❀Chapter 8 ❀

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Raj – one of the small children of the day-care – was walking around aimlessly, trying to find someone to play with, when his eyes found someone huddled into a corner, crying. He couldn't see who it was, but it wasn't someone his size, no, it was someone big. Wandering over to the person, he discovered it was none other than the new leader, Mr Cookie, sobbing in the corner.

The fact a grown man would be crying at day-care confused Raj, especially since he was meant to be a teacher. Puzzled, Raj looked over to Mrs Moore, who was giggling with Tallulah and Jiwoo, his friends. He had never seen Mrs Moore cry. She was only ever happy.

Pursing his lips, Raj turned back to the whimpering man and decided maybe it was best to ask what was wrong. He approached the older man slowly, as if not to frighten the man, and tapped him on his shoulder. "Mr Cookie? Are you ok?" He asked gently, watching as the older man lifted his head from his hands, looking towards him with wide eyes.

Raj didn't expect that reaction. It seemed almost as if Mr Cookie was scared of him. Trying to reassure the man, Raj placed his hand on his chest to introduce himself. "I'm Raj and I'm three in December." He announced. Unfortunately that didn't seem to do anything as the man still watched him with big eyes.

Raj cringed to himself. Maybe he had said something wrong. Maybe he should just get straight to the point, seeing as though Mr Cookie probably already knew who he was.

But what could Mr Cookie be crying about? They were just about to have food so he shouldn't be sad about that, and there were lots of things to play with. Then it hit him. Maybe he should let Mr Sugar know. Raj put up his hand in Mr Cookies face as if to tell him to stop like a traffic controller. "Wait one minute! I'll be back!" He declared, before rushing off to find the short pink haired man.




Yoongi couldn't believe it was his first day and he already wanted to quit. Sitting there beside a hyperactive little boy who wouldn't eat his food didn't make it any better. Yoongi watched as the boy continuously jumped off his small coloured chair onto the ground and then climbed back unto the chair to repeat the action. Despite the amount of times Yoongi had told him to stop, the boy wouldn't stop.

Was there an off button somewhere on this kid? When was he going to get tired of jumping on and off a chair? What in the juvenile brain thought jumping on a chair was a fun activity?

Groaning, Yoongi repositioned himself on the small children's chair he was practically squatting on and turned to the dark haired girl beside him, who was obediently eating her food. "What's his name?" He asked her as he pointed a thumb in the direction of the misbehaving boy.

The girl put down her fork and motioned for him to wait while she finished chewing. "His name is Duane. My name is Roshana." She answered matter-of-factly.

"Wonderful." Yoongi responded curtly as he turned to the curly, ombre haired boy. "Duane, would you stop that please?" He asked the boy nicely, telling himself if the child did it again he could just send the boy to sit in the corner for the next three hours.

At the sound of his name, the curly haired boy looked towards him and stopped. Yoongi sighed in relief as he pushed the boy's plate of healthy snacks towards him. "Now, eat."

The boy gave Yoongi a squinted expression before plopping himself down into the seat. He pulled his plate further towards himself to inspect it. There wasn't much, just two little chicken nuggets and a small squirt of sauce beside some rice and cucumber. Yoongi thought it wasn't too bad, seeing as how in his childhood he remembered most of his school meals were butter on folded bread. Thinking about it now, Yoongi wondered where his father was really spending the money throughout his childhood, because it was not on his kids.

Yoongi watched the small boy pick at the food and wondered what he was doing. It wasn't until he saw the boy's facial expression that he noticed that Duane – unsurprisingly - did not like something on his plate. Yoongi caught the boy as he pulled some cucumber off his plate and threw it unto the table beside him.

"What did you do that for?" Yoongi asked with a frown, pointing to the rejected cucumber beside them.

"I don't like cucumber because daddy doesn't like it. He says it's something no one should eat."

"Is your daddy the president?" Yoongi asked, wondering where this man got off, telling people what they should and shouldn't eat. The man was installing bad eating habits in his child's mind, and Yoongi didn't like it. Through his childhood he had been told to eat whatever was put on the plate before him, and if not, there were consequences.

Yoongi guessed that had never happened to the little brat in front of him.

Duane shook his head no to Yoongi's question. "My daddy's a dancer."

"Well then maybe you should tell him to stop twinkling around like a ballerina and start eating the food that's put in front of him, huh?" Yoongi responded to the boy, who frowned in confusion.

Before the boy could speak, however, another little boy came bounding across the room yelling his name. "Mr Sugar! Mr Sugar!"

Yoongi turned towards the small dark haired boy running towards him. "Yes?"

"Mr Cookie is over there crying!" The boy shouted, causing all the children to turn to him as he urgently waved his finger towards a corner of the room where Yoongi could just make out a large silhouette.

Oh please, why. Yoongi groaned internally as he got up from his chair and made his way over to his sobbing cousin. Luckily, Mrs Moore had headed out to the office to do something earlier and had not seen the grown man have a mental breakdown in front of little kids. Yoongi couldn't imagine what he'd need to say as an excuse if she had.

Reaching Jungkook, Yoongi knelt down to the younger, his actions seeming kind but his facial expression looking more like he wanted to burn Jungkook's body to ashes with his eyes.

"Jungkook," He gritted through a fake smile, "What are you doing?"

Jungkook sniffled. "Hyung, there's too many kids. I'm scared."

"You're scared of little kids?" Yoongi gritted in disbelief, wanting nothing other than to smack his younger cousin over the head. "How old are you, five?"

"Twenty three." Jungkook pouted.

"Then start acting like it! Get your shit together!" Yoongi whisper-yelled to him, hoping the kids wouldn't hear. He shook his head in bewilderment before pulling himself up into standing position. He gave one last glare to Jungkook before turning to go back to the table. It was there however, that he noticed that every child from the class was now within a foot of him, silently staring at him as they had just been listening to everything Yoongi and Jungkook had said.

Would this day just end already?!




Lucky for Yoongi, it did end. The clock hit three and the children were gone, one by one, the last one being Duane, whose father had come late, juggling groceries and a small toddler in his arms as he constantly apologised for his tardiness. Obviously, the man was no dancer.

Yoongi and Jungkook had to catch the bus back to the apartment where the two men had soggy pizza and watched the damaged TV play with half the screen in static. The water in the shower was just what Yoongi needed to end his day. Disgusting.

Finally, it was time to get some much needed sleep. Yoongi had finished brushing his teeth, (using bottled water) and had reached his door when he heard his cousin call him.

"Hey Yoongi." There was Jungkook, on the couch, where he lay wrapped in a blanket. "Can I come back into the bed with you? I'm scared of the dark." Yoongi groaned as he grasped the door handle to the room, slamming it shut and leaving the younger out in the dark.

It must have been around 2am when Yoongi was awoken by the feeling of something touching his shoulder. When he opened his eyes, he was startled by the silhouette before him. Quickly, he lunged backwards into the bed with a yelp.

"Hey, it's just me!" The voice of the silhouette spoke, and Yoongi heaved a sigh of relief when he realised it was just Jungkook.

"What do you want, Jungkook?"

Jungkook fiddled his fingers nervously. "Can I come sleep in your bed? I'm scared."

Yoongi groaned loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "Jungkook we've talked about this..."

"I know Hyung, but you can't send me back out there. There was monsters and stuff."

"Jungkook, there's no monsters." Yoongi deadpanned. The boy still wouldn't move as he clung unto the fabric of Yoongi's shirt. "There was." The boy persisted. "He said his name was Gregory or something."

Yoongi frowned in confusion. "Greg-?" he stopped himself from speaking as he let out a loud sigh, knowing this conversation could continue forever. "Whatever, just get back in the bed and no talking or moving, got it?"

Jungkook nodded eagerly and jumped in beside Yoongi, squirming his way contentedly into the blanket.

How much longer is this going to last?


Ok, this one was long one. 

It was edited but it's like 1am here so I'm not sure how good the writing is going to be. 

What was your favorite part? 

Also I know, I know, you're probably wondering, 'why the heck is Duane in here?' and you'd be right by thinking that but I really really love Duane as a character, like I think I'm so attached to him he's almost like my own son and he's just so cute so I had to have him as a cameo. 

Anyway, to wherever you are reading from, Good morning or Good day or Good night:) 

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