Epsiode 12

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"It was intense dude." Yeongsu said as he walked out of the classroom alongside his best friend. "And she still had to do the rest of the practice."

"why didn't you do anything to stop him? I swear to god this club should be closed down." The boy said as he ran a hand through his soft hair, rolling his eyes.

"You should have seen the look in his eyes Joon-ah, he was ready to kill anyone who tried to challenge him." Yeongsu argued.

Namjoon shrugged, still disappointed in his best friend for taking part in what was essentially the school's guild of bullies.

His train of thought was stopped when someone tapped his shoulder softly. He turned around, coming face to face with a short boy, eyes looking blankly as he held out a koala keychain.

"Oh! I must have dropped it." He said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head, Yeongsu observing the scene from over his shoulder. "Thanks, Jimin." He added after a quick glance at his name tag, trying his best to look at him weirdly with all the chocolate milk stains on his cardigan and the putrid smell that emitted of him.

The younger boy nodded, looking back down and walking through the school gates and out of the establishment.

"Is that the guy? Your little punching bag?" Namjoon asked as he slung his bag in front of him to secure the keychain back on the zipper of his small pocket.

"Yah he's not my punching bag! Some of the people from the MCSC like messing with him." He defended himself.

"Messing with him?" Namjoon asked with a raised brow, the both of them exiting the school as well, Yeongsu waving to a few of his teammates with his usual smile.

He then sighed, looking up at the bright sky as his smile fell slowly.

"Okay, He gets bullied, you're right."

"And you do nothing to help, you're pretty much on the same level as those assholes who treat him like shit, and i'm on the same level as well, i see them mess with him but i don't do anything. I'm just as horrible as everyone else" Namjoon said, gripping the straps of his backpack as he stopped walking.

Guilt flashed in his eyes as he looked down, sighing sharply.

"You said you were scouted by another coach right? Well, i'll let you off then, please think about it Yeongsu, i know you're a good guy and you're much stronger than i am."

With those words, he smiled a sad smile and walked away, leaving Yeongsu to walk alone to the address he'd been given on the day of the competition a few weeks back.


A young woman opened the door, about his height, though he could instantly feel the aura of intimidation floating around her. It surely had something to do with her dark and sharp eyes and the numerous tattoos constellations her skin.

She had short hair, similar to one of a male idol they saw on tv constantly, somehow perfectly framing her soft features.

"Oh you must be Yang Yeongsu!" She beamed, her dark aura vanishing instantly as he finally had the courage to breath.

"Y-yes that's me." He smiled hesitantly as she opened the door wide, inviting him inside.

"Just go straight down that corridor, you'll land on the room." She smiled, pointing to her right as he bowed deeply.

"Thank Mrs Park." He called.

The dojo he found at the end of the hall was vast enough, yet you could see it had been initially arranged from a traditional house and not an actual gym.

A man was standing in the middle of the room, looking down at his watch, before he turned to the boy with a smile on his features.

"Right on time." He said. "Keep it that way."

Yeongus nodded, slightly in a daze. His aura was similar to the one of Mrs Park, who'd opened the door. One of fresh breeze during a warm spring day, of blooming flowers and bright sun rays caressing skin.

This man had to be the perfect opposite of the coach at their school. He was shorter, actually in good shape and seemed young. He had warm eyes and a kind smile.

"Come on, we'll get started."


It was only an hour and a half later since the start of practice -according to the clock that was pinned to the wall- yet Yeongsu had never felt so tired in his life.

Mr Park made him do workouts he had never encountered in his life, yet all his muscles hurt the instant he tried them and he could practically hear the calories crying as he sweated bullets.

Yeongsu was huffing loudly, hands on his knees as he thanked Mr Park for letting him take a breather, the man laughing at his misery loudly.

School coach never laughed.

"Yo dad, mom wants to know what you want for di-" A voice came from the entrance as a silhouette appeared in the door frame.

Yeongsu's eyebrows shot up at the sight in front of him.

There stood a boy, clad in shorts that laid loosely to his mid thigh, barefoot and with a loose black shirt falling from his narrow shoulders. His skin was darkened by countless tattoos, just like the woman who'd open the door.

He had silky long hair, tied messily with a large hair clip, strands of hair falling down the sides of his face and over his forehead.

"Ah Jimin-ah, come meet my new student." Jaesung said proudly as he wrapped an arm around Yeongsu. "Yeongsu-ah, this is my son, Park Jimin."

Yeongsu's jaw dropped as the boy stepped closer, a soft smile on his lips.

"Nice to meet you, sunbae." He said, specks of silver flashing between his plump lips as he spoke -Yeongsu noticing his tongue piercing- he extended his hand.

"Park Jimin?!" He exclaimed, surprising both the Parks in the room.

"You know each other?" Park Jaesun asked, eyes darting from one boy to another as JImin smiled embaressedly.

"Yeah." He rubbed the back of his head, hand still extended in front of him. "He's a year above me at school."

The older shook it, noticing how rough and calloused they were.

"That's great! You can join the training then."

He must be dreaming, there was no ay the school's nerd was this badass tatted up guy with piercing and a Combat sports master as a father.

"Well, why don't you two try a match. Yeongsu's in the boxing team, why don't you show him what you've learned Jimin." Jaesung said with his large smile as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Dad come on, he's exhausted, it's not fair to make him f-"

"No it's fine." Yeongsu said as he straightened up, curious to see how good Jimin could possibly be if he let himself be trampled on at school.

"It's settled then." Jaesung clapped in his hands as he went to fetch some gloves.

Jimin sighed, running a hand through hair.

"Didn't think i'd see you here." Yeongsu said with a smile. "Why don't you join the MCSC if you're Mr Park's son?"

"I'm not interested in being in the school's mafia." Jimin said with a soft smile. "Besides, i have nothing to learn from them."

Yeongsu laughed, slowly regretting his decision to fight this boy.

"You should stand up for yourself at least." he said, but Jimin shrugged.

"Don't want the school to see my piercing or they'll have me remove it." He said, sticking out his tongue. "And i don't want to fight Leemin and Hanseol, i'd hurt them too much if i actually started anything."

Yeongsu's eyes widened, not sure of he should respect his amazing self control or laugh at how obnoxious that had sounded. How good could JImin possibly be to be this confident in his abilities?

Jaesung came back with the gloves, handing both of them a pair before he let them square up. Yeongsu noticed Jimin's stance was that of a left handed fighter, which gave him a huge advantage.

The boy's eyes were different now, they weren't the blank orbs that'd he'd seen from him previously, they were dark and sharp, paying attention to his smallest gesture.

He decided to attack first, throwing a punch at Jimin, but the boy shifted his stand to be facing away from him, grabbing a hold of his arm in a split second and sending his body flying over his shoulder and down on the mats.

Yeongsu felt the air get knocked out of his lungs as he looked at the sealing completely shocked, not processing what had just happened until Jimin lent him a hand.

"Sorry, that wasn't fair. I went a little too hard on you." He said, smiling sheepishly and rubbing the shaved part of the back of his head.

Yeongsu was completely stunned, looking at him with wide eyes as the boy turned to his father, bringing a strand of hair behind his ear and displaying a large array of silver jewelry on his ear.

"Dad, dinner, what do you want?" He asked running a hand through his hair in an attempt to get the strands out of his face.

"Black bean noodles." Jaesung answered without any hesitation, his son giving him a knowing smile as they exchanged a handshake.

"Excellent choice, dad. Alright well, have a nice practice then." He said as he turned around to walk back up the flight of stairs He smiled softly. "Dad, don't kill him on his first day."

"Says the one who sent him flying to the floor." His father called, making a cute laugh boom from the staircase.

The man turned around to the still shocked boy standing in the middle of his dojo, jaw slack and eyes unfocused. He laughed again, gently tapping Yeongsu's chin to close his mouth before speaking.

"Well, that was my son."

thanks for 500 reads !!
Hope you liked this chapter, stay safe :)

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