Episode 42

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"Jimin-ah" his father called from the doorway to the dojo.

"Mhm?" Jimin hummed from his seat in the couch reading one of the books he would have to analyse for his exam.

"Take a break from studying and come help me teach a class." He said.

Jimin let his eyes roll to the back of his head.

"Daaad." He whined. "Why do you always ask me for help when I'm studying for finals?"

"Your finals are in 2 weeks Jimin, you have plenty of time. There is no need to study 5 hours every day for them so early on." His father walked into the living room, quickly snatching the book his son was reading.

"You and mom are unbelievable." Jimin sighed. "Preventing me from working."

"We're proud of you Jimin, your mother and I are grateful to have such a hardworking son. But you need to move your body a little if you want your brain to work properly." Jaesung said, taking that calm voice he always took when lecturing his son.

"Alright dad," Jimin said, sitting up. "I'll help you but please don't loose my page."

"Aah!" Jaesung broke into a smile. "That's my boy, now get into some proper clothes and come down."

Jimin nodded, snatching his book back and heading to his room.

He quickly hopped out of his pyjamas to get into black sweatpants and a white kpop band concert t-shirt he had gotten at a convention the year before.

He tied his long hair into a bun atop his head, noticing his undercut was slowly starting to grow out, starting to tickle past his hairline.

He walked down to the dojo, hands in his pockets. Of course he would much rather lounge around in the couch and finish the damn book he had to read.

"Ah! Here's my son!" Jaesung said proudly as soon as he set foot on the tatamis.

"Good afternoon." Jimin said politely as he bowed, smiling softly at the class.

It was probably one of his father's special self defence class that he gave for free to the woman of the neighbourhood.

One familiar face stood among them.

Jaebyul, the slightly chubby girl that he had helped get away from Hansol and Leemin.

She seemed surprised, her eyes detailing his features before they glazed over his body. Ah, his secret was getting spread faster than he would have liked.

"Alright ladies," Jaesung said as he clapped into both of his hands. "Now that we warmed up, we can start with the defence reflexes."

He made the women of varying ages sit down in front of him as he pulled Jimin closer.

"Today we'll review how to get out of a position if you are being trapped to the ground." He said, sitting down and making Jimin join him.

"If a man is pinning you down like this," He said, crawling over Jimin and placing both of his hands gently around his neck, sitting on Jimin's lower stomach.

"What you are going to want to do is fold your legs to have your feet flat against the ground," Jimin did just that. "Then block his arms and legs, and thrust your hips
up with as much strength as you can. This will make them roll o the side and set you free."

Jimin demonstrated, sending his father's body flying to the side.

The women all nodded, and the group dispersed in the room to practise in groups of two, both Jaesung and his son walking around to check if everyone got it right.

"Jimin-oppa." A voice called and he turned around. "Could you check we're doing this right?"

Jimin nodded, jogging over to the two teen girls, one of them being Jaebyul.

"Yup, that's good." Jimin said, giving them tips to make the method more effective.

"Are you really Park Jimin, from our school?" Jaebyul asked, slightly in awe.

Jimin chuckled and nodded, running a hand through some of the hair that had fallen out of his bun.

After two hours, the course finally came to a close and the women started pouring out of the dojo.

"Jaebyul." He called, walking up to the girl. "Let's keep this between us alright?"

Jaebyul nodded with a soft smile.

"I like your shirt." She said, tucking a piece of loose hair behind her small ear.

Jimin looked down to his attire, his head snapping back up with a large smile.

"You're a checkmate fan too?!" He asked, suddenly louder.

Jaebyul nodded with a giggle.

"Who's your bias?" He asked.


"Waaaah! Me too!" Jimin laughed, his eyes creasing completely to the point he had little dimples just under them.

Jaebyul chuckled again.

"You should come eat lunch with us tomorrow, Namjoon-hyung is also a big fan and he gets super excited when he talks about them." Jimin offered.

Jaebyul nodded again, finding it amusing that the quiet Jimin was actually such a cute ball of energy.


7k reads yay!

Thank you all for all your comments on the last chapter, I really appreciate it :)

I'm passing a pretty important exam this Saturday,
wish me luck!

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