Chapter 7: Silver

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Zelda's POV

It's been and 3 months since I sent Link of his quest and an additional two weeks since I walked in on Y/n and Link after being attacked and stabbed by some unknown creature.

The wounds seemed all too familar but I couldn't quite remember. Y/n had been out before Link left and every so often for the past 3 months he came in for a report and just to see Y/n but she was always still asleep. Her vitals are fine, nothing was majorly damaged, her heart beat was nice and steady, Hell she was even breathing perfect! I just don't know what's wrong! Link waited two weeks before doing as I asked and he never saw Y/n wake up. He left in a bad mood which is never good.

I lifted her unconscious body to change her bandage and as it has been the whole time she blead silver instead of red, and the wound would never heal. I just don't know anymore. I finished wrapping her bandage as she began writhing I'm bed.

She tossed her head and began panting. Whimpers escaped her mouth, and she threw her arms around. Another night terror. She has been having them often since she went in to this comatose like state. She never woke up though. I stood and left before. Sitting in the library to search why she was bleeding silver instead of red. After four hours, no such luck but I pushed on.

Y/n's POV

I jolted awake. My scream echoed through the room and I was drenched in sweat. My hair stuck to my forhead and I panted heavily. That dream scared me terribly. My torso was pinched and I looked down to see I was wrapped in a bandage. Silver pooled and stained the bandage.

I looked up and my eyes narrowed. I looked directly into the sun just outside the window. I gently Hung my feet over the edge of the bed and stepped down onto the cold tiled floor. I looked down at myself to realize I was in nothing but a bra and panties.

My face flushed a dark red and I looked around. Luckily a large shirt Hung over the side of a chair. I tossed it on and the bitten hem went down to mid-thigh. I smiled because I always loved wearing shirts bigger than myself.

(Cmnt if u like wearing jackets/shirts bigger than u XD lol)

I opened the door of the room and walked down the red carpeted hall way. Photos Hung on the wall and I couldn't quite see them due to not enough light. I sighed as I realized I was in Zelda's Castle. I looked around and made my way to the throne room. As I did my feel touched cold tile and I jumped.

I laughed at myself and walked on, my bare feet letting me quietly walk among the tile. I brushed my had over the arm rest of the throne and looked to the front doors. Closed off. Just like Zelda has been since my birth.

I began to walk away, a tear trailing down my face as I remembered the way she threw me away like I was nothing. I wasn't anything special and I'm still not. I wish she would have let me just drown. As I hung my head and headed for the red carpet the large double doors opened. I looked up and my glistening (e/c) eyes met with beautiful icy blue ones.

Link gasped and so did I. Everything in his hands dropped and he sprinted toward me. I tried to do the same but my injury prevented me. He ended up hugging me and lifting me into the air and spinning me around. I squealed and placed my hands on his shoulders as I looked down at him.

His eyes shone brightly as did mine and his smile was so white that I couldn't help but smile too. He set me down still looking at me and I looking at him. I didn't moved my hands from his shoulders and he didn't move his hands from my waist. We stared for a moment more before he looked at my lips and placed a finger under my chin. He lifted my head slightly as he bent down and brushed his lips gently on mine. Both our breaths hitched before he pressed his lips to mine.

I moved my hands around his neck as he pulled and lifted me off the ground. I touched the side of his face lightly as we kissed and he just held on. After a moment we broke the kiss and I stared into his eyes.

"Y/n..." He whispered.

"Link..." I whispered back.

"I think...I think I love you. I just need to tell you that before...before something happens to me."

"I love you too...I have for a while but I never knew if you liked me back."

"Well now you know." He smiled and lowered me down, placing a soft and loving kiss on my like again.

I helped him bring in his stuff and we went into his room in the Castle. I sat in his lap and leaned into his chest before my eyes widened. The wound in the stomach began to burn. I dismissed it for a moment but it got worse. My face began to get red, and I winced in pain but Link didn't notice.

Soon enough as the sun began setting Link fell fast asleep and the burning became so intense after that, I had to crawl out of the room and cry. I clawed at the carpet and let out a small scream that echoed through the corridor.

What's happening? Footsteps ran down the corridor and I fell onto my side. I landed in something wet and when I opened my eyed I realized it was silver and red. There was a lot more red than there was silver but it had pooled around me.

I let out a pain scream and Link opened his door only to panick. Zelda got there and did the same. A guard scooped me up and he placed me back in the bed in which I awoke from. Before I could as what was happening I blacked out.

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