❀Chapter 13❀

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"Can I get in the cart, Hyung?" Jungkook asked as both the men entered the large supermarket close to their apartment.

Inhaling a lungful of air to soothe his irritated nerves, Yoongi turned to Jungkook, his eyes breathing a fire that even dragons would fear. "No."

"But mom and dad let me do it!" Jungkook sulked in response, causing a family passing by with their cart full of groceries to give the men an odd look. Embarrassed, Yoongi sent the younger man a scathing glare, wordlessly ordering him to be quiet. Jungkook pulled his lips into a pout as he looked away.

With the distant chime of supermarket music in the air, Yoongi pushed the trolley through the small entry gate after the doors and stepped into the horizon of aisles, stacked to the brim with food. The experience was quite overwhelming for him. Sure, he had been in supermarket before as a teen after school; He'd bought himself cokes and chips and similar items, but he had never been in a supermarket to buy groceries.

As easy as it sounded, for Yoongi, he was totally intimidated by the idea. There were so many options, and only a small amount of money. What was he even meant to get anyway? He didn't know how to cook, and neither did Jungkook. The past week they had just eaten ramen and take-out. He didn't know any meals he could make.

He pushed the cart through the rows of bakery pastries and fruits and deli meats, picking up a small bag of apples and bananas, some ham, and a loaf of bread. With the price of food the way it was, he was sure he'd spent a lot of the money just on those few items. When he decided he was finished in that area, he pulled the trolley towards the first large aisle of shelves.

There, Yoongi spotted a jar of instant coffee and knew that he must have it. With Jungkook around, he needed all the caffeine he could get. Putting it into the trolley, he surveyed as far as he could down the aisle. There were so many items: Carton milks, a wide variety of tea, chocolate drinks, and cereals. All just in that one aisle, and there was still so many more aisles to go. Not to mention Jungkook was being the equivalent of a four year old child and touching everything he saw.

Who knew grocery shopping could be so exhausting?

"Hyung!" Jungkook called to Yoongi from where he was standing beside the cereals, a box of lucky charms in his hand. "Can I put this in the trolley? Plleaassse?" Drawing his trolley closer to Jungkook, Yoongi took the box off him and inspected it. He could see in his peripheral vision the childish, hopeful look in Jungkook's eyes, pleading him to buy it.

On the front of the box was a leprechaun with an enticing smile was sitting at the top of the title, a rainbow of sugary shaped cereals falling from his hand into a pile at the bottom of the box. "Frosted oat cereal with marshmallow bits?" Yoongi frowned at the words on the box, looking back at Jungkook, "This is just candy and oats."

Jungkook's eyes began to water, his lip quivering in dejection.

"Jungkook, its cereal."

"But it's a special cereal, hyung." Jungkook sniffled, taking the box off Yoongi and looking at it as if it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"You're crying over cereal." Yoongi deadpanned, his soul leaving his body at the stupidity of the boy in front of him.

"Mom, that man is crying!" A small child announced as he and his mother walked past, both looking quizzically at the crying Jungkook. The announcement caused several other people in the aisle to eye the men – looking at Yoongi especially, as if to blame him for it. Yoongi felt the blood rush to his face as he patted his cousin roughly on the shoulder in order to calm him down.

Jungkook would not cease his sobbing and the eyes kept scrutinizing, frowning upon Yoongi for his objection.

Yoongi wanted to die.


Finally Yoongi was pushing the trolley through the last aisle, with the trolley half full and about to be filled with cookies and chips from the aisle. It was about the only thing Yoongi was sure he'd be able to eat.

"I really love shopping!" Jungkook chimed from beside Yoongi, holding the box of Lucky charms to his chest as if it was something precious. Yoongi hummed in response, not agreeing at all. The half an hour shopping trip had been hell for him and it still wasn't even over. Yoongi just wanted to go home and eat. He just wanted to go home in general, back to his dad's house. Sure, he had been under a lot of pressure there with his oppressive dad and long list of to – do's, but he had had a hot shower and sleep and complimentary food to look forward to.

Here, he couldn't even have a damn shower with clean water.

"Hyung, can I get these dino crunchies?" Jungkook asked from beside him, shoving the box of dinosaur shaped cookies in his face. "No, Jungkook, you already have the lucky charms." Yoongi responded, turning away from him to grab a packet of Doritos from a shelf.

"But Hyung-"

Yoongi turned to Jungkook, his teeth gritted. "I said no, Jungkook. Put them down."

Instead of being reasonable, like a normal 23 year old man, Jungkook decided to make Yoongi's life just that little bit harder. With an angry scowl sent to Yoongi, the younger man aggressively threw the box of Dino-Crunchies into a shelf filled with glass jars of traditional chocolate chip cookies.

Yoongi watched in horror as one by one, the jars toppled off the shelf and unto the ground beside the men, smashing on contact. There were around a dozen glass jars smashed into smithereens on the ground. Yoongi wanted to scream, cry, rage, and wring his cousin's neck at the same time.

Unfortunately, all his body would allow him to do was stare numbly at the monstrosity of broken glass and crumbled cookies all along the tiled floor of the supermarket.

It wasn't long before the men were squatting down, shuffling through the mound of broken glass and cookies, picking up the biggest pieces of glass and putting them into a big trashcan the manager had given to them. Jungkook looked genuinely sorry as he incessantly apologized to his cousin. Yoongi was just numb.

Picking up a shard of glass, Yoongi noticed a small cut along his hand that was slowly leaking a drip of red blood into his palm. He bit his lip as he brushed off the injury, reaching down to grab more shards. It was then that he heard a feminine voice behind him. "Here, let me help you." The girl said, her hand reaching down beside his.

Yoongi quickly whipped around to face her. "Oh, no need to-" It was then that he recognized the gorgeous face in front of him. It was Jiwoo's mom.

Surprised, he looked down at her uniform. She works here? He pondered, his eyes searching further until they noticed the badge on her shirt. Yuna.

Embarrassed and nervous, Yoongi looked back up into her smiling eyes. "U-uh there's really no need-"

"It's alright, I have nothing to do anyway." She smiled, dismissing his statement as she bent down to help him pick up glass. "Also," She added, "do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar." Yoongi tensely chuckled, his injured hand heading behind him to rest on his blushing neck. "I-I'm the day-care teacher for Jiwoo." The face of the woman in front of him brightened significantly. "Oh, she talks about you so much!" She beamed. "She calls you- What is it again?"

"Mr Sugar."

"That's it!" She laughed. "She's pretty fond of you." She stated. "She says you said she was the top of the class or something. I'm glad she's doing that well." Yoongi gave her an uneasy smile. Just wait until she realises it was because of her. He thought to himself.

As he picked up some glass shards with his injured hand, he heard a gasp from beside him. "Your hand!" Yuna exclaimed, looking at the small cut that seemed to be bleeding pretty bad. She reached out to grab it, but Yoongi quickly pulled it back to his torso. "It's fine." He assured her. She shook her head as she put her hand out for him to place his in. "I need to treat it. Company policies." She told him as she flapped her fingers in gesture for him to show her his hand.

Hesitantly, he placed his hand in hers and watched as she scrutinized the cut. "Looks pretty bad." She commented.

"It's really not that bad-"

"Nonsense." Yuna tutted. "Come with me to the staff room and I'll get it fixed up." She pulled herself up from squatting position, hoisting him up as well. "I'll get John to clean this up."

She gestured for Jungkook to get up and follow them as she led Yoongi through the aisle and into the 'Staff only" area. It was only about the size of Yoongi's apartment bedroom, with a small kitchen decorated with appliances and a table beside it. She gestured for Yoongi and Jungkook to sit down at the small table as she brushed past them, hurrying towards a large red cupboard in the kitchen labelled, 'first aid'.

Yoongi sat down and watched as she rummaged through the small cupboard, pulling out some alcohol wipes, some gloves, and a Band-Aid. She came down to the table with the items in her hand and gestured for Yoongi to expose his hand again.

He looked past her actions of putting on gloves as his eyes rested on her soft expression and the sweet gentility in her eyes. He watched as she brushed back a tiny little curl of hair from her face with the back of her hand as she focused on his injury. He could only describe the action as highly attractive.

Yoongi quickly looked away when he noticed the woman's eyes on him. "My name's Yuna, by the way." She introduced, her deep irises searching his face.

"I'm Yoongi."

"Y and Y. Yuna and Yoongi." Her lips curved into a wide smile as she pointed out the similarities in their names. She nodded towards Jungkook. "Is this your brother?"

Yoongi shook his head as he turned to the brunette boy with a scathing glare that Yuna couldn't see as she was looking at his hand. "No, he's my cousin." Yoongi spat each word out at Jungkook, who looked down in sorrow.

"Oh, nice." She hummed, looking up at him again and taking in his odd hair colour. "Pink hair, huh?"

Yoongi nodded, not sure how he was going to explain to the woman why he had chosen pink. However, before he could excuse himself, she spoke.

"It's nice." She looked down at his hand again.

He felt relieved. He thought for sure that she was going to make some backhanded joke about it. "I'm glad." He answered.

She slowly peeled back the wrapping for the bandage, placing the sticky item on his injury. "There we are," She showed him the now fixed cut, "Good as new!"

"Wow!" Jungkook exclaimed as he looked at the cut, which was now covered in a Band-Aid. "Can I have a Band-Aid too?" Yoongi cringed in embarrassment at his adult cousin's antics. He was about to apologize for the boy but Yuna was already off her seat and in the first aid kit cupboard, fishing for another Band-Aid.

When she came back to put it on Jungkook, she had the most genuine smile on her face. There wasn't a hint of judgment or confusion in her coffee coloured eyes. It was almost as if she thought Jungkook being childish was the most normal thing in the world, and Yoongi couldn't stop himself from gaping in amazement.


"That'll be 192 dollars." The monotone sounding checkout worker said, causing Yoongi's eyes to widen as he looked at the bag of left over cookies from the jars that Jungkook had broken.

"192 dollars?!"

The checkout worker nodded, not particularly interested.

Yoongi on the other hand was panicking, not only did he only have $200 to spend on shopping, but there was also a line of expectant people glowering at him as he stood there, urging him to finish his turn. He hadn't even brought in his shopping cart yet.

"How could a couple of cookies be 192 dollars?!" He exclaimed, stressed out to the max by the scrutiny of the other customers and the price of the cookies in front of him.

The checkout worker sighed, turning to the checkout screen to read the individual prices out to him. "Granny Jane's traditional home baked cookies." He read slowly, "16 dollars each. You broke 12 jars." He gave Yoongi a bored frown as he turned to him. "That's 192 dollars in total."

The checkout worker's monotone voice stating the price of the cookies echoed in Yoongi's head as he carried the bag full of broken cookies out to the bus stop. I just spent 192 dollars on cookies. His mind couldn't even wrap around the idea.

"Thanks for getting these lucky charms, hyung. I was afraid you wouldn't get them." Jungkook beamed from beside Yoongi, hugging the cardboard box to his torso. Yoongi glanced at him before turning back to the bus stop, wishing it was all just a dream.

I just spent 196 dollars on cookies and lucky charms cereal.


Hello lovelies

How are you? Are you drinking your water because if not this gon be me coming to see you

Anyway, can I just rant about how hot it is here? 45 degrees Celsius. I am dying. We don't even have air-conditioning so that just doubles to the pain. I wake up, drenched in sweat  as if I had just been swimming in Niagara falls. Disgusting.

I don't even have aircon in my car. I go places with my hair all over the place because my option is either:

Don't wind down the window and die 


Wind down the window, live, and lose your hairstyle.

Every day is a bad hair day for me, is all im saying. 

And so, for hot days like this, I always take a cold shower, and every time I shock myself with the cold water, all I can think about is the scene in this book where Yoongi and Jungkook go for a cold shower, and I just follow Yoongi's advice. Put one limb in at a time, peoples. 

So yeah, what was your favourite part?

What do you think of Yuna? 

Here's a meme:

Yoongi every time Jungkook breathes:

Ok baiiii!

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