Episode 22

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"Well, this is my house." Jimin said softly, turning to Jungkook with another one of those saddening fake smiles.

The younger nodded, holding the umbrella on top of Jimin's head until he finally managed to unlock the door without dropping the box full of kittens.

"Take care." Jungkook mumbled as Jimin was about to walk inside the house. He looked down at the wet pavement as he bit on the inside of his cheek. "Or whatever."

Jimin chuckled, getting the sudden urge to ruffle the younger's hair. Instead he nodded, waving one last time before closing the door behind him.

It had all felt slightly surreal, having Jungkook be so nice?

He would have never guessed him to be the shy and blushy type of guy, but he found it cute. Jungkook's image had gone from aggressive asshole to big stubborn baby.

"Jimin-ah." A gentle voice called as his mother appeared, a cool patch on her cheek, form fitting black shirt and baggy sweatpants.

Jimin looked down, bowing deeply as he extended his hands holding the box of kittens in front of him.

"I'm really sorry." He said in the most formal korean he could muster, his lips trembling as tears built up in his eyes.

He heard a soft sigh, before the box of kittens was lifted from his hands and placed on the ground next to them.

Two small hands took his own, pulling him into a tight hug.

His mother was around his height, maybe a little taller, but nevertheless wrapped her arms around his shoulder as if he had been a child, guiding his head to the safety of the crook of her neck.

Her hands stroked his long hair, getting trapped in a few nots and untangling them softly as he breathed in her calming perfume, his own hands wrapping around her waist tightly.

"Listen Jimin-ah." She said softly. "You are one of the kindest people i know. You-... You were diagnosed with Explosive disorder 4 years ago, and have been battling with it ever since. You've come a long way Jimin, don't let this bring you down."

His arms wrapped tighter around her, holding her as if she'd disappear if he let her go, sobbing into her shoulder as she continued to stroke his hair and hold him just as securely.

"You shouldn't bottle everything Jimin, it just triggers your anger more. What happened? Why were you mad?" She tried loosening the hug in order to face him, but he only buried his face closer to her skin.

She sighed. "We know some kids have been bothering you, makeup doesn't cover everything Min-ah."

He choked on a sob.

Despite all his attempts to be the perfect son his parents deserved, he was still a weak being who couldn't even control his own body and mind. He'd caused his parents so much trouble, had cost them so much money, why couldn't he do one thing right for once?

"We love you Jimin-ah, we love you so much." Chaeyoung whispered as she planted a soft kiss to his hair. "We don't want to see you hurt."

"If you need to defend yourself you can." Her voice wavered as she sniffled slightly. "You don't-... Jimin you can't just let it happen, you don't deserve to be hurt. You-... Whatever happened with Minjung shouldn't hold you back from being happy."

She was crying too now, one of her hands flying to her eyes to wiped them softly, careful not to smudge her mascara.

"But i hurt him mom." Jimin sobbed. "He can't be happy so why should I?"

Chaeyoung ripped her son off her, holding his shoulders tightly as she poured her meaningful gaze into his, both of their eyes teary, mascara stains running down hers.

"Yes Jimin, You hurt him." She said, shaking his shoulder slightly. "But you hurt him four years ago. The Jimin who hurt Minjung four years ago and the Jimin I'm talking to right now are not the same people."

Jimin sobbed.

"You're not a monster JImin." She said, almost threateningly. "You are a human being with a heart and feeling who is just as deserving of love and happiness as anyone else." She yelled.

"You like green tea mochi, you watched every single episode of sailor moon, you watch taekwondo and karate tournaments with dad, you like tricking and fighting against dad, you're very bad at uno, you're top of your grade in school..." She yelled again. "You're nothing like the Jimin of four years ago who barely managed to pass his classes. What you did to Minjung was an accident! You were letting your disorder control your actions."

"But i did it again!" It was Jimin's turn to yell. "I hurt you, I'm no different than what i was four years ago, I'm nothing but a monster who sends people to the h-"

"No Jimin!" Chaeyoung roared. "You are not a monster. You punched me Jimin, yes, you did hurt me. You lost control. You fucked up. Now what are you going to do about it, mhm?"

"I-I-I" He couldn't managed words as thoughts jumbled, eyes darting everywhere on the floor as tears poured down his eyes.

"We'll call Dr Yunbin," Chaeyoung said after a soft sigh, having found her composure again. "We'll get you a session and you can work on what's been happening alright?"

He nodded.

She dragged her finger under his eyes softly, wiping the tears away, before placing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"For now i just want you to take it slow alright?" She whispered. "Don't endure everything, talk to us. And please, please don't let others hurt you. The more you let them hurt and the more it's going to build up in here again." She tapped his chest softly.

He nodded again, sniffling as she pushed his hair out of his face.

"Alright, I'll run you bath, why don't you take these new addition to the family to the living room and introduce them to you father, mhm?"

He nodded wordlessly and she wrapped her arms around him one last time, rubbing circles over his back.

"Go on then." And she left to walk upstairs, as he rubbed his eyes and took his shoes off before taking the box of kittens and walking upstairs as well.

damn it now I want a box of kittens...

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