I'll be you shoulder to cry on

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So guys i just discovered one of my friends moved on. And i discovered one girl at school is a lying butt hole. And my other friend moved away. GREATTTTT JUST GREAT. I should just off a cliff now before I get lied to again. And I am talking about people in my school not on wattpad. Sometimes I wonder why do I bother to try to look pretty or impress people? You know, I fucking hate myself. You know what my mom told me last week? You ready? She told me this"Oh honey you are probably confused, and you probably just like boys'' AND THEN SHE JUST LAUGHED. LIKE WTF!? I am so done. I am just so done. 

Am going into a full on rant right now...

1st of all I am going freaked crazy. LOVE IS LOVE. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIKE THE SAME GENDER. GAYS AREN'T DISGUSTING. IMAGINE IF THE NORM WAS TO BE GAY AND THE NOT NORMAL WAS TO BE STRAIGHT. THEN PEOPLE WOULD SAY BEING STRAIGHT IS BAD. People are people. People can't just except the fact that different isn't bad. I grew up watching disney princess movies and just sitting there thinking this is bullshit. Why does the princess have to wait in the freaken castle when she can just get out herself? Or fight for herself? I want to see a disney movie were a girl saves a girl or a boy saves a boy.

I want to tell you a story that a youtube told me. And this story has stuck to me everyday.

There was this kid. He lived near a beach where a bunch of star fish would wash up on shore and be doomed to die. But that kid throw as much starfish as he could back into the ocean giving them another chance of living. This kid kept doing that everyday for a long time. Then one day an old man came up to the boy. The old man said ''Hundred of star fish get washed up shore everyday. You can't save all of them. So why do you bother? It won't even matter.'' The boy stayed silent then a star fish tickled his toe. He picked it up and throw it back into the ocean. ''It mattered to that one.'' The boy said.

You see that is the story I want to think about everyday. People are so used to hear ''It won't make a difference. So why do you bother?'' but it does make a difference. And it does matter. We aren't talking about gay rights anymore I want to get into another topic. If one of you are depressed for whatever reason talk to me. People tell me ''why are you helping this person if it won't matter because there are millions of people out there that feel the same way?'' It will matter to that one person. Years ago I remember defending my cousin from bullies. I remember wanting to cry because i saw my cousin hurt. As the years went by my cousin started to talk to me less. He started to say bad things to me. He was following bad examples I wanted to protect him from. I regret not helping him more when he was young. Now he grew up following a bad example that It was to late to change. I won't lie. I was hurt when he said those bad things to me. It felt like he hated me even though I have been there for him most of the time. I don't want anyone of you guys be like my cousin. So I am reaching out. Please talk to someone or me. I want to be there for people like I always wanted someone to be there for me. Don't be afraid. I understand more than you think.

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