Episode 55

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"Yoongi-ah!" Taehyung yelled cheerfully as he waved at his brother.

Yoongi had just finished his evening class, looking down at his phone, headphones in as he walked out of the academy. He hadn't been able to finish his studies after the accident with Taehyung and their father and getting sent to the youth institution, so he settled with working during the day to provide for them and taking evening classes to hopefully enhance his chances at getting the raise he deserved.

As much as Yoongi tried to uphold the brave older brother image with Taehyung, the younger knew how much he hated walking outside in the dark of the night, so he always made sure to come pick him up after his classes. And since winter had slowly settled in and days got shorter, Taehyung tried his best to always be at the doors of the academy before Yoongi had the time to walk away.

Apparently he hadn't heard him, too focused on whatever he was doing on his phone. So Taehyung jogged up to his brother and wrapped an arm around him heavily.

"Hey hyung!" he chirped, "how was your class?"

Yoongi looked up from his phone, taking one of his headphones out and turning to his younger brother with a relieved smile on his thin lips.

"boring, how was school? Hope you've been studying hard?" he teased, knowing very well his brother was one of those infuriatingly intelligent people who barely had to work for school and still managed to get decent grades.

Taehyung laughed, pulling his brother in the direction of their apartment.

"Not really to be honest, there was a bunch of gossip at school that had to be addressed. You know the group checkmate?" Taehyung asked.

"The anti-bullying group with a member in a coma?"

"Yeah well that member woke up a few weeks ago, they say he's taking some time to recuperate but he will start promoting with them again. Isn't that cool?"

"Minjung was it?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah how did you know? Didn't think you were that into them."

Yoongi looked at him, unsure of whether or not it was safe to tell anything on the subject to Taehyung. He trusted his brother, but he knew he wasn't the best at keeping secrets, especially those that involved the people he knew.

"The guy who put him into a coma? The school bully," he mumbled.


"I knew him."


Jungkook looked down at his boyfriend as he read over his notes again. Both of them were sitting at the back of the school's dusty library, needing some peace and quiet after their morning classes.

The library was the perfect space for that, especially in the history of Maths section where no one ever dared to venture. Both Jungkook and Jimin were sitting next to each other, back against the bookshelf as they finished up their lunch and studied for the midterms.

The younger was way too distracted by the sight of Jimin sitting next to him, nibbling on some candy, to be focused on his actual revisions. He slowly reached his hand out, gently combing a strand of Jimin's hair behind his ear, revealing more of his face and his collection of piercings.

"Your hair has been getting really long," Jungkook said, voice barely over a whisper.

Jimin looked up, turning to face Jungkook as looked down at his own hair. His hair, that barely reached his jaw when he had started school, was now at his shoulders, even his undercut had grown out fully.

Their eyes met, Jungkook's hands slowly reaching down to settle on Jimin's neck, pushing his long hair out of the way to fully view the smooth skin of his jawline and neck.

"Your tattoos are peaking through the makeup," he whispered, slowly stroking his skin to reveal more of the dark ink.

Jimin was barely listening, his insides tightening as a chill went down his spine from the gentle strokes of Jungkook's warm hand on his neck. His eyes were trained on Jungkook's face, noticing how much his hair had grown as well, now falling over his doe eyes slightly.

Jungkook looked up from his neck, and their eyes met again. No words were spoken, but Jimin could feel just how fast his heart was beating, and he wondered if Jungkook could feel it pounding under his hand as well. He wondered when it had become so easy for Jungkok to make him nervous in that way. He thought back to the days when he constantly teased Jungkook just to see the flustered blush creep on his cheeks.

His eyes dipped down before he even realised it, now trained on Jungkook's lips. His own parted unknowingly, letting out a slightly shaky breath as he tried to force his eyes back on Jungkook's eyes. He did, only to notice Jungkook was also looking down at his lips.

He suddenly felt conscious of how dry his lips felt, and he quickly swiped his tongue across them. That seemed to tick something off in Jungkook as he scrunched his eyebrows slightly. Jimin felt his hand ever so slightly tighten on his neck, pulling him closer as Jungkook tilted his head forward.

Their faces drifted closer, until their breaths mingled between them. Jungkook looked up to Jimin's eyes for a split second, making sure there was no sign of hesitation in them. But as he saw Jimin's eyes were also looking down at his lips, he chuckled slightly and finally pressed their lips together.

Jimin's eyes fluttered shut immediately, the knot in his throat loosening slightly. He felt himself utterly melt as Jungkook's hand on his neck pulled him even closer, the younger tilting his head to the side, opening his mouth slightly to deepen the kiss.

Jimin no longer knew what he was doing or where he was, the only thing that mattered were Jungkook's lips moving against his and his hand that was now creeping to the back of his neck, the tips of his fingers sinking in his hair. His entire body was bruning.

His head was spinning, and he reached his hand out to grip Jungkook's thigh in an attempt to keep himself grounded and present in the physicality of the moment.

Jungkook pulled away slightly, licking his lips and enjoying the sweet and sour taste that the candy had left on Jimin's lips. His thumb caressed Jimin's neck up and down, and he leaned down to place a soft kiss on the side of his neck.

It was such a small gesture, and yet it made Jimin's head tilt back until it hit the bookshelf behind it as another shaky breath poured out of his swollen lips, hand squeezing Jungkook's thigh.

"You okay?" Jungkook asked as he pulled away slightly, but his throat tightened as soon as he caught eyes with Jimin.

His head was still tilted back, eyes looking at him lustfully from under his lashes. His lips seemed even fuller than usual, bright red as they glistened from the saliva still coating them. His cheeks were the brightest red he had ever seen on him.

He swallowed thickly, feeling utterly overwealmed by the amount of sex appeal Jimin displayed in that moment.

"More," Jimin whispered, and as if to make matters even worse, his hand sliding down to Jungkook's inner thigh and squeezing his flesh urgently.

That was enough confirmation for Jungkook to dive back into a kiss. His lips latching onto Jimin's neck again, his other hand wrapping around his tie to loosen it slightly and work the first few buttons of his shirt. Jimin bit his lip as he did this, his chest rising and falling deeply as he tried to breath as quietly as possible.

Jungkook pulled on his shirt slightly, lips traveling down to his collar bones, kissing, sucking and nibbling on the smooth skin there, admiring the tattoos that weren't concealed by foundation. He felt a growing bulge in his pants, hyper aware of one Jimin's hand comfortably settled on his inner thigh, thumb stroking the fabric of the uniform, the other loosely tangled in his hair.

With quiet breaths and movements of his boyfriend's chest fogging up his brain, he moved from Jimin's collar bones and back to an open mouthed kiss, nibbling on Jimin's lips and savouring the sweet taste of the candy again.

Jimin's hand, that had been in Jungkook's hair, slowly slid out of his hair and down his chest, making a wave of warmth swarm his insides. Jungkook was finally very aware of the erection throbbing in his pants, and worried Jimin would tease him from getting turned on so fast, he quickly pulled away, clearing his throat nervously.

He felt too shy to look Jimin in the eyes, but he could feel looking at him, and that hand that was still cupping his inner thigh tightly. He looked down at it, the sight of it only a few centimeters away from his bulge. He tried to get Jimin's hand off of him, but Jimin only nudged him gently.

"Yah, don't worry," he said, leaning closer to Jungkook's ear. "I'm hard too."

And with that Jungkook's hand snapped to look at Jimin, who bore a soft smile on his lips and reassuring eyes. He looked down slightly, detailing the red splotches on his neck that would go away in the next few seconds and the slightly darker hickies he could barely distinguish under the tattoos. jimin could not have possibly looked sexier, with his tie loosened and his buttons undone, his lips swollen and his red cheeks, his still lustful eyes and the indent under his thin slacks.

Jungkook had to look away, swallowing thick as he placed a hand over his eyes.

He felt Jimin place his head on his shoulder but he had to shrug it away.

"I seriously need to forget you're there," he whispered, "or I won't calm down before the end of lunchbreak."

Jimin chuckled, and he heard him shuffle his paper around, probably return back to reading his notes.


hope y'all enjoyed this extra steamy chapter,

yet again I would like to thank everyone who has been waiting for updtaes patiently and who keeps supporting this story.

Love you guys :))

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