"Just A Phase"

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a distinct period or stage in a process of change or forming part of something's development.


carry out (something) in gradual stages.

"the work is being phased over a number of years"

You know what guys I am done. I am done with people telling me it is "just a phase". Someone so close to me told me being gay is just a phase. For example last week when I told my mom I was gay she laughed and hugged me and changed the subject. Like if I was just going through a phase. My sister is treating me like sh*t aswell so I am just done with her and my family. Yesterday she told me family will always be there for me. I wanted to laugh because she has done nothing for more. She let me fall. She let me cry. She called me a bitch. She told me to fuck off. I wish I had a sister or someone that will be there for me. I am to scared to let my colors shine. So if someone tells me my love is "just a phase" I will just shut down.

Phase is an interesting word. Phase. I hope you know what it means before you say phase. I just can't take it anymore. I am crying everyday becuse people tell me I am "just in a phase" 


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