Chapter 1: New Face

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B/n - Brother's name
Y/n - Your name
L/n - last name
F/c - Fave color
H/c - Hair color
E/c - eye color

Link's POV

I had finally finished my last assignment from Princess Zelda and I was headed back. I patted Epona's shoulder and mounted. She began trotting then a full Sprint.

The sun was just rising and I saw it peek over the horizon letting of a stream of golden light. I smiled and came to the opening leading into Faron Woods and later on into Ordon. I haven't been in Ordon for six months and I would like to see Ilia and Colin were doing. Mayor Bo, and Fado. I just wanted to see them all and suprise them.

I trotted into Ordon and say everyone starting to Pitter around. I smiled at Ilia and she laughed.

"Link! I missed you!" I slid off Epona and hugged her.

I came to see Ilia as a little sister, and she's come to see me as an older brother. I said and smiled softly.

"Its been a while. So what have you been up to lately?" I asked.

"Oh nothing much really. Just helping in the town really what with the new face and everything going on." Ilia explained.

"New Face?"

We began walking toward a house is never seen before. It was still the same size as all the others, same round window, same simi-wide porch. It had a finishing rod Hung next to the door, along with a hammer and an old wooden shield and mask with red painting. Odd. Who lived here?

"Yeah! It's a girl and her little brother! Her brother's name is (B/n). I can't remember her name though...oh what was it?" Ilia said tapping her chin.

While she tried to think of who the person could be we stopped and said "Hello" to most everyone in town. Malo, and Talo were off in the distance with Colin playing with Epona and I began walking upto Fado's ranch up the hill and Ilia followed me, still thinking.

As we reached the ranch the gates were closed. He must have let the goats out so he could clean the barn. Ilia and I hopped the fence and I landed with a soft 'thud'. I looked up to see, not Fado. It was a girl, apparently the new face.

She had long (H/c) hair pulled back into a pony tail. A smile spread across her face as she began chasing one of the goats. She tackled it in a hug and it dragged her along with it as it ran. Soon enough she left go and her clothes were covered in dirt.

She smiled and turned, seeing us, and waved. I smiled and Ilia and I waved back but as she turned to look back at the goats one ran full force into her chest, knocking the wind out of her, and she flew backwards. She skidded across the grass and my eyes widened.

I know that hurts but with her! That could have easily crushed her ribs if not her lungs. I ran towards her, away from Ilia and helped her up. She groaned slightly and looked at the goat who tackled her. As she saw it her face instantly brightened and her smile came back. She jumped up and laughed in pure joy.

"Ahh! Wanna go again I see?" She shouted and tackled the goat again.

My mouth dropped in awe. She could have died! That could have killed her and she just smiled and laughed as if nothing happened! Who is this girl?

I stood and cleared my throat and she stood up after being dragged with the goat. She smiled and walked up to me, brushing off the dirt from her clothes. She held out a dusty hand.

"Well Howdy! I'm Y/n L/n nice to meet you, 'Hero of Time."

"Uh...Link. Actually. Nice to meet you too." I said a bit shy like.

"I know. I've heard a lot about you in this town. You're everyone's hero, and I've heard you're a close friend with Zelda, am I correct?" She asked.

"Uh yeah. Saved her a few times and finally...defeated Gannon. Along with Zant and a few others who threatened this realm." I ranted.

She laughed. Oh that sweet laugh. It made my mind go blank. Nothing was quite like that laugh of her's.

"Yeah. I've also been told a secret about you, Zelda, and Gannon."

"What secret?"

"That you wield the triforce of courage, Zelda wields the triforce of Wisdom and Gannon used to wield the triforce of Power but since he is dead I'd assume that great power as been given to another." She sounded Princess Zelda.

Another odd occurance. Before I could ask how she knew about all that a young boy about the age of the others hopped over the fence. He raced toward Y/n and I and hugged her legs.

"Y/n! Guess what!" He shouted.

I assume this was her brother,

"What is it?" She kneeled down and Ilia came walking up to me.

"I caught my first fish!!" He shouted once more

I smiled. This was a special kid here.

"Do you still have it? Maybe we can take a picture and get it framed in CastleTown."

"Yeah its in a basket by the pond, come on!"

Y/n looked at me and asked how long I'll be in town and I told her I would leave in a few hours to recieve my next assignment from Princess Zelda. Ilia hugged and said her goodbyes before hugging all three of us and darting toward the gate and hopping over. I ruffled (b/n)'s hair and said goodbye before they began heading off.

I really wish I would have asked how she withstained that blow from the goat. Oh well. I smiled and called Epona to help me round up the goats. Once finished I trotted off and up to the bridge and walked into CastleTown. I greeted everyone like normal and walked into the Castle and to Princess Zelda's dining hall where she would be having supper by now.

"Princess. I have completed the task in which you have assigned." I mumbled.

"Good. Now I will you goodnight and I hope you rest well Link. You have more than deserved a well nights rest." She smiled and hugged me.

"um. Princess? May I ask a question before I bid you goodnight?"

"Well of course."

"Do you know anyone by the name of Y/n L/n?" I choked out as butterflies churned in the pit of my stomach.

Just her name could stirr excitement within myself. The Princess froze and looked up at me from her meal. Her eyes hard and glazed over in what seemed like, worry, anger, frustration, and relief. She stood from her chair.

"How do you know her?" She asked.

I stood frozen at the tone in her voice. Is something the matter?

"How do you know her!?" The Princess almost screeched.

"Sh-she's new to my home town of Ordon. She moved in not to long ago as I am told, so I assume you know her?" I answered.

No reply. Princess Zelda was gone. Leaving her food scraps in the plate, she dissappeared. I shook my head as if dazed and walked quietly to my room. Who was Y/n? Why did Princess Zelda have the reaction to her name as she did? Do they know each other, if so how? All those questions raced throughout my mind but all will be answered in time. I sighed and changed into night clothes before lying in bed and thinking slowly.

Soon my mind had had enough and my eyelids became heavy. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep with Y/n on my mind as she was the only thing I remember from any of my dreams that night.

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