Episode 28

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Jimin was walking down the hallways, his advanced science class finally being over leaving him with tired eyes and a fried brain.

As much as he loved the class and found to be interesting, it was really tough, especially because it was at the very end of the day.

He was clearing his backpack at his locker, taking out all the heavy textbooks he wouldn't need to take home, when Yeongsu walked down the hallway, seemingly in a bad mood judging by his furrowed eyebrows and hurried step.

"Yeongsu-hyung?" Jimin called worriedly as he looked at the boy who's face seemed battered up. His cheek was red and his lip was open.

The boy stayed silent, sighing slightly before he wrapped him up in a hug, squeezing him tightly. His arms were firmly laced around his waist, head buried in Jimin's neck.

Jimin froze up, hands awkwardly raised next to him, not sure how to react to the sudden outburst of affection, before they settled to wrap around the taller's back, patting it softly.

They stayed unmoving for a few seconds, Jimin growing more and more worried for his new friend. The older then loosed his arms, grabbing Jimin's shoulders and pulling him away for them to face each other.

"You smell really good!" Yeongsu said, face now graced with a large smile. "What shampoo do you use?"

Jimin looked at his face worriedly, feeling a small pinch at his heart at how Yeongsu had recomposed so fast. He sighed, before opening his locker again to fetch his first aid kit, ignoring the older's pointless attempt to change the subject.

He pulled Yeongsu to sit down across from him, next to the empty lockers. He scooted closer to him, taking a cotton swab from his box to wipe some of the blood off.

"Do you always have that in your locker?" Yeongsu asked.

Jimin hummed. "It's always useful."

Yeongus sighed, feeling guilty for all the people who were unfortunate enough to have fallen in the viewfinder of the school's resident assholes.

"Hey Jimin." there was another hum. "Are you actually gay?"

Jimin's hand froze on his cheek, eyes meeting Yeongsu's, looking into them for a few seconds before he looked continued treating his wound.

"I am." He said, taking a bandaid and pressing it under Yeongsu's lip.

"Is it hard?" Yeongsu asked.

"To be gay?"

Yeongsu hummed, looking down as the younger tidied his medical kit, placing the antiseptic back in its place next to the box of bandaids.

"Not really. I'm just...attracted to guys."

"Are you attracted to me?"

Jimin snorted, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No." He smiled. "would you want me to be?"

"Nah, i'm good." Yeongsu laughed.

They walk back to Jimin's house together, the younger promising he would attend his father's class with Yeongsu to keep him company.


Jungkook knocked on the door of the house, being sure enough this had been the place he'd dropped Jimin off the last time.

He'd impulsively ridden his bike to the familiar place because Taehyung and Yoongi were in an argument, and with what had happened with Yeongsu at the club he just didn't want to be in another fight again.

He'd thought of going to Hoseok's, but he lived with five other sibling and the household was very loud. Seokjin was probably already there, so he was out of the question as well.

It was in times like these Jungkook realized just how little friends he had.

A woman opened the door, slightly shorter than him, clad in a black shirt that revealed multiple tattoos across her skin, reminding him of her son.

Her dark eyes bore into Jungkook's, almost coldly, an intimidating aura floating all around her. She resembles him a lot, especially her lips and the dark gaze.

"Um.. Is Jimin home?" He asked softly, regretting coming here and actually knocking.

"Are you a friend of his?" She asked, eyes seemingly lighting up as she didn't hesitate to let him inside.

"A classmate." He said quietly.

"Well, he isn't here yet but he should come back, he went running." She explained, a large smile on her lips that reminded him of her son, her intimidating aura completely forgotten as she lead him to Jimin's room.

"I have to work, but you can wait for him here." She said as she opened the door, and with one last smile, she left him to awkwardly stand within the four walls.

The room was completely plastered in poster, little knick knacks on every single corner of his desk and shelves, from figurines of his favourite anime characters, to seashells and rocks.

His walls were covered in train tickets, receipts and pictures. Somehow Jungkook had the impression he was allowed a sneak peek into Jimin's mind.

He had sailor moon poster clipped next to UFC fighters and singers.

A lot of photos, though never really of him, rather of skies and his parents.

The door opened, snapping him out of his thoughts as he turned towards Jimin, throat constricting at the sight.

He was all red from his run, hair pulled back in a ponytail though a few strands fell over his eyes damp in sweat, a white shirt revealing his tattoos completely soaked and sticking to his skin.

"Oh Jungkook." He said, entering the room further. "What're you doing here?"

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