Chapter 2 - A Week or So...

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Hey lads!
before we begin todays chapter I'd like to give a GIANT shoutout to two of my irl friends who have books of their own and books I definitely reccomend

If you're looking for a mysme au fanfic with more gay than this one, hop onto peachyharuka for her mafia/baker au with zumin ((sidenote:If you've read the descriptiom, she was the person who inspired this whole thing))

Now, if you look for kpop/kdrama fanfics filled with heartbreak, sorrow, and bitter sweet starts, I reccommend xyoonki who should be shown a l o t of love for her fanfic((c'mon ya'll- help a homie out))

Anyway, that's about it, enjoy the chapters -w-

M a r c h 9 t h


The brunette groans, placing her head on the black notebook that's scribbled from top to end with notes. Beside her the blonde rolls his eyes.

"Yes, Mc?"

Mc pouts.

"Why do you have to be so smart-"

"Because I study-"

"And why doesn't she love me-"

"Mc, Jaehee loves you, she just doesn't know that yet"

Mc continues to pout.

It's been about three days since classes started giving lessons and the poor girl has to jumble both her grades and her inevitable 'proof of aging'.

Their albino friend comes to their table. He gives Mc a concerned look and turns his head to Yoosung, who in returns sighs.

"It's her time of the month again"

Zen makes a dash to Mc's side, making some of the girl's near their table grumble in jealousy.

"Don't tell me you forgot your pain killers!"

Mc grunts.

"I figured I didn't need them?"

Yoosung almost laughed. Zen looked paler than possible as Mc said her statement, as if if was curse word.

"Mc! You know how serious you're cramps are!"

Yoosung scooped some of his home-made salad in his into his mouth as Zen shakes Mc, as if that was going to be able to bring her sense.

"You're lucky I always bring painkillers with me!"

Zen's voice practically burned Mc's ear buds due to how close they were. Yoosung slowly, took Mc out of Zen's violent shakes.

Zena sighs and turns his attention towards the notebooks littered in front of Mc. He tilts his head.

"You have a test?"

"In about two days, yeah"

Mc grumbles. She fetches her notebook from the table and sticks her nose in it's contents.

Silence follows as Yoosung continues his salad, Zen dotes on Mc, and Mc read her notes (while eating of course, Zen would kill her if she didn't)

Suddenly a raven haired teen makes his way to their table. Zen's mother hen mode quickly changed to one that could scare even the most violent of serial killers.

"Trust fund jerk!"

"Greetings Zen"

Jumin greets the white haired fellow with a graceful smile. He turns to the other two first years on the table.

"I wish to greet you two congratulation upon reaching high school"

Zen shoots him a nasty glare, Jumin ignores him. Mc snorts at the exchange while Yoosung sighs.

"Thank you Jumin Hyung!"

Mc nods in agreement.

"I'd also want to apologize for not being able to congratulate you two faster"

"That's fine Jumin-"

"Is that all you have to say, trust fund kid?"

Jumin sighs.

"Fortunately for you, yes it appears it is"

Jumin smirks as Zen explodes.

Mc steps in before any further damage is done.

"Hey Jumin, how's Jaehee?"

Jumin looks at her.

"Secretary Kang is doing quite well, hard working as ever"

"Give her a danm break you jerk!"

Yoosung sighs, he packs his lunch up and whispers to Mc.

"In case they ask, I'm heading to the classroom"

She nods, honestly half listening. Which would lead to a lot of screaming from both Zen and Mc.

Yoosung, decides not to repeat himself as he makes his way to the classroom

He enters the room to find Luciel already inside, focused on his own notebook.

Yoosung went to quietly enter the room, as to not disturb him; the red head, however, seems to have noticed his prescence because he suddenly jerked his head away from his notebook and turned to Yoosung.

He gives him a smile.

"Kim, Yoosung? Was it?"

Yoosung felt the room fall cold with awkwardness. He nods, not exactly knowing what to say.

Luciel nods, going back to his notes, probably feeling the same sort of awkwardness as the blonde; or not wanting to bother the blonde.

Yoosung makes his way to his seat. Setting his things on the chair.

"Have you eaten anything yet? Or did you stay here for most of lunch?"

Luciel stops reading and looks at Yoosung with genuine shock. Like no one has asked him if he has already eaten.

"Uh, not yet?"

Yoosung tilts his head.

"I don't think yoi should be skipping meal!"

Luciel chuckles.

"It's fine Yoosung! It's nothing I can't handle!"

Luciel chuckles once more, Yoosung felt unsure.

'This guy is going to be annoying if he thinks it's fine to starve himself'

Before Yoosung could retort, the bell rings. Signaling that it's time for classes to resume. Yoosung makes his way to his seat, decidung not to bother Luciel.

It's not like their going to get close, right?


The teacher stopped writing the situations on the board. The whole class was silent, concentrating only on the mixture of numbers and symbols that graced itself upong their chalkboard.

Mr.Jae-jin smiled af the class.

"Let's see if our one week of lessons made you learn something"

He points to first solution on the board.

"Factorize the following expression,  x^4-11x^2+1?"

A several hands shoot up. The teacher calls on the one farthest away from  him.

"The answer is (x^2+3x-1)(x^2-3x-1)"

A nod from the teacher signifies they were right.

"How about two 'x' raised to the power of 2 plus seven 'x' plus one?""

Another crowd of hands were raised. The teacher chose the skinny hand of Chantal Tulip, one of the Filipino transferee from last year.

"Negative seven plus minus the square root of forty one over four"

It went unlike that for the rest of the class, but somehow today's math class was different from all the math classes Yoosung has been in for most of his life.

Call him crazy, obsessed, etc but Yoosung kept in tally his recitations. It was a practice he learnt in middle school, it sort of stuck. Anyway, what made today's math class different from his other math classes was because, half the questions answered were usually from him.

Now, only one fourth of those questions were from him, the other being...


Okay, Yoosung wasn't one to judge a book by its cover. But this somehow made him feel a little spark in his stomach. An unknown spark...

It reminds him of the same spark he felt when he realised Mc was better at than he was...Was this irritation?

"Solve for 'a+b' and 'ab' in two 'x' raised to the power of two plus eight 'x' plus five"

Mc, along with almost the whole class, finally raised her hand.

"Ms. Im, finally raised her hand I see"

"'a+b' is negative four and 'ab' is fiver over two"

A nod.

After a few more equations, the last situation was asked. A minute before the next period.

"Find the axis of symmetry and vertex, 'y' equals to 'x' raised to the power of two"

Yoosung raised his hand, but Luciel's hand was faster. The teacher called on the redhead.

"The axis of symmetry is 'x' equals to zero"

"Correct, well done Mr.Choi"

The teacher stopped today's lesson with a thank you and a reminder for the upcoming test, cue the internal groans of most students, and he was off.

He left and Mc, came over to Yoosung, since their next teacher usually run late.

"Hey Ys? You okay there?"

Yoosung blinked twice before facing her.

"One point..."

"Excuse me?"

"He beat me by one point..."

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