Episode 66

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"Yah, is that the new kid?" Hansol asked, his best friend Leemin sitting next to him.

Both of them were in their usually seats at the back of the class, looking intently as the rest of their classmates gathered around the Minjung, all glittery eyed and happy smiles.

"Mhm, that's him," Leemin answered, biting down on his nails, clearly irritated.

It had been a few days since their suspension had been lifted, and the two had returned to a school they could barely recognise.

Park Jimin, the usual loner and easy pray they liked to tease, was now part of a group of friends that included Yeongsu, a menacing fighter, the class no longer payed attention to them and instead kept their eyes on their newbie celebrity, and last but certainly not least, the captain of their club and friend was no longer hanging out with them.

Nothing was right.

In the short time they had been gone, their iron grip had been lifted and people now thought they could act as they wanted.

The two exchanged a knowing look. They had to put things back in order.

Minjung stood up from his seat, quickly excusing himself to go to the bathroom. He noticed the stares of Hansol and Leemin, smiling at them quickly before leaving the class.

The two boys exchanged another look, before standing up from their seats and walking out behind their classmate.

It was lunchtime, the hallways were filled with students as everyone walked around, meeting friends from other classes, going to the vending machines and cafeteria to get food and messing around.

The mood fell however, as soon as the two fighters walked into the close vicinities of anyone who previously bore a smile on their face.

Their eyes were narrowed, pointed glares making anyone knees weaken in fear, shoulders tight as they walked behind Minjung closely.

As soon as the boy stepped foot into the boys bathroom, Leemin and Hansol following, all the guys who had been mingling around the sinks quickly scrambled out.

Minjung turned around, curious, only to see the two taller boy blocking the way of the bathroom menacingly.

"Yah newbie," Leemin started, taking a step closer to the shorter. "What's your name again?"

"Minjung," He said, taking two careful steps back.

"Listen here, Minjung," Leemin spat. "I know you're new and whatever, but we have rules in this school."

Minjung cast a glance over the other's shoulder, noticing Hansol at the door, but also the weary students behind him, all looking at the scene with pity in their fearful eyes.

That's when the fear in his own eyes kicked in, suddenly getting memories flooding back. The people of his class looking down at their shoes as soon as Park Jimin entered, glancing at him with the same pity in their eyes.

He turns back to Leemin, panicked, feeling his back hit the cold tiles of the wall behind him, trapped.

"Yah, are you listening?" Leemin asked poking Minjung's forehead rather harshly.

"U-uhm, I-I-," Minjung breathes shakily, his hands covered in cold sweat as they trembled.

"Y-y-you?" Leemin asked mockingly, bending down closer to Minjung until he could feel his hot breath down his neck.

A sharp pain split through his abdomen as Leemin threw an upper cut deep into his stomach. His body jolted forward, falling over Leemin's shoulder.

"We make the rules here, keep that in mind when you clown around in front of everyone again, mhm?" He said, pushing Minjung back onto the wall again.

He couldn't move, his entire body shaking violently as his wide eyes stayed completely unfocused.

"Yah," Leemin slapped his cheek lightly, "Snap out of it, I didn't even hit you that hard."

He snorted.

"Yah Hansol, I think I broke him," he said, urning a snicker from his friend.

He was about to slap the boy a third time, before a hand wrapped around his wrist tightly.

Minjung looked up, body jolting as Jimin was the one who appeared in front of him.

"Aish, it's our little Robin Hood again," Leemin whined, filling his eyes. "Get lost midget I have business."

Jimin didn't listen to a word he said, shoving Leemin to the side so hard he crashed into the stalls loudly.

Minjung's breath hitched as Jimin took a hold of his hand gently and pulled him out of the bathroom.

As soon as Minjung was out of the dreaded bathroom, students crowded around him, some watching as Hansol grabbed a handful of Jimin's hair and pulled him right back into the bathroom.

Minjung watched, dazed, as both Hansol and Leemin pushed Jimin to the floor and threw kicks at his small frame. The voices around him were muffled.

"You're lucky Jimin found you, he's always the one who takes the hits."

"Ah Jimin is creepy but I still feel bad for him..."

"Should we help?"

"Are you crazy?! Hansol and Leemin will rip us to pieces."

Minjung's thought were mashing together, lost between a sense of confusion that wondered why Jimin wasn't fighting back and also excitement, joy even, to see Jimin suffer in the same way thy he had three years ago.

"Yah! Jimin!" A boy roared from the other side of the hall, everyone turning to see the whole group of friends running towards the bathroom.

Jungkook and Yeongsu were in the lead, followed closely by Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, Jaebyul, and surprisingly, Jieun and Hanyul.

Yeongsu seemed furious, continuing to yell profanities as he ripped Leemin and Hansol off his friend, helping him up.

Jimin staggered up, Jungkook and Hoseok on either side of him.

His nose was dripping with blood again, and bruises starting to form over his face.

"I'm fine," he mumbled between his bloody lips, using the back of his hand to wipe the blood from under his nose, coating his hand in red.

It was a rather gruesome sight to see. The school was used to hearing fights and seeing the aftermath of light warnings on students faces. The bandaids and the purple hues.

Never had they seen so much blood, not even the previous time Jimin had gotten into a fight for saving Jaebyul.

His nose had bled, but not as much as it was now.

Jimin looked utterly ravaged. His hair was a mess, one of his eyes was already lined with a deep red bruise, so was his cheek and jawline, nose red and dripping with blood and lip busted open, spilling even more blood on his uniform.

"Christ Jimin, do you do this on purpose?" Hoseok asked as he dragged Jimin out. "What do your parents say everytime you bring a bloodied uniform back home."

And at everyone's surprise, Jimin chuckled, running a hand through his hair unconsciously.

Everyone's breath hitched at the sight, his battered yet soft features morphing in the prettiest of smiles before his black locks fell back over his face.

"I'm fine," he mumbled, pushing both Hoseok and Jungkook away slightly so he could stand on his own, "It wasn't that bad."

Jaebyul scurried  up to him, quickly handing him tissues to keep the bleeding under control.

And everyone watched in awe as the group of friends gathered around Jimin worriedly, asking him if he was alright gently.

"Yah did you see his smile, kinda cute"

"Jimin-sunbae is so cool"

"Wah, everyone said he was some weird dude but he looks like a decent guy"

Minjung bit his lip harshly, looking at the scene of Seokjin and Hoseok both ruffling Jimin's hair affectionately again, the rest of his friends looking at him tenderly.

Jimin always had it all.

That irked him.


ladies and gents and
non binary hoes,

I hope you liked this chapter,
make sure to comment and vote if you did ;)

I shall be back with even more drama for the next

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