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Lauren and I didn't talk for the rest of the week. She was so mad at me, but I took the therapists advice and I didn't press her, I only called her like twice a day every day. Not like every five minutes like I wanted to.

On Wednesday I decided to follow her home from work and catch her then, but she didn't go home. She went to dinner with some dude that worked with her in the studio. They looked so entrenched in the conversation they were having. First she talked, and he listened intensely. Nodding emphatically, rubbing her back, then he caressed her cheek. Then she listened as he talked, and she listened her head cocked to the side, that was her listening pose.

I'd had enough when he reached his arms around her and pulled her to him. I marched right up to them and said. "What the fuck, Lauren?"

She didn't even have the decency to jump back away from him she just looked at me. "Well... hello to you too, Camila." She said pulling away from him then drying a tear from her cheek. Had she been crying? "You know Harry? Harry, This is my wife, Camila."

Harry gushed in a strong British accent... He gushed! The guys that liked my music like that, were usually... well not into women. I greeted him and I listened to what he was saying. "I am like your biggest fan! I have been begging Lauren to let me meet you for the past two years... what a great friend she is! And then when you two split, I thought oh no now I'll never meet her! I am so happy you guys got back together, the world just wouldn't make sense if you guys split up!" I looked at Lauren. She gave me her I told you so look.

"You're gay?" I said without thinking

"You're Camila Cabello!" I heard from somewhere behind me. The gushing must have given me away. I began to get mobbed by girls wanting selfies with me. Lauren got up from the table after a few minutes and Harry gave her his jacket and she wrapped me up with it and ushered me out of the restaurant to my car.

Once I was in there she went back toward the restaurant with Harry's jacket. I think Lauren forgot she was famous too because she got mobbed too. But it wasn't as bad. She took a few selfies and headed into the restaurant again.

On Thursday, I sent Lauren some flowers to her at work. In the card I asked her to go out with me on Friday, and to call me when she got the flowers. She didn't call me. I had something very special planned for that date; so on Friday morning, I texted what restaurant I would be at, and that I would wait for her until close if necessary.

She didn't respond. I went to the restaurant, and I waited for two hours. By the second hour I was in tears. Suddenly, she was there, looking as beautiful as ever, on her knees drying my tears. "I'm so sorry. I lost my phone... I had been dealing with trying to get everything back all day. The restaurant is mobbed outside; your plans got leaked before I got my phoned transferred over. Stop crying!"

I crushed her to me. I couldn't care less that there were a million paps outside causing a spectacle. She was here. She had come. I kissed her softly, and I just about melted when she reciprocated. "Awwww," was heard around the restaurant I couldn't help but laugh.

"I thought you weren't coming." I said and we sat down at the table.

"Why would I do something so mean?" She asked, and truthfully she hasn't done anything that mean since we got married. Or even since we started dating.

"Because you're Lauren Jauregui."

"Lauren Cabello-Jauregui." She corrected me. I smiled and kissed her again.

"Would you marry me all over again?" I asked, Fuck my plans, I wanted to do it all romantically and sweep her off her feet. But she swept me off of mine, and I had to do it before she did. I pulled a belated anniversary gift from my purse, It was a bracelet, full of diamonds but it was made in the same pattern of her engagement ring, that I noticed now she still wore.

"Oh Camz, that's fucking beautiful..." She kissed me again. "Of course I'd renew our vows."

I have something else for you. Then I handed her some paper wrapped in a gift bow. She looked at them and smiled. "This is your copy of the dissolution papers."

"Yes they are. I went to the court a few days ago and moved to dismiss the suit." I said. "So this is a symbolic gesture, you're stuck with me now, you'll have to file yourself if you want out now."

She took the knife of the table and laid into the paper. She got this look on her face that was like bliss, as she made the first slices. It kept her busy till our food arrived and when it did the mess of paper strewn on our table was forgotten and we ate our fill of food.

She kissed me good night in front of the mob of paparazzi and whispered in my ear. "I know we'll have to loose them before we get home, " Did she just say home? "Just drive around a while they will get bored."

I drove around Miami, and by the time I got home it was one A.M. And as the garage doors opened, I noticed Lauren's car was parked in its spot. Lauren was waiting for me. I practically ran into the house and I looked around the first thing I noticed was that there were more pictures of the three of us around the house. Then I headed into our bedroom suite, but she wasn't in there, I walked into the closet that had once been hers and the massive amount of clothes that she owned was back. "When the hell did this get here?" I whispered then headed to Kamryn's room.

Lauren was not with Kamryn, but Kamryn was awake reading. She looked so much like me, but so much like Lauren too. "When did your Momma's stuff get here?"

"Tonight while you were gone." She answered, "It's okay, isn't it?"

"It's fantastic! Where is your Momma?"

"Somewhere, she told me I could read for an hour more then I had to go to sleep." She said shooing me away as if I was wasting her precious time. It must be a really good book. So I peeked over her shoulder.

"What are you reading?" I grabbed the book and check the Title. "Harry Potter?" I looked at her. "You're reading the series again?"

"I'm not concentrating on that... I just like Hermione, she is bad ass."

"Kamryn, don't let your Momma hear you swearing." I said handing her the book back.

"Oh she's heard it... she threatened me with the chancla, but you aren't her." I shook my head and headed out of the room.

"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight Mom." She said and went back to reading.

I walked back into our bedroom and I finally heard her. She was in the shower.

I undressed as silently as I could and stepped into the shower with her. Lauren turned to face me, and smiled. She reached out and took my hands.

"I love you Lauren." I said softly she kissed me. Then I felt her hard against me. She separated from me and looked into my eyes. "Oh god yes, I don't care."

She smirked and walked me over to a special little seat we'd had put into the stone wall for just this purpose when we first got the house and she entered me with a satisfied moan. "You horny girl." She whispered in my ear as she moved within me. It sent a thrill down my spine when she noticed how hot I was for her. "You're so hot and wet and slippery, fuck this feels so... gunhf." She couldn't even finish her sentence, and my inner muscles contracted involuntarily.

"Fuck, I love it when you talk," I moaned. "I miss your voice in my ear so much."

"God you're so sexy. Ahh..." she said. I could feel her pulsating within me. She was close and just the thought of her cumming for me, just took me over the edge. She pushed into me, her knees collapsing, she held on to the bench, and I held onto her to keep her from busting her self up.

The shower began to run cold and as it hit her back and she gasped. Lamp was quick to go flaccid when Lauren felt the cold. She jumped away from me, then I got hit with the cold water, she turned it off. "We never learn do we?" She said laughing as she reached for a large towel and wrapped us both in it.

"No, it so much easy access, plus there's the bench." I said.

"Ah yes, the bench." She said kissing my neck and walking us both to the bedroom. Once in our bed, we made out like teenagers until Lauren was ready again. I gave her head, she gave me head, and then Lamp did her thing again. The next morning we were a tangle of bed sheets when Kamryn came into the room.

"Mom, Momma... yikes... I forgot what it was like... gross."

Lauren was still asleep, she had gotten a vicious work out the night before. "What is it Kamryn?"

"Momma missed her studio time."

"Lauren..." I said shaking her urgently. She groaned. I chuckled, "Babe, wake up, you missed your studio time."

She sat up, her chest bare, "I did what now?"

"Whoa Momma..." Kamryn said turning away from us. "Yeah, I'm leaving now." She headed out of the room.

I looked at Lauren and was entranced by her bare body. I loved watching her. She pulled on a pair of black jeans without underwear, and a shirt without a bra and she looked so damn sexy. She ran a brush through her raven hair, which was almost as long as it was the first day I met her. She stopped and looked at me, "What?"

"You're so hot..." I said, and she stopped for a second debating whether she wanted to blow off work.

She walked over to me and kissed me and put two fingers inside me. Pumped twice then pulled out. She put her fingers in her mouth and walked away. "I got you tonight, I gotta go."

I nearly fainted at the sudden change of contact. Holy crap how lucky am I?

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