Episode 30

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"You're late." Hoseok said with crossed arms as he leant against the wall.

It was a cloudy day, the usually blue spring sky clothed in a thin layer of gray, casting a dull light on the city streets. Hoseok seemed to be a pop of colour with his vintage windbreaker, though his face wasn't graced with his usual bubbly smile

Seokjin pouted comically, leaning down slightly and tilting his head to the side with big puppy eyes.

"Sorry Seok-ah," He said in a babied voice. "I'll buy the popcorn?"

Hoseok looked down at him with still furrowed eyebrows, not falling easily for his boyfriend's tricks. That was until he leant forward to place a short peck on his lips, placing his hands on Hoseok's forearms that were folded to his chest.

"Come on," Seokjin whined; "We'll miss the movie if you continue being petty."

Hoseok scoffed. "So i'm being petty?"

Seokjin rolled his eyes, grabbing Hoseok's hand and pulling him towards the entrance of the theatre. It was the perfect day to go to the movies, with the bad weather outside, they wouldn't be missing much.

They got their tickets checked, Hoseok having bought them prior to the date, and headed towards the snack bar. There the older selected a can of sprite and a large tub of spicy popcorn before turning to Hoseok, who now had a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Done throwing your little tantrum?" Seokjin teased with a soft smile as he made his way towards the cash register with Hoseok at his side.

The younger simply smiled, leaning down to place nother kiss to Seokjin's plump lips.

"Why were you even late?"

"Do you think i woke up like this?" Seokjin joked, raising his brows as he pointed to his face. Hoseok snorted, knowing very well Seokjin had probably rolled out of bed a little too late.

"Now then, let's go watch this fucking movie." Seokjin said loudly, marching towards the room indicated on their ticket, Hoseok chuckling at his antics and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.


"I hated that movie." Seokjin almost spat as they walked down to the mall for some shopping.

"I didn't think it was that bad." Hoseok smiled, his hand sliding into the elder's and holding it softly.

"It was so unrealistic! No gay couple ever acts like that, and their relationship was so toxic!" Seokjin argued, not seeming to mind his boyfriend holding his hand. "I mean come on! Do you find it sexy for someone to be overly protective? I mean damn let your girl have some space!"

"I don't know Jinnie, i have no idea how girls function." Hoseok shrugged, very amused by how passionate his boyfriend was being. "But I think it'd be hot if you got jealous."

Seokjin's head whipped to the side, casting him a disbelieving gaze.

"For real? You'd think it's hot for me to be mad at you for having friends?"

Hoseok laughed. "Well, maybe not to that extent, but come on, wouldn't you be mad if someone started hitting on me?"

"No, i would feel flattered that someone else recognised you're hot, but i would trust you to say you have an insanely handsome boyfriend whom you love very much."

Hoseok snorted.

"I guess that's fair."

They continued walking down the street hand in hand, admiring the new clothes on display and buying a bunch of street food until their stomachs hurt.

Seokjin smirked at all the looks they got, probably from Hoseok being dressed so colourfully with his jacket and light washed jeans, standing out greatly within the black and grays of other people's trench coats.

He enjoyed walking down the street with him because he was handsome, even more so because he didn't realise how much he looked like an idol.

Surprised morphed on Hoseok's smooth features as he looked across the shopping street, eyes going to look for what had earned such a reaction to meet two guys he didn't recognise.

One was walking down the street, thin eyes looking at the ground as he was seemingly being dragged around by another male, slightly taller than him with a bright, boxy smile.

"Yoongi-hyung?" Hoseok called out, getting the attention of both boys and his boyfriend, who was now sure the slightly short individual with a resting bitch face and a hoop snuggly cuffing his bottom lip in its middle was the one who had caught th younger's attention.

"Hoseok?" The older smiled, walking over to the other two, followed by the other boy closely.

"I didn't know you got out?" Hoseok smiled, Seokjin looking at him questioningly. "How've you been, it's been what? four years?"

"Yeah i've been alright i guess." Yoongi said. "Trying to get back into a normal life you know."

Hoseok nodded, clearing his throat as an awkward silence fell onto the small group.

"Ah!" He suddenly smiled widely, turning to Seokjin and wrapping an arm to bring him forward. "This is Seokjin, my boyfriend."

Yoongi chuckled softly bowing down to the taller male, noting how comically large his shoulders were.

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Yoongi, Hoseok's..." He looked at the other for a split second, throwing him a hesitant look.

Before the pause got awkward, Hoseok cut him off with a reassuring smile.

"My ex."

Seokjin nodded, seemingly unaffected by the news and bowing to Yoongi as well before turning to the other male by his side. The other boy however, looked between the said Yoongi and Hoseok with wide eyes.

"This is Taehyung." Yoongi said as well, pushing the boy forward.

Hoseok smiled widely, "Ah! Your brother talked about you a lot, it's nice to finally meet you."

"Oh! Taehyung?" Seokjin seemed to perk up, turning to the boy. "Do you know a certain Jeon Jungkook by any chance?"

The boy nodded, his face suddenly lighting up in realisation.

"Yeah he kinda lives with us, you guys go to his school right?" He asked, pointing fingers from Hoseok to Seokjin and back

"Yup! We're his best friends." Seokjin boasted, puffing his chest like a toddler as he smiled proudly.

"No way in hell, we're his best friends." Taehyung said, also puffing his chest and taking a challenging step closer to Seokjin.

As the two started bickering, Hoseok casted a worried look at Yoongi, who was only smiling at the two.

He hadn't seen him in four years, but it seemed like he'd grown past his trauma, smiling light heartedly at his brother easily making a new friend. The two had broken up on good terms because Yoongi felt like he actually wasn't ready to get involved in a relationship despite what he'd taught, and Hoseok had done his best to understand.

It was nice to see he was doing well.

"Yah! You've met Park Jimin too?!" Seokjin exclaimed, snapping Hoseok out of his daze to look at his boyfriend.

"Yeah! Jungkook brought him home once." Taehyung shrugged, both Hoseok and Seokjin's eyes growing wide as the looked at him dumbfounded.

"He what?" Seokjin almost yelled. "That little shit! I knew he liked Jimin but i didn't think he'd already made a move."

"oh no he's totally in denial." Taehyung said. "But yeah he definitely likes the guy."

"Park Jimin?" Yoongi suddenly asked, jumping into the conversation. "Short, plump lips and tattoos Jimin?"

"yeah, you know him? Another one of your hot exes you didn't tell me about." Taehyung said, head whipping to his side as looked at his brother accusingly.

Hoseok laughed awkwardly, flattered but not sure how to respond as Seokjin smiled proudly, throwing an arm around his shoulders and pulling him closer. That is until, what Yoongi had said really hit his brain.

He turned back to the man, eyebrows slightly knitted.

"Wait since when does Jimin have tattoos?" He asked, turning to Hoseok as well.

"It's been awhile, he got admitted in the center when he was...thirteen? and he already had some. We shared the same bed there, he was top bunk and i was bottom bunk"

"Is that some kind of sex analogy?" Taehyung asked, earning a slap on the back of his head and a roll of his brother's eyes.

"No fucktard, we were literally sharing a bunk bed. We were kids, come on."

The couple snickered at the siblings' antics.

"Park Jimin, went to the same child detainment center?" Hoseok asked in disbelief, a small smile playing at his lips. "What did he do, step on his cat's tail?"

"No, i think he was admitted for violence against his school mate." Yoongi said, eyes darting to the side as his lips pouted slightly.

"Jimin?" Seokjin snorted. "violence?"

"Yeah, he was a really tough kid you know. He got into fights all the time, and he's a really good fighter too, his dad is a trainer for a lot of martial arts. He sent a guard to the hospital once, so he was moved to the isolation room and i never saw him again."

Hoseok and Seokjin looked at each other with disbelief heavy in their eyes.


sorry for this unannounced hiatus, hope everyone is doing well
and as always, I hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter :)

Oh and thanks for 3k!!

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