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On the outside he looked like a very self-centered person. He always cared about his looks. He was a complete idiot. But, you have to remember that this is on the outside. We haven't gotten to the inside yet.

On the inside Matt was a completely different person. He wasn't as self-centered. Yes the main reason he does what he does is because of how he looks and what people told him when he was younger.

His home life wasn't that good either. He was born into a life of luxury. If you get past the terrible parents. The maids were the ones who took care and raised him since he was a baby. He didn't even know that a child was suppose to be cared by their parents till he went to kindergarten.

His mother only paid attention to him if he looked and acted perfect. If he didn't look good or had a random one dot on his face, she would ignore him and act like he didn't exist.

His father wasn't that much better. His father didn't realize he existed till he was in the third grade. The first time his father noticed him was when he came home from work and was angry. He walked up to Matt called him a waste of time and money, then walked away.

The maids were paid extra not to tell what goes on inside the house. If they told the police then his dad would make up some excuse like it was a butler or hide Matt in his room, that barely had anything of his, and say he didn't have a son.

Four maids were always watching him. Their was one main one and three extras that got changed at least once a week for not being able to stand the abuse that Matt had to go through.

The Main Maid that had to take care of him was named Jade. She took care of him, raised him, and cared for him. If their was a day at school where a parent had to show up it would be Jade instead of his parents. Matt never understood why his parents did that till he got older.

In elementary school Matt wasn't fat or chubby. He was an in between of Fat and skinny. He was just more on the fat side then skinny. At first he didn't care. Then, he reached fourth grade. the school bully Jack started to beat him up and would take his lunch money, or lunch if he bought one. Everyday he was called fat, spoiled rich boy, or brat.

In Junior high he still had no friends. He would ask Jade if he could be home schooled but she would deny it every time. Even though the maids were paid extra for keeping their mouths shut, Jade never took the money. The only reason she never told anyone was because she cared for Matt and if anything happened to him and she got fired, she would blame herself.

Matt was still bullied and Abused in Junior high. The only difference was that even though he hit puberty and grew taller and lost some of his fat. Everything got worse. He made excellent grades. Anything for his mom to notice him. Only looking perfect worked.

High school. The bullying got even worse freshman year, as did the abuse. He would tell Jade everything. He even remembers calling Jade mom or mother a few times. Once he reached sophomore year he got his license and a car. Well, it was a jeep but it's the same thing. He got a job this year to. He was able to have a solid reason for not being home and was abused less because of it. The other good thing that happened was two new kids moved to his school.

The first kids name was Edd and the second kids name was Tom. They became instant friends, seeing as of how they were out cast like him. In his senior year another guy moved to his town. The guys name was Tord.

Edd was a simple person. He noticed things the others didn't, not right away of course. He also loves cola. Edd's hair is short and cut into that normal teenage boy look.

Tom, was an alcoholic. He loved anything that could get him drunk. He also has these eyes that are pure black. If you were to look into a black hole and Tom's eyes they would be the exact same color. Tom had hair that was up into three wavy spikes.

Tord. Their was something about Tord that made Matt interested in him. Matt always knew that he was at least bi since junior high. He doesn't know what is was about Tord. The guy at school that loved violence and guns, who was raised by two dads, smoked cigars, and has his hair in two spikes. their is something about him that made Matt develop a crush on him.

Maybe it was the simple fact that Tord saved Matt from his dad, maybe it was the fact of how Tord would put up with Matt acting like an idiot, or maybe it was the fact that he could see past his fake smile and see behind Matt's façade.

Then, they graduated. they all graduated and moved into a house together. It bothered Matt that everyone had to pitch into pay the house when he could afford it just by saying his name. The others don't know it, but if this group of four people were ever low on money Matt would take money from the account his family shared and put the money with stack of money he was low on.

Matt's crush on Tord only grow as each adventure went by. The same happened with his eating habits. They got worst as he went through junior high and high school. If Matt had to guess one of the worst things that happened to him, he would have to say that it happened when Tord moved out to go to another country to join the army. No one knows how Matt would bring his dinner or food to his room and throw it away while just drinking some of Toms beer or water.

That's what this story is about. Welcome to Matt's life and how he gets through the hardships of it.

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