Chapter 1: General Confusion

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A/N: Hey, everyone! By popular demand, I'm here with a second book: a follow-up to The Stars in the Sky. This book is going to focus mainly on Nagisa and the decision he has to make: Karma or Kayano? He's young, after all, and doesn't truly understand love enough to know whether or not the relationship he's gotten himself into is right.

To be truthful, when someone first begged for book two, I was a bit skeptical. I mean, a Karmagisa vs Nagikae book is really the only way a sequel would work... And how would my readers, all Nagikae fans, respond to bits of genuine Karmagisa in a series they wanted for the Nagikae?

Then I thought, "Screw it. They asked for a book two, so they're going to get one. If they live to regret it, that's their problem." I still haven't decided how I want this book to end, after all. Because, as it says in the series title, love is a journey. And this journey might trigger some people in the process. (Unless you ship both Nagikae and Karmagisa, like I do. Oh, and Karmario. I have lots of ships in this show. My shipping map would be very complicated.) Just please, PLEASE don't drop this book if you asked for book two. YOU are the one who asked for this. SO READ IT. Jk, jk. You're always free to drop a book you don't like. That's why I'm going to try to make this super interesting: I want you guys to stay, even if you see your enemy ship approaching on the horizon.

Wow, that right there is two hundred words of author's notes. I'm sure that you guys want me to stop, so onto the story!


I examine myself in the mirror. There are bags under my eyes, and my blue hair is sticking up in multiple places. There are cuts, scratches, and bruises all over my face. Wow. I look absolutely terrible.

"I guess that last week's ordeal still shows," I mutter to myself, frowning. I'm still very confused about the events that took place last Wednesday. Takaoka wanted to kill me again, Jem revealed her past, Karma came out as gay and confessed that he has a crush on me... That was probably the weirdest night of my life.

The worst part is, I don't know how I feel about any of it. I still like Kayano. But for some reason... Karma doing all of that just to get my attention... I feel strangely touched. What's wrong with me? Shouldn't I be happy just to have Kayano to myself? Nooo, my heart has to go and have weird feelings for Karma and make me confused.

I tried ignoring the issue for a while, but I'm terrible at hiding my emotions. Nakamura picked up on my struggle at once, telling me, "You're probably bisexual. In which case you might want to really think this through." Then she grinned. "Or, you know, you could just change your religion to Mormonism and not have to think at all."

"Go away!" I had yelled, flushed. Nakamura had skipped away, probably off to find Karma and torture some people.

Presently, I frown at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Are these injuries ever going to heal? I glare at my leg and the cast that's been dragging me down for the past two weeks. I still have four to six weeks left of this stupid thing. That could be two whole months before I can attend gym class again. There are only three months left before March! The deadline's almost up, and I can't do anything to help the class out. I feel so... useless.

"Nagisa!" I hear my mom call from downstairs. "Hurry up in there! Your friend's here to help carry your stuff to school!"

"Coming!" I call back with a jolt. How long have I been standing in front of the mirror, doing nothing but contemplate life? I pull my phone out of my pocket. "7:15..." I mutter. "School starts in forty-five minutes... why would someone come to help me half an hour before I even need to leave in the first place?"

"Nagisa, your friend's coming in!" My mom calls again. "It's cold outside, and she can't wait for you forever!"

She?  For a moment, I think that it must be Kayano, but as soon as I have the thought, Jem pops her head into the bathroom. "Helloooo!" She calls cheerfully, waving at me excitedly with both hands. "Look, Nagi, look! I bedazzled my bookbag!" Jem spins around to show me that her bag is covered with jewels.

"I thought you didn't keep any of the jewels you stole, Jem."

At this, my friend blushes. "Well... I sent most of them back to their owners. I know, I know, I have a problem," Jem says quickly, as I'm about to interrupt. "But the therapy isn't helping! I don't know what to do!"

I frown. "PTSD, huh? It must be hard." Jem doesn't reply, and I instantly regret even bringing the matter up. "A-anyway, why are you here so early? School doesn't start for a while yet."

"I sort of just wanted to talk," Jem sighs. "Not here, though; your Mom thinks I'm taking you to school."

"Let's go to school, then," I say with a shrug. "There's plenty of privacy on the mountain, so long as KoroSensei doesn't decide he wants to spy on us."

"Sounds good to me," Jem agrees. She grabs my textbooks so that I can use my crutches more easily. We head for the stairs. Oh, stairs. How I hate you. This is the worst part of my day. One wrong move, and BOOM, I'm tumbling down the stairs, probably lengthening my time with this stupid cast in the process.

"Easy does it..." I mutter, easing my good foot down. Good foot, bad foot. Good foot, bad foot. It's a long, scary process, but eventually I reach the bottom. "Whew!"

"Huh," Jem frowns, glancing at her phone. "That took you ten minutes. Glad I showed up so early." She looks at me, cracking a grin. "You're nice and light. Next time I'll just carry you down."

"No," I say firmly, adjusting my crutch. "Let's go, Jem." As we walk out the door, I say goodbye to my mom, Jem flashes her a hearty grin, and then we're gone. The walk to school is quite an eventful one. Jem starts up a conversation with everyone we see along the way.

Halfway to school, Jem starts talking to a very nervous looking man. "What's up?" She asks, seeing his expression.

"Oh! Hello!" He answers distractedly. "I know we don't know each other, but, uh, could you help me with something?" Jem nods, and the man continues, "So, my dog was chasing a cat... The cat ran up a tree, and my dog somehow managed to follow it. The cat climbed down, but, uh..." The man points at a tree, and I can barely contain laughter as I see a small dog perched on a branch. "My dog's stuck. Could you see if there's a way you could get him down?"

"Absolutely!" Jem chirps, flashing a grin. "Come on, Nagisa!" The two of us head over to the base of the tree. "I think I'll need you to boost me up," Jem says, looking like she's estimating how high she'll need to jump. "I'm not sure about the pressure that'll put on your leg, though. You think you're up for it?"

"Definitely," I reply without hesitation. "Let's do it." I lean my crutches against the tree. Then position myself good ten feet away, and Jem backs up to the street to get a running start. The stranger looks very confused. "Ready?" I call. Jem nods. "Okay, on three." Jem starts running. "One... two..." Jem puts on a last burst of speed. "THREE!" Jem leaps onto my hands, and I boost her upward with all of my strength.

Jem whoops with excitement as she flies into the air. "I feel like a bird!" She screams with laughter. All of a sudden, her screams turn to horror. "Ah! Trunk, trunk, trunk, trunk-"

Jem slams into the tree. "Are you okay?" I call. After a second, Jem's head emerges from the leaves. She gives me a thumbs up. It looks as though all of the tree's leaves are caught in her hair, but other than that, Jem looks fine. She starts to climb down the tree, finally reaching the branch that the dog is perched on.

"Nagi, I'm going to drop him down!" Jem calls down to me. "He's really light; he should be easy to catch." With that, Jem picks up the dog and then drops it. Somehow, I manage to catch him. The poor little guy seems scared stiff. I gather up my bag and crutches and hobble over to the dog's owner.

"Uh, here you go," I tell the stranger awkwardly, as I plop his dog into his arms. Jem jumps down from the tree, grinning madly.

"Have a great day, sir!" She chirps, and the two of us head off for school, leaving a very confused man in our wake. I wonder if he'll tell anyone what happened today. I sort of doubt it. Surely no one would believe him.

I grin. Just another day in the life of the assassination classroom. I realize now, it doesn't matter that my leg is broken. Maybe I won't be able to play a lead role in KoroSensei's assassination, but at least I can support my friends. Isn't that all that matters?

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