Episode 20

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"Jungkook-ah! Come here brat, don't soak the carpet." Taehyung scolded as his voice slipped into dialect. "Who the fuck is that?" He then asked, looking down at the boy seemingly sleeping in Jungkook's arms.

"A friend." Jungkook simply said, quickly walking away to Taehyung's room where two futons were spread.

He placed Jimin down next to one of them, running a hand through his hair damp before making a quick decision.

Jimin semed passed out, probably from the cold, but he would definitely wake up sick if he didn't get dried. He sighed, crouching down next to the boy, hands going to the boy's shirt collar.

He slowly undid the buttons, face beet red, good thing Jimin's damp hair stuck to his pretty face. Though now that he noticed, it made things even worse as it stuck to his pretty face in elegant swirls.

He realised it would be hard to take his shirt off if his hands stayed cuffed.

"Tae, do you have plyers or something?" He called out.

"I swear to fucking god." Taehyung sighed before stomping around for a few seconds and finally arriving with a pair.

"Here- oh Jesus christ that dude is tatted UP." Taehyung said as he leaned against the door frame, watching Jungkook snap the chin between handcuffs after a few tries. "Didn't know you were the type to indulge in BDSM with tattooed dudes."

Jungkook turned to him, face almost purple at this point.

"Shut up! Don't misunderstand."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, walking back to the Tv. Though he did very much enjoy this new side of Jungkook he'd never seen before, and would surely tease him about it every occasion he got.

Jungkook cleared his throat as he peeled Jimin's shirt off his shoulders, revealing all of the beautiful drawings on his skin.

He traced Jimin's neck, finger going over the purple gladiolus.

Why am i doing this? He thought as he carried Jimin to the bathroom and got hot water running.

He shook the boy slightly, trying to get him to wake up. But he didn't. Jungkook sighed, slightly worried the boy was unconscious or in danger, and decided that if he didn't wake up after he was done warming him up, he'd call an ambulance.

Maneuvering Jimin's limp body with much difficulty, he managed to strip him down, and place him under the shower without staring. Trapping all his thoughts in the back of his mind as he carried the dripping Jimin back into his room, not minding how he got drenched in the process.

He dried Jimin's body hastily before pulling some loose underwear on his skin, finally being able to breath properly as the boy laid in his bed. Taking the towel again, he dried his body thorowly and dressed him in a pair of his sweatpants and a thick hoodie.

His body was warmer now, but his lips still looked alarmingly blue.

Jungkook was now in the small couch next to Taehyung, watching anime with him as he dried Jimin's hair with a towel. His arms hurt from carrying Jimin around so much, stretching his body out as Taehyung handed him a hair dryer, having plugged it beforehand.

Jungkook turned it on, checking if the temperature was warm enough before aiming it at Jimin's hair, running his hands through it to help it dry faster, all under the surprised eyes of Taehyung.

"Seriously dude, who is this guy?" Taehyung asked as he side glance the two. "Your boyfriend?"

"He's not!"Jungkook yelled, taking the towel he'd dried Jimin's hair with to his own hair. "Just a classmate."

JImin stirred at the loud sound, turning around from his seat on the floor in front of the couch to rest his head against Jungkook's thigh, snuggling his cheek in his sweatpants and hugging it with his arm.

"Right" Taehyung teased as he looked at the boy suggestively. "Just a classmate."

"He is!" Jungkook yelled again, face still crimson.

That was the last straw for Jimin, who sat up, turning around as he rubbed his eyes.

They widened when he saw who he was with, eyes focusing on Jungkook. He didn't realise his mouth had fallen open slightly, something he never did.

"Yah! is that a tongue piercing!" Taehyung exclaimed with a large smile. "How sexy."

Jimin looked away, rubbing at the back of his head. Well, he had been found out already, might as well talk.

"Uhm, Where are we?" He asked, Jungkook surprised at how soft his voice was.

His eyes widened as Jimin tucked strands of hair behind his ear, revealing his piercings. This guy really was a box full of surprises.

"Me and my brother's place. Jungkook's staying over though, you too i guess." The man said. "I'm Taehyung by the way."

"I'm Park Jimin." He said, playing with one of the loose cuffs around his wrist. "Nice to meet you."

"So are you Jungkook's kinky boyfriend or what?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin snorted, surprising Jungkook with how comfortable he was. He'd always assumed he was shy, apparently not.

"No, he's in my class." He said.

"Then why do you have handcuffs on? are you a runaway criminal or something?"

Jungkook smacked his friend, not wanting to pry a touchy subject.

Jimin looked down, eyes glistening with something very sad. Yeah that was definitely a touchy subject.

"i guess you could say that"

thanks for always commenting and voting :)

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