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“Hey mom”

“Morning to you to sweetie”

Yoosung gives his mother a soft smile; he enters their small car with his backpack hanging from his shoulder.

His blonde hair as decently groomed as possible for someone like him; aka someone who doesn’t bother on how well groomed he is.

His uniform, a white button-down long sleeved, grey vest, black blazer and his dress pants, was smoothened and ironed. His black shoes shined thanks to the constant waxing the poor accessory had to endure.

Were it not for the school symbol encrypted on his blazer chest pocket he would have looked like a super young business man.

This is all due to his mother’s constant reminders that he has to look his best for his first day as a first year high school student. A yellow plaid tie lay around his neck, proudly signifying him as a new 10th year.

He was the highest top in his years in the same school. He doesn’t mean to brag, but he felt proud about that.


His phone vibrates in his pockets. He fishes the black mobile out of his pocket before unlocking it; cheking the ID number from his contacts.


Yoosung feels his mouth tug upwards as his best friend’s ID flash on his screen.

“Is that Mi-cha?”

Yoosung chuckles.

“Ya, mom”

His mother makes a swift turn before continuing.

“Are you sure you don’t have any feelings for her anymore?”

Yoosung felt a twinge of annoyance towards his mother flare up. They were best friend through and through, especially after MC realized he DID have a small, embarrassing crush on her; she was pretty chill about it though…

“Yes mom, I don’t. Besides you know she likes someone”

It’s his mother’s turn to chuckle.

He rolls his eyes as he checks the text.


He couldn’t stifle his laughter as the abusive use of emojis was presented to his purple eye.

He types in a reply.

::Excited to see you too MC;; stop abusing those poor emojis tho! Anyway, once I get there we can plot on how to get Jaehee to be yours!:

His thumbs hits the send button as a broad smile present itself on his face.

Mc has been crushing on the, and he quotes: “Smartest, kindest and most beautiful girl on campus! She is perfection presented by God himself to our classrooms, cafeterias, etc!!! SHE IS A GODDESS YOOSUNG! A. G O D D E S S” , Jaehee Kang.

She was secretary for the student council, top in her grade, and a grade higher than him and Mc.

A second beep presents another reply.

::SKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKS YEET YEET SKRRT SKRRT YUP HAHAH SHUSH WE STILL NEED TO GET YOU A PARTNER—Are you sure you have no feelings for anybody on student council???👀👀👀:

He shakes his head dismissively, like a parent at a child. His mother takes another turn.

::No, the president is a personal story;; Jumin, no. nothing against him but I doubt it. And no, don’t even try Zen. He treats me like a child-:

Their president and Vice president were third year highschoolers, V and Jumin Han.

V and he already knew each other thanks to Rika, his cousin who was a college student. He didn’t particularly like V, and it showed. Yet V still treated him like a little brother.

Jumin Han, known for being rumoured as gay and pinning after Zen, wasn’t exactly a good choice either. He was good looking, rich, all that good jazz; It’s just he seems to always be preoccupied with his cat, schoolwork, and blind dates his father sets him up.

Zen, most handsome boy on the block, school girls craves for his existence! Good looking, hardworking, and sincere. Although can be overprotective over MC and Yoosung. Will forever nag Yoosung for his decision, so a hard pass for him. Plus he can be such a narcissist.

::We’ll find one soon enough! See ya Yoosungie~~~:

::See you too Mc^^:

Yoosung closes his phone and watches as his mother manoeuvres her way around the road.

“My baby is growing up so fast!”

She exclaims, using a tone often used towards babies or small baby animals.

“Mom! Stop treating me like a child! I’m seventeen by now!”

His mother chuckles as her son flushes due to embarrassment. His cheeks were covered with pink.

“Aw, sorry darling, it’s just I’m going to miss my little baby~”

She continues to coo. Yoosung sighs before chuckling.

He looks out his window.

“I can walk from here”

His mother nodded. She knows she can trust her son to walk from here to his school. Besides, it’s only a few blocks away.

“Okay, good luck Yoosung”

He kissed his mother on the cheek before breaking into slight jog to his school. 30 minutes before class started, he doesn’t feel like getting late.


“Kim, Yoosung”


He luckily arrived just in time, having a slight chat with Mc before going to his chair. Although something did seem off about today. Just as he was entering the classroom he ended up bumping into a redhead, who had glasses that looked like it belong to Hairy Porter.

They both ended up awkwardly apologizing to each other before proceeding to their respecting seats. Although, something felt odd about him..

Anyway, back to the present.

Mr. Jae-Jin, their class adviser and their math teacher, was calling names off a piece of paper; probably the list of the students who enrolled.

As far as Yoosung knew, there were no new students in their class. That would be impossible considering the fact the class he was in was higher than the res of the class.

“Im, Mi-cha?”


He continued on, ending at last. Mr. Jae-Jin clears his throat.

“Welcome back class, it is a pleasure for me to be your teacher. Although I’m confident you already know me. I am certain there is one member of this class who I didn’t say the name of”

Murmurs and whispers exchange everywhere, behind, beside, up front.

“Yes, if I could have Mr. Choi”


Yoosung felt a pang of great nervousness whoosh over him as their teacher reveal the student’s last name. So far, no Choi he has ever met did him any good.

Glam and Sarah Choi fiasco with Jumin was a mess. Sarah was trying to get Jumin to like her through blackmails, she got Mc to.

There was also Hyungie Choi. She falsely accused Zen of sexual harassment in front of the entire school and faculty. It took some time before completely clearing his name thanks to a local fish bread vendor in their school cafeteria.

The three of them were beautiful, but extremely selfish.

He didn’t know if he could trust this Choi.

He takes in a deep breath, and decided to look up front then focusing in the past. He was told many times there things he needed to let go…

But upon laying his eyes up front, he felt a great sense of déjà vu.

It was the same boy bumped into. Red hair, glasses, thin figure aswell.

“Class, meet Luciel Choi"

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