Episode 32

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"Jimin, could you come to the teacher's office please?" Mrs Han, his advanced math teacher said with her usual kind smile.

Jimin nodded, quickly packing the remainder of his things before throwing his bag over his shoulder and stepping outside of the classroom, the rest of his classmates finishing their conversations behind him.

He walked down the busy hallways, swiftly dodging other students who apparently weren't as aware of their surroundings as he was. For the first time in what felt like forever, his eyes left the ground to stare in front of him.

It was finally lunch break. Students were chatting amongst themselves loudly as they poured through the halls to go hang out at their favourite spot, go to their lockers or purchase a snack from the vending machines.

Instead of going to eat away from everyone in one of the staircases no one really went to during lunch, he decided to look for Yeongsu and Namjoon, who were probably in line at the cafeteria to buy a sandwich or kimbap.

Fortunately, Namjoon stood out like a sore thumb from his 1.80 m stature (6ft), Jimin had no difficulty spotting his head popping above the other students.

He went to tap his shoulder, finding Yeongsu glued to his side, as per usual.

"Jimin-ah!" Namjoon smiled. "Planning to buy something?"

The tall boy moved over slightly, letting Jimin see the variety of lunches the school offered, but he shook his head.

"I just wanted to come eat with you guys." Jimin answered, mumbling his words slightly to make sure no one noticed his piercing.

"Eyy, shorty is here to join us." Yeongsu exclaimed, wrapping an arm around the younger, jolting slightly as he got a flick to the forehead.

They both walked towards an empty table, Jimin smiled when he caught Jaebyul's eyes as she ate with her friends happily.

"Namjoon-hyung, you're good at math right?" Jimin asked, taking out his lunch as Namjoon sat in across from him, next to Yeongsu.

"I guess." He answered, Yeongsu's head snapping to look at him.

"I guess?!" He asked in disbelief. "You're literally first in our grade!"

Jimin chuckled, getting out a math test he had been handed back a few days prior. He had done well, as usual, but had messed up one of the questions and didn't understand his mistake.

The teacher had said the test was a little harder than usual, just to test their limits, which had caused most of the students to score lower than they usually did, including Jimin.

Namjoon read over the sheet of paper as he ate the kimbap he had just bought from the cafeteria. His eyes scanning over Jimin's messy handwriting.

"Your handwriting is so fucking messy." He said, squinting his eyes to understand best. "But, basically here.."

He pointed to the paper, placing the paper on the able to explain JImin's mistake to him, the younger nodding his head as the knots slowly loosened in his head until he fully understood.

"As expected from the best senior." Jimin said with a wide smile as he took his paper. "Thanks hyung."

With that he stood up.

"Leaving us already?" Yeongsu joked.

"I need to go to the teacher's office." Jimin answered, waving at them with a smile before running out of the cafeteria.

"Isn't he so cute." Yeongsu asked, turning to Namjoon.

"I guess?"

"Thanks hyung." Yeongsu teased, imitating Jimin's higher pitched voice.

"Ew stop it, you're not doing Jimin justice."

"He's slowly growing on you uh?"

"Yeah, he's a cool kid."


"Ah Jimin," Mrs Han smiled. "Come here."

Jimin stood awkwardly in front of his teacher's desk, fidgeting with his fingers nervously as his eyes darted around the room to every single teacher who could potentially notice one of his tattoos or piercings and make a fuss about it.

"Do you know why i asked for you?"

He shook his head.

"Jimin," She sighed. "Why don't you speak?"

He stayed silent. She sighed again, looking down at her desk and spinning a red pen around her fingers.

"Listen, the staff have been very accepting because we thought you had some kind of disability or disorder." She looked up to him gently. "And you've been an exemplary student, so we didn't bother asking. But lately we've seen you interact with some schoolmates."

Jimin looked down at his shoes, shieling his bored eyes with his long hair.

"You can't just get away with not participating in school activities you don't like. That includes presentation but also you gym class i heard you've been skipping."

He nodded.

"This is a warning, Jimin."

He nodded again, and she sighed, running a hand through her hair and dismissing him with a movement of her hand. Jimin turned around and left, clutching the straps of his backpack, eyes back to staring at the ground.

He was only in Junior year of high school, meaning he still had a little over a year of hiding his tattoos and piercings. Now that he was talking around with his friends, he had no more excuse not to answer teachers when they asked him questions.

If one of them noticed his piercing, worst case scenario would be them asking him to take it out or send him to detention everyday until he did. If they saw his tattoos though, worst case scenario would be expelling him from the school for tainting it's image.

One of his hands flew to his mouth as he bit his thumb nail, thoughts brewing harshly.

He could afford to take out his tongue piercing that wasn't that much of a problem even though he would rather not (they cost him his allowance!), but getting expelled was out of the question. However, if he continued skipping gym class it could affect his student records and lower his chances of getting in a good college. But then again he couldn't afford to buy full coverage foundation for his entire body either-

"Oof." Jimin stumbled as his shoulder hit someone else's, his spiral of thoughts snapping.

"Oh, Park Jimin." A voice he didn't recognise called, making his eyes snap to the boy.

Kim Seokjin was looking at him with a kind smile, Hoseok and Jungkook standing on either side of him.

Jimin bowed down, about to walk away when one of the third years caught his arm.

"Hold on." Hoseok said. "Can i ask you something?"

Jimin seemed confused, probably at why these upperclassmen were suddenly talking to him casually when they had never even greeted each other before. Not that he minded, it was just a weird change of pace seeing as most of the school knew he didn't really talk.

Nevertheless he nodded, facing the olde. His eyes darted behind him to the slightly taller Jungkook.

He suppressed a smile at the constant mean look etched on his features, thinking he would definitely get wrinkles between his brows from furrowing them all the time.

"Do you know someone called Min Yoongi?" Hoseok asked.

Jimin had to give it some thought, but his body suddenly stiffened in realisation.

Min Yoongi was that quiet boy who used to annoy the absolute shit out of him back in the institution. He was always so quiet and passive, rolling his eyes everytime Jimin tried to provoke him.

"I don't." Jimin answered, shrugging Hoseok's hand away from his arm and walking away quickly.

"He definitely does." Seokjin said when the boy turned the corner.

"Yup." Hoseok nodded.

"Does that mean he really went to a child detention center?" The eldest asked.

"A what?" Jungkook snapped.


hello my friends!
Today is my last day with the internet before a two week long break. (Ceux qui sont dans les scoutes belges savent mdr)

I'm posting two chapters to make up for the ones I had planned for each Wednesday (yes I had an update schedule before covid 19 fucked my space-time continuum)

Enjoy :)

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