisted" that's become a rallying cry of the American feminist movement? Yeah, that's because of Elizabeth Warren.

It's possible that JKR, as a not-an-American, would overlook this obvious example of parallel thinking. For something that would hit a little closer to home, I'd need to say something like Mrs. Norris had a full name. It was Kate Middleton Norris.

Myrtle's name was a clear mistake. But did anyone admit it? Aww, heck no. And it wasn't the only one.

Are we really going to be okay with Scorpius being called the "Scorpion King"? Really? From The Mummy Returns? I mean, let's just jump in with both feet, shall we? Why not call Albus "Weird Al" while we're at it. Have the kids call Harry "Old man Potter" from It's a Wonderful Life. Have a character call someone a "Slithering Slytherin", as if they just heard the name of that house for the first time.

Oh, wait...

They did that last one?


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