I'm only human

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Just a little story.

Tabitha POV

Today is another day. . .another day to be forgotten. Another day to hate myself. Get bullied. Why do I even try?

I got ready for school. I sighed. Afraid of him. Afraid he will hurt me again. I got my stuff ready. I smiled at my mom. She smiled back but as soon as a turned away I felt the depression fill my body once again. Tabitha you can do this I thought. . .but I can't. I can't be myself I'm afraid to. Afraid he will make fun of me.

As I walked to school my best friend Adriana texted me she wasn't going to school today because she was sick. Great i sarcastically thought. I actually felt safe with her. She was my best friend. So now he can hurt me more.

I wanted everything to stop. Stop all the pain inside my body. But I couldn't. I was so afraid already that everything I did filled me with depression. As I put my stuff in my locker I heard footsteps. As they got louder I paniced more and more. My heart raced each second.

"Hey tabitha. Long time no see." he said. He laughed with his friends. I didn't say nothing and looked at my locker.

He grabbed my shoulder and yanked me so I look at him.

"Look at me you loser!" He yelled, his friends laughed.

"Is she going to cry?" He teased.

"Haha loser." I heard one of his friends say to me. Tabitha hold it in.  Hold it in. I told myself. People walked by just looking at me then turning to there friends and whispering and laughing about me.

"I'm not a loser. . ." I whispered weakly.

"What did you say!?" He said.

"I'm not a loser!" I yelled. He pushed me hard against my locker. My back hitting the hard red locker. My body filled with pain.

I felt the tears run down my face. I was crying like I was three. I cried until there was no more tears in my body anymore, till I was only shaking in fear. I closed my eyes. It hurt to cry. It stung.

"Cry baby!" He yelled louder and louder.

The bell rang. "I'm letting you go this time." He walked away laughing with his friends.

As i sat down in my desk I noticed him. He walked in holding lexi's hand. "Help me." She mouthed towards me. I tried before. I failed. I was now to scared to even try.

"Get me a pencil now!" He yelled at lexi.

"I-I don't have one." She said. He turned toward him. I could see that she was afraid.

"Give. Me. A. Pencil. Now." He demanded. She search in her backpack quickly and afraid. She pulled out a pink pencil and gave it to her. I sighed in relief.

As the teacher walked in he looked at me and mouthed "You're dead". I shook in fear.

As the bell rang I grabbed my stuff quickly and ran out the door. He grabbed my backpack and yanked me to him.

"You can't run away from me." He laughed evily. He pushed me harder. I wanted to fight back but I was scared.

"Stop please." I begged.

"HaHa." I heard a voice past by me. Lexi came by him.

"Stop!" She finally stood up for me.

"Sweety, lexi this isn't your Bussniss. Now go away I'll meet you up later." He winked.

"No!" She yelled. He turned her. He pushed her. It seemed like it hurt. She fell.

He turned back to me.
"LEAVE HER ALONE CORL!" A voice yelled. It was Denis.

"Who says!?" Corl yelled at denis. Denis stood infront of me.

"I said so. Leave Tabitha alone!" Denis yelled. He smirked.

"Fine. But I won't leave you alone."Corl punched denis in the nose. Blood came out of his nose.

They started to fight. More blood started to pour out of denis. Lexi was bleeding from when corl pushed her.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I dropped my books.

"LEAVE DENIS ALONE!" I yell out. He laughed. He was about to say something but we heard footsteps from a teacher. He looked at me then denis. He mouthed "You will regret this." he walked away with lexi. I grabbed lexi's arms and shook my head. She stopped and took a deep breath and stood by me. Corl turned around.

"Fine. I never loves you anyways." His friends laughed. As they walked away I helped denis up.

"Thanks." I told him.

Lol just a story i made up because im bored.

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