Episode 38

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Jungkook shifted his weight from one foot to the other uncomfortably, biting at his lip as he looked at the doorbell hesitantly.

It was already late in the afternoon, he was still sweaty from his MCSC practice, warm light fell upon his glistening skin and casted orange hues over his already tanned skin.

A battle was being fought in his head, either ring the damn doorbell or leave.

If he left, he'd keep the image his father and himself had created, but if he rung the doorbell, he would prove to his father and himself that his willpower wasn't that strong.

He ran a hand through his hair anxiously. A few months ago, the thought wouldn't have taken a second to process. He would have left.

But he had changed. He wasn't the hot blooded nutcase he was at the beginning of the year, a mere medal winning machine.

He listened to his thoughts more, and accepted them as what they were instead of constantly repressing them in fear of ruining the man his father and society wanted him to be.

Fuck. Jimin is seriously getting to me.

He tried to reason with himself, hitting the side of his head a few times to clear his thoughts. But realisation was slowly setting in, and although he didn't want to admit it to himself yet, so were his feelings.

Suddenly, the door opened, stopping his train of thoughts abruptly as he looked up to meet the curious eyes of his classmate.

"Jungkook?" Jimin called, and Jungkook felt a wave of warmth spread through his body.

"Jimin." He said, in one stunned breath.

Jungkook swallowed dryly. Jimin had already changed from his school uniform, his cardigan left for a loose shirt and his slacks for a pair of shorts. Slides at his feet and half his hair up, leaving a few strands in front of his eyes, a trash bag in hand, Jimin looked like he had absolutely no time to worry about his appearance.

Yet he looked so pretty.

His thighs sure looked luscious in those small shorts, his hair revealed his earrings and he had the cutest, surprised expression on his face.

"Come in." He said, and Jungkook had the urge to cry.

Jimin was still willing to let him inside his house regardless of how much of an asshole he'd been at school.

Seeing as Jungkook didn't seem to move, the older sighed and grabbed ahold of Jungkook's wrist, leaving the trash in front of the house and pulling the boy inside.

He lead him to his room, but Jungkook could only think of the feeling of Jimin's firm hand on his skin.

Tears prickled at his eyes again.

I want to enjoy this.

"Jungkook-ah, are you alright?" Jimin asked, both of them sitting on his bed, legs dangling from the side and hands still linked between them.

The tear that fell down Jungkook's eye answered for him, and Jimin didn't hesitate.

He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's broad shoulders, gently guiding his face in the crook of his neck.

"You can cry." Jimin said. "Cry all you want."

And that was just what Jungkook needed to let go of the last bit of resolve he had left.

He let out a choked sob. Tears flooded his eyes, falling down his cheeks and wetting Jimin's thin shirt. His hands slowly rose up to wrap about Jimin's thin waist, pulling him closer.

He got a whiff of Jimin's sent just before his nose was flooded with snot. It was a soothing mix of passion fruit and laundry detergent.

Why is he so perfect? Jungkook thought as sobs racked through his body.

As much as he wanted to ignore his growing feelings for his classmate and friend (?), there was just no way he could continue to lie to himself.

He liked Jimin.
He was gay.
There was no way his father or his friends would accept him.

That was his reality.

His hands gripped on Jimin's shirt tightly as he gasped for hair, feeling the older's fingers gently rack through his hair.

At this point he was almost sprawled on Jungkook's lap, their bodies flush against each other's, Jimin's knee on the mattress as he leaned onto him.

"Let it out, let it out." Jimin whispered softly, and Jungkook cried even harder.

It was the very first time he could cry freely, without worrying about his father walking in on him or others making fun of him.

It felt good. Relieving, like he could finally take a gulp of air after holding his breath for so long.

Jungkook loosened his grip, wiping his eyes, and sniffling, before dipping a hand in his pocket.

"I know you like sailor moon." He said in his course voice, handing Jimin a crumpled piece of paper.

The other accepted it with a small smile, sitting back down. Jungkook missed the warmth of his embrace.

He unfolded the paper, before gasping slightly.

"Wah Jungkookie!" He exclaimed with twinkles in his eyes. "Did you draw this?"

Jungkook nodded, keeping his eyes on Jimin as if he didn't want to miss a second of his favourite movie.

As he looked at the boy who had saved him just yesterday, the one who had fought against five adults and won, get so excited over a simple fan art of sailor moon, he felt his definition of a good man change.

"Thank you!" And Jimin threw his arms around Jungkook again. "I love it."

Jungkook felt a smile crack at his lips. He expected Jimin to let him go shortly but he kept his arms around him for a few seconds, before loosening his grip.

Jimin's rough hands cupped both of Jungkook's cheeks as he looked into his eyes.

"If you ever want to talk about whatever has you crying, or anything else, I'll listen." Jimin said.

But Jungkook almost didn't register his words. His eyes were trained on Jimin's lips, looking at them move with his words.

He licked his own, looking up to Jimin's eyes when he finished his sentence and nodding slowly, but his eyes were quickly drawn back to his lips.

Before he could lose himself into Jimin further, a small miaow came from the bed, and little paws climbed on his thighs.

Jimin's hand left his cheeks and he sat back down again, their faces growing apart.

"Sunday is here to say hi." Jimin said, running his hands over the cats head with a soft smile.

Jungkook looked at him and sighed slightly. There was simply no way he could ignore the flips his heart did anytime he saw Jimin.

Jimin had created a safe place, a home.

is anyone going to talk about how Wooyoung fcking snapped in inception?
Also thanks for 5k :))

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