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🐶💛A New Pet❤🐱

"Sammy, what are you whining about, now?" Charles Lee looked over at his ginger-headed boyfriend, pouting on the couch. 

"It was that Alexander Hamilton guy again," Samuel Seabury, Charles' boyfriend, pursed his lips, crossing his arms. "Gosh darn it, he's so... Ugh!"

"True, his whole posse are just rambunctious assholes," Charles rolled his eyes, hopping onto the couch beside Sam. "Don't pay any of them any mind."

"But I can't even say anything, without him telling me my opinion means nothing! And he's just so arrogant! And..."

Charles rubbed Sam's back, before turning to kiss his shoulder. "Don't feel like it's only you he does this to. He literally cannot think about anyone else's feelings aside from his own. Same for his friends. Like that John Laurens kid. Oh my god! I literally just want to punch all of them in the face, sometimes."

Sam faintly chuckled, before going back to pouting. He brought his knees up to his chest, sighing dramatically as he rested his head in between them. Charles continued to rub circles into his boyfriend's back, as a sense of comfort.

"You know, since you're all sad and shit," Charles smirked at Sam, who looked at him quizzically, "we should y'know...get something to...brighten the atmosphere?"

Sam rolled his eyes, shifting away from Charles' grasp. "For the last time, Charlie, we aren't getting a dog!"

"But he'd be so cute!" Charles exclaimed, dropping to his knees as he slid onto the floor in front of Sam. "You know how much I fucking love dogs! I'll let you even pick him, or her, out if you want! It can be a rescue, even! See? We'd be doing good in the world, by saving it! Please, please, please!"

"I can't believe you are using my despair against me in order to try and get me to allow us to get a dog," Sam huffed, looking away from him. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

Charles pursed his lip, dragging himself over to Samuel, on his knees. He rested his head on his boyfriend's lap, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. Sam avoided eye contact, knowing that if even dared so much as to look down, he'd end up losing this battle.

"We aren't getting a dog, that's final. You know how much I hate them," Sam glanced over at Charles for a split second, before regretting even doing just that. "You're enough of a dog for me to handle daily."

"But, Sammy! I haven't owned a dog since I lived with my parents!" Charles rubbed Sam's thigh, causing him to jump from being startled. "And I've missed having them around... Why do you even hate dogs so much, anyways?"

"B-Because, I do!" Sam exclaimed, taking his glasses off, so he could rub his eyes. "If we absolutely had to get a pet, couldn't it be like a cat, or something? I like cats..."

"You are not the man I married," Charles gasped, throwing the back of his hand up to his forehead, dramatically.

"W-Wha?" Sam stammered, scratching the back of his head. "We aren't married, Charlie."

"Yeah, because you prefer cats over dogs! What kind of monster are you?!"

Sam shook his head, laughing to himself. "One that has opinions, Charles."

"Yeah...wrong opinions!"

"Okay, I'm done here," Sam hastily stood up, huffing. "I'm going into my room, eating Cheetos, and mumbling to myself about how much of a buttface you are."

"Aww, babe, c'mon! I was just kidding around with you. Sammy!"

Sam shook his head, storming off into their shared room. Charles sighed, shaking his head. Did he feel bad about turning Sam's sorrow into an argument about pets..? ...Kinda, yeah. Mostly because he was his boyfriend, and he wants him to be happy. Like a good boyfriend, himself! And, now, he feels like shit.

"Good going, Lee!" Charles slapped his forehead, groaning. That's when an idea popped into his head, as he discovered a way to fix the entire situation.


"Sammy~ Open the door, please~" Charles knocked on their shared bedroom door.

"Go. Away. I'm still avoiding you!"

It's been about two, almost three, days since their small feud. Samuel has not really spoken to Charles at all, since then. And whenever he left any room, or the house, Sam walked fast, and avoided eye contact. It broke Charles' heart.

"Please~? I have a present for you, love of my life~" Charles spoke in a sing-song voice, before getting annoyed with being ignored, then resulted to banging his fist on the door.

"What?!" Sam yelled from the other side, his voice cracking as he did.

"Please, please, please, open up, babe! It's important!"

After a few moments of awkward silence, the bedroom door swung open, and young, ginger-headed, Samuel stepped out the door. He glared at Charles, awaiting an explanation.

"I got you a present," Charles smiled innocently. "I even went downtown to get it! It's over there..."

As Charles pointed over to a carrier a feet away, Sam's facial expressions lit up entirely, and his mouth was agape. "Charlie,  what's that for?"

"It's for you, for if you ever change your mind about getting a pet," Charles explained, smiling softly.

Slowly approaching it, Sam spun the carrier around, examining every inch of it. But, of course, he was most surprised to see a pile of white fur resting in the middle of it. He opened the cage door, as an animal head turned to look in his direction.

"Oh my Lord, you didn't!" Sam gasped, holding a hand over his heart, as he glanced back at Charles.

"Surprise~" He weakly cheered, and clapped his hands. "She's almost two years old, and is a Himalayan breed... She's a rescue from the animal shelter..."

Sam watched as the cat cautiously stepped out of the carrier, examining her surroundings. He tried to repress a squeal, as he watched her. After a moment of this, he jumped up, and ran into Charles' arms, mumbling "thank you's".

"So, you forgive me?" Charles grinned at him.

"I guess so, you...buttface," Sam giggled, looking up at Charles. "Why'd you do this? Get a cat? I thought you hated them?"

"I felt really bad, I guess," he shrugged, scratching the back of his head. "I dunno... And, after visiting the shelter, to pick one out for you, as an 'I'm sorry' present, I grew attached to her, I suppose. She reminded me of myself, I guess. Before I met you, that is."

"Well, then, I guess that leads into my surprise a bit earlier than I anticipated," Sam smiled to himself, as Charles cocked an eyebrow.


"Come with me! I've got a surprise for you!"

After being dragged around downtown for about ten minutes, Charles was surprised to find himself back at the animal shelter where he had rescued their new pet. After Sam spoke with one of the employees, he covered Charles' eyes with his hands, and led him into a room.

There, he found himself greeted by a older bulldog, that pawed at his legs. Charles glanced over at Sam, utterly confused. Sam smirked, chuckling under his breath.

"Why'd you bring me here? You despise dogs, I thought?" Charles asked, but immediately got distracted by petting the adorable dog. He was just too cute to handle.

"Well, I do, but..," Sam walked over to Charles, leaning his head on his shoulder. "...I love you, more. That's why...we're adopting him."

"What?! Are you being for real?!"

"Yes," Sam smiled wider, grabbing Charles' free hand, that wasn't happily petting the bulldog. "Actually, I've been planning this for months."

"No! You're kidding!" Charles stared wide-eyed at his beaming boyfriend. "Just a couple of days ago, we were arguing about getting a dog!"

"That's because you were foiling my surprise," Sam giggled, kissing Charles' shoulder. "Besides, I liked seeing you get worked up about something you're passionate about. It's cute! And, I got a cat out of it, so it all worked out in the end."

"You're so devious. No wonder why I love you so much.

"So, do you like him?" Sam gestured towards the bulldog. "I'm not sure which kind you'd like, since I'm not a dog person, at all. But, he was so happy when I played with him, and was basically just screaming for me to save him. And, as soon as we can, I want to do just that..."

"I love him. And I love you, oh my God," Charles brought Sam in for a kiss. And the rest of there week was spent filled with all of their time dedicated to their new dog and cat, and each other.


Word Count: 1451

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