Episode 35

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He couldn't let the thoughts plague his mind as he was pulled inside the familiar house.  The adrenaline pulsing through his veins made all his senses feel alert.

The sizzling sound of meet against a grill filled his ears, and a comforting smell of homemade cooking floated around.

Jimin tugged at his arm, leading down a flight of stairs Jungkook had never seen. They both ended up in a spacious room covered in tatamis, but Jungkook was still too stunned to react.

"Wait here."Jimin said, walking to a corner of the room and getting a large plastic box.

He placed it at Jungkook's feet and placed both of his hands on the other's shoulders, pushing him to sit down.

I looked like his soul had completely vanished from his body. His eyes were glossy and his mouth hung open slightly.

"Come here." Jimin said softly as he placed his hand on the back of Jungkook's neck, pulling his face closer.

He dabbed the cotton to Jungkook's under eye, where he had a small cut. The slight pain of alcohol against his open skin seemed to wake him up from his trans, his eyes suddenly focusing on Jimin.

"What... is happening?" He asked, feeling slightly dizzy. His hands fell limply to his sides, his whole body seemed like it was melting to the ground.

Jimin smiled softly, trying to lighten the mood and reassure Jungkook that whatever had happened was over. He placed a princess peach bandaid on his cheek and gently ran his thumb over the design.

"What business did you have with those guys?"

Jungkook looked away.

"Friends of my dad." He said shortly. "I owe him money."

Jimin hummed, but didn't say anything. He simply kept cleaning Jungkook's wounds, occasionally grabbing his chin to turn his head. Each time, it made Jungkook's heart stutter.

Jimin shook his head to get a strand of hair out of his eyes, then blew it out of his face again.

Jungkook found it cute.

"Jimin-ah?" A voice interrupted. "You brought a boy home and didn't think to tell me?"

They turned to the entrance, where Jimin's mother stood. Clad in black sweatpants and a long black shirt, leaning against the doorframe and looking down at the boys with teasing eyes.

But when she carefully took a look at the bruised up guest, her hands flew to cover her mouth.

"Oh my! sweetie!" She exclaimed, rushing towards them. "What happened to the both of you?"

Jimin smiled reassuringly.

"We ran into some trouble on the way home"

The woman furrowed her eyebrows, lips pursing in a displeased pout. Jimin simply kept his smile, she sighed, and placed a kiss to Jimin's exposed forehead.

"I'll be finishing up dinner, let your little friend fix you up yeah?" She winked.

Jimin nodded, not acknowledging the suggestive smile she gave him as she  looked back at Jungkook.

"Sorry about my mom," He said as he turned back to the younger. "That's her way of inviting you to dinner."

Jungkook clenched his jaw as Jimin pressed a little too hard on a wound, dry swallowing the wince that pinched his insides.

His eyes were casted down slightly, looking at Jimin's hand that was resting limply on his knee.

His knuckles were sill slightly red from the few punches he had thrown, and he seemed to have lasting scars around them. It was the first time Jungkook noticed how calloused Jimin's small hands were.

Not resisting the urge and mind slightly foggy from all of the days events, he gently touched Jimin's hand with the very tip of his fingers.

Jimin looked down from his nursing to Jungkook's hand on his own, following it as it traced the red skin softer than Jimin would have deemed him capable of.

His eyes looked back up to Jungkook silently, wondering what the hell had gotten into the shy and hot blooded classmate to suddenly caress his hand like it was a butterfly's wing.

"Batman or Pokemon?" Jimin asked, eager to change the weirdly intimate mood that had settled around them.

He quickly pulled his hand away from Jungkook's and handed two different bandaids to the younger.

Jungkook also seems to snap out of whatever mood he had gotten into, his eyebrows knitting into a frown. He glared at the bandaids, then at Jimin.

"You think i'm going to wear that?" He spat, snapping out of his daze.

"Well you already have a princess peach bandaid on your cheek, might as well." Jimin shrugged, disappointed that Jungkook was back to being his usual self.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, and pushed Jimin away, suddenly feeling very angry he'd been saved by the school's nerd.

"I don't need your help." He said, slapping a hand on his cheek to cover the princess peach bandaid.

"Seemed like you did." Jimin answered as he carefully tidied the bandaids

"Well I didn't." Jungkook grumbled, standing up. "I had the situation under control."

"Sure you did." Jimin scoffed slightly, speaks of silver flickering between his thick lips.

Jungkook huffed, walking way, stomping almost, before he realised he had no idea where he was going and was walking straight into wall.

His cheeks heated up in both embarrassment and anger as he straightened up, clearing his throat and turning around.

Jimin had a small expectant smile on his features and a raised eyebrow, clearly enjoying the show, his arms folded over his chest.

"Where's the exit?" Jungkook gritted, not meeting Jimin's eyes as he looked down with his beet red face.

"That way." Jimin sais as he pointed at both their pairs of shoes on the side of the room.

Jungkook huffed again and raced out of the room, almost tripping as he grabbed his shoes, all under the amused eyes of Jimin.


thanks for all the support on the last chapter :)

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