Episode 8

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"Well Jungkook, it's nice to see your grades are finally going up." Said Mrs Nam, Jungkook's english teacher, as she handed him his english paper -that was really Jimin's but she didn't need to know that- displaying the bright red 100% scribbled on his paper.

His eyes popped at the grade.

Holy fuck...

They weren't kidding when they said Jimin's was a must have contact.

To be honest, Jungkook didn't even remember ever having a 100%.

His father had always valued his strength as a Taekwondo and MMA competitor a lot more than he did education, resulting into Jungkook never having great academic results and not caring about it either.

He was impressed.

His eyes traveled to the boy that stood front row, a newfound respect for the kid as well as a very strong intention to save his name in his book and call him anytime they had anything to do.

A smirk spread across his features, leaning back on his desk and just indulging happily in the idea he would never have to work for school anymore.

"Alright everyone, you may pack your things." The teacher said.

Jungkook grooved lightly from his seat all the way to Jimin's standing proudly in front of him and enjoying the size difference.

"Thanks for the good grade Jimin-ah" He said, smirking.

The boy didn't even spare him a stare and walked off, completely ruining his mood for the rest of the day.


"Yah! Jimshit." Yelled a familiar voice.

Jimin sighed, here we go again, with this stupid kid and his ridiculous punches.

The long haired boy turned around, being met with the two people at the top of his hate list: Hanseol and Leemin, walking confidently and looking pretty pissed.

First Jungkook looking down on him, and now those too taking more of his time. He hadn't been able to perfect the new flip his father had started teaching him, which had put him in a very foul mood. He did not want to deal with the two boys' petty antics.

Leemin pushed him to the lockers, his back against them making a loud sound resonate through the empty corridor.

Not many people passed by these ways unless they had class or locker here, though Jimin only came for the vending machines that were aligned at the end of the hallway, hoping some chocolate milk would cheer him up.

"You have some fucking nerve, ignoring Jungkook like that." Hanseol spits.

"Yeah, he's been pissed  all day because of that." Leemin adds.

"Don't be too full of yourself fag." He snarled. "You don't get to ignore people when they talk to you, get that Jimshit?"

Jimin glared at him from under his bangs, pissing Leemin off and making him take a step forward to wrap a hand around Jimin's neck, making him tilt his head upwards, his hair falling out of his face.

Leemin froze, feeling like he had seen that face somewhere before, but not recognising where.

The startle did not amuze him, who's fist flew to his cheek, Jimin seeing it coming and dodging it, causing the boy to hit his hand in the locker pretty hard.

A yelp escaped his lips, the boy grabbing at his now red knuckled. Hanseol immediately backed him up, pinning Jimin to the lockers and kneeling him straight in the stomach.

"You went a little too far there." He mumbled, voice dark in Jimin's ear as he coughed out, body bent over.

Hanseol was about to lock his hands around Jimin's head to knee him in the face (probably risking to break his nose and maybe even worse), but Jimin escaped his grip, taking both of the older's wrists in his and strongly jerking them off the back of his head, quickly locking one of his hands behind his back.

The boy gasped, but didn't worry too much as he saw Leemin looking ready to beat the shit out of Jimin.

Now both of those older and buffer guys where in the school's MCSC, making them not so easy to beat. Though they hadn't been trained by Park Jaesung, so Jimin wasn't for himself at all.

He usually alway tried running away from fights, or dodge or take the blow without fighting back. Since he had entered high school, it was actually the first time he was fully involved in a fight.

Quickly thinking of his options, either beating the shit out of him and getting that chocolate milk he was craving or run and get even sweatier than he already was...

He sighed, letting go of Hanseol and jumping around to dash in the opposite direction, towards the main halls.

School was just off for lunch break so of course there must have been a lot of people walking around, making it pretty much impossible for the two to hit him.

Once in the main hall, he sighed, breath ragged and beads of sweat on his forehead. His head felt a little dizzy because of the heat and the excessive amount of clothing he was wearing but he didn't have a choice.

He closed his eyes, trying his best to just zone everyone out and find some good place to cool down.

After further consideration, he decide he was going to chill -literally- on the roof. even though it was forbidden, at least no one would see him.

He opened the large metallique door and took a step on the small roof, immediately going to the very small amount of shade that was provided by the staircase cabin, stripping his cardigan off after put his book bag down.

He took out his deodorant, spraying some down his back as well to cool down a litte, then taking large sips of his water bottle to stay hydrated despite the amounts of water he lost with sweat.

Checking on his makeup in a small pocket mirror, he touched up the spots were the black and blue ink started to peek through his melted foundation and cursed at the foundation stain on the collar of his white shirt.

He ran a hand through his sweaty hair, pushing the locks of the back of his head up to let his nape breath, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips.

Sitting down, he let the cool ciment of the cabin press against his back and leaned his head on the wall, breathing heavily.

How bad he wanted to beat the shit out of Leemin and Hanseol just to shut them up...

Wipe those smirks off their false and paint fearful expressions over them instead.

But he had made a promise to his father, and he wasn't about to break it.


yo does anyone have any good WEBTOONS or wattpad recommendations?

I've pretty much caught up to all of my favs and now I don't know what to do with my life.

How've you been tho? Did you like this chapter?

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