Episode 5

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Jungkook entered the class with his chin high and a proud smile on his face, halfly listening to one of his friends saying something about some party he had attended.

His eyes caught a particular figure, sitting on the very first row next to the door, whom he had never noticed until earlier that day. A short boy, long black hair shielding his thin rimmed glasses, writing quickly on his paper.

He recognized him as Jimin, who was apparently notorious for being the little mister perfect student of the class.

Jungkook had to say, he couldn't help but judge the boy a little. Not only for his excessively long hair that had to reach his nape, his really prude way of dressing even though it was already pretty warm as well as the outcast atmosphere that seemed to repel anyone from talking to him.

He quickly finished his conversation with his friends when the teacher walked in, trotting to the back of the class and taking a seat next to a few people he often talked to.

Korean literature was one of the classes everyone talked in since their teacher, Mrs Lee, was well known in the school for being very lenient even though her students talked through her class.

Jungkook found the class interesting -though he would never admit that to anyone in fear of being called a nerd- and always listened, trying to keep track of conversations as he did so.

In the end, he ended up being really interested by the daily class and learned a few gossips by leaning one ear to the chatters next to him, like Kim Hyojong and Kim Hyuna finally admitting they were in a relationship and making half the school mad to know their eye candy was taken.

"Alright everyone, class dismissed you may pack your things."

Jungkook let a sigh past his lips as he stood up, wanting to stretch his legs out before the next teacher arrived, putting his messy notes back in his book bag.

He made his way to the front of the class, following the movement of students who were walking out to take a breath of fresh air near the windows on the opposite side of the hallway, stopping in front of the quiet boy.

"Hey, you're Jimin right?" he said, looking down at the boy from his taller height in an effort to make himself look intimidating, though the other didn't falter.

He only looked up from his papers to face him, seemingly unimpressed though his eyes barely visible behind his bangs.

He only nodded, keeping his eyes firmly into Jungkook's, which surprised him slightly. Not many people would dare hold his gaze for such an extended period of time.

"Did you do the English paper for tomorrow?"Jungkook asked.

Jimin didn't answer, only shaking his head before he placed his arms on the table and rested his head on them. Jungkook's eyebrows shot open in surprise at how this nerd was blatantly ignoring him.

He nudged his shoulder.

"Yah." he called, the boy standing back up straight and looking in front of him. Jungkook saw a muscle flex in his jaw which only irritated him more. Why wasn't Jimin scared of him?

"Why're you lying." Jungkook asked stiffly. "I'm sure you did it."

Jimin didn't answer, keeping his head trained on the teacher's desk in front of him.

"Yah." He called again, voice much lower, threatening even.

"Jungkook-ah" A voice called from the back of the class. "Come see the answer for the english paper."

The younger wanted to say something to Jimin, anything that would incite respect from him, but the teacher stepped in before he could place a word.

"Back to your seats." He called.


"I'm home!" Jimin yelled into the house.

He was immediately greeted by his father, who poked his head out the kitchen to give him a large eye smile.

"Welcome home, son." He said, looking as Jimin set his bag next to the stairs.

It was a three story house, though they only owned two stories seeing as his father had made the first into a large dojo and training gym. He taught multiple different martial arts to all ages and at all levels, making him on of the most well known coaches in the neighborhood. Everyone knew of Mr Park and most respected him greatly.

"Get that hair out of your pretty face and come down. Don't take a shower and meet me in the dojo in five'." His father said, his deep voice resonating through the room.

Jimin nodded with a small smile, jumping up the stairs to go to his room and throwing his bag on the neat bed, making a mental note to take all of his still drenched notes and tend to them.

He turned to his mirror, sighing at his appearance.

Honestly he would cut his hair if he could, because having long hair was just so pissing when he had to do anything that required seeing things.

He fetched his favourite scrunchy from the table, a dark red one he had had for years, and threw his hair up in a small bun atop his head.

The hair from the front of his face not being quite long enough, cutely falling over his forehead. JImin ran his hand through it in attempt to push it back though the strands fell right back over his forehead.

His hairstyle revealed his soft features and handsome face, doe eyes and button nose and large plump lips. But not only. It brought attention to his ears, displaying multitudes of piercings not only in his lobe but also his cartilage.

His black hair had also been shaved at the back of his head, giving him a neat undercut under his messy bun.

Jimin proceeded to take of his obnoxiously hot cardigan off, a sigh of relief leaving his lips as he did so. He had been blazing hot all through the day, but then again, he couldn't afford people seeing what was hidden under his thin white dress shirt.

He stripped his shirt off, finally revealing his sticky skin, letting his torso breath before taking off his pants just as eagerly.

Finally free of all his clothing except his boxers, the boy stretched out his stiff muscles, a few satisfying pops coming from his joints. He scratched the skin of his arm, right under the bright red carpe that stood out against his caramel skin.

The beautifully drawn fish seeming to swim from his elbow all the way to his right wrist.

Out of all the tattoos that davorated his body, he had to admit his mother had done an exceptionally good job on the design, making it one of Jimin's favourite.

He traced a few of the drawings, admiring the details in the realistic tattoo of a human heart printed on the left side of his chest, flowers blooming out out of the arteries and veins drawn as thorns.

His body was mostly covered in tattoos, each and every one drawn and tattooed by his mother, Park Chanseol, who was a very well known tattoo artist in the underground community.

He hadn't always admired his parents, and had even gone against them for most of his late childhood, though he'd learned better now, and treated them with utmost respect.

Chanseol had still been at the beginning of her career, she didn't have much experience and had tatted pretty much every centimeter of her skin she could reach. Her husband had always been against being inked, so she'd asked her son if he minded being her canvas.

He had agreed, and never once did he regret it. He cherished every single one of the drawings that saturated his skin.


 hey guys! Hope everyone is still healthy, take good care of yourselves.

 My country is officially in lockdown, so we can't go out of our houses (but i don't really give a shit because i live on the country side so i can still walk my dog and go out as much as i want). How are things were you live?

What'd you think of this chapter? How'd you like Jimin reveal :)

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