Chapter 1

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14 June 2020.

Blythe is 25 years old.


This was  just like another night, the city lights out, complete darkness just the stars illuminating the sky. Nothing, could either be heard or seen. Every creature and every animal was sound asleep except that girl, Blythe. Laying down on her stomach on her bed, the music blasting on her headphones. She secluded herself from the  rest of the world even if it was  as quite as ever. The silence gave her anxiety, it was the noise that provided her comfort, the solace she needed. 

The air blowed gently, entering her room leisurely. She enjoyed the gentle breeze hitting her face. Unaware of the how messy she looked, her hair was uncombed , sticking out in all directions. Her clothes creased and crumpled. A gold chain dangling around her neck. No, it wasn't a lucky charm. She never believed in luck. It was gifted to her on her sixteenth birthday and it was the only thing she got so she decided to wear it. 

Her ears were crimson red due the prolonged period of wearing the headphones. It  wasn't just  her who was messy, her room was too. Books and pen scattered all over the study stable. Empty glasses, bottles of coke and plates on the side table. She never cared, she never did. Her mind was always  busy in learning or planning something. 

She decided to check her social media, she  had zero followers and she was following no one but she still looked at what her old friends were doing. She smiled looking at her best friend's photo. She looked happy, she was grinning from ear to ear. Blythe looked at some more photos. Time seemed to flow speedily. She settled her phone down. The clock read 4am. She laid down and closed her eyes but sleep was nowhere near. Nevertheless, she hoped for a good sleep. 


" I love you so much . I won't leave you ever." He spoke gently, in all seriousness yet a small smile on his boyish face. He came closer and gently rubbed his thumb across her check. Blythe gave him a soft smile but soon the warmth of the hands disappeared and was replaced with coldness.

"STOP! STOP! STOP! " she screamed and woke up all damp. Her clothes drenched in sweat. She groaned in agony but muffled her voice with a pillow. She scratched herself until she bled. The thick red liquid seemed to mix with the salty sweat , giving her piercing pain. 

She sat down on the cold floor with her head between her legs and cried. 

" I hate you, you lied" she mumbled softly almost inaudible to a human ear. Even if she would have screamed still there was no one to listen her. 


So, I decided to write again. I don't know how this will turn out to be but I am hoping for the best.

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