Chapter 3

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March 10, 2017

Blythe is 22 years old


Her dark brown eyes settled on the screen of her phone, refusing to glance anywhere else. Her long artistic fingers worked on the keyboard effortlessly like a guitarist working flawlessly on his instrument. The sound of the taps of the keyboard were like the perfect melody coming out it's strings.

Just like any other night, Blythe was writing. Writing all the beautiful disarray of alphabets on that phone of hers that were screaming at her to come to life. She gave the incomprehensible alphabets meaning, the worth they deserved. She was oblivious to the masterful blend of words she was creating. Penning down her thoughts put her mind to an ease, the turmoil of apprehension going on her mind was slowly settling down.

She ran her hands through her ruffled hair as a groan of flustration left her lips. Unable to continue further, the turmoil of emotions slowly crept it's way back to her. She got up from her bed, removed her blanket which was covering half of her torso while leaving creases on her bed sheet as she got up. She shivered slightly as she felt the cold tile hit her bare feet. She roamed across her room back and forth in hope to refresh her memory, in desire for some new ideas. She couldn't, no matter how hard she tried, she would end up staring at the white celling above her head.

She decided to publish the chapters of "Amazing Ana" which she wrote recently. The novel was unlike any other cliche book. Yes, it was one of the romance novels. A boy falling in love with a girl but it was somehow different. It was more realistic than anything else on that website. Sadly, her ignorance led her to believe that no one was interested in reading her work but it didn't matter, she wrote endlessly till she was too tired to write, her eyes were blood shot red and her fingers aching, unable to move any further.

Her eyes fluttered closed as she half laid on the mattress. She yawned and stretched out her limbs, preparing to doze off to slumber but her phone dinged. Her eyes shot open due to the noise and she checked her phone to find a comment.

Hero: Hey,hey. Your work is beautiful. I am hoping to read a few more chapters.

Her heart came out of her chest. It seemed like the air around her disappeared, she couldn't breathe. She read the message over and over till it was engraved in her memory. A smile broke across her face.

Blythe: Hey, thankyou so much for reading my work. I really appreciate it. No one has ever praised my work.

Hero: Are you kidding me? Your work is awesome!

She couldn't help but grin, grin hard till her lips hurt. She wanted to jump, dance and sing out loud but instead she stared at her phone in silence and typed.

Blythe: Thankyou so much! This made my day.

She clicked on his profile to find a couple of books written by that boy. He had a fair amount of reads. She decided to give a read to a few chapters.

"Boy, he can write." She mumbled to herself as she continued to read. The time seemed to flow speedily. Minutes converted to hours in no time. She couldn't stop reading. Now, it was two in the morning

Blythe: Dude, you write so well!! I couldn't stop reading!

She sent him another message. In less than a minute, she got a reply. She wasn't hoping to get a text from him this late at night.

Hero: You read my book?

Blythe: Yeah, I couldn't stop reading. It's really good.

Hero: Thankyou so much !! By the way I am Hero. I am from Los Angeles, California.

Blythe: Nice to meet you Hero. I am Blythe from California.

That's how a new story of their life unfolded.....a friendship maybe. Who knows ? But certainly neither of them got a wink of sleep that very night.


Hah, long time no see? Hope y'all doing well and didn't forget about my book.
Hope this chapter isn't shitty.

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