Chapter Forty Two.

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"Darling, nobody said that it would last forever
That doesn't mean we didn't try to get there..."


"I love the smell of freshly brewed drama in the afternoon."

Jerome's voice was distinctly cheerful as he spoke, a smile on his face as he bumped Evelyn's shoulder with his own.

"Stop staring," Evelyn said, embarrassed. Their criminology teacher let a few groups work in the hallway, including both Jerome and Evelyn and Tristan and Tanya, and they were seated across from one another, so it was painfully obvious Tristan and Tanya were having some sort of heated discussion.

"Stop staring?" Jerome asked with a snort. "Why aren't you staring?"

"Because it's rude," Evelyn said simply and Jerome held up a hand to stop her.

"Shh. I can barely hear her," he said and to her shame, Evelyn fell silent and tried to listen, but she didn't hear anything. At least, not from them. Jerome was a different story.

"Could you speak up? We can't hear you!" Jerome said in a tone of voice that was somehow both a whisper and a shout, cupping his hands around his mouth. Evelyn cracked a smile at that and Jerome burst into laughter as Tristan held up his middle finger, without turning to look at him.

Their conversation continued, and Evelyn had been sneaking a glance towards them when Jerome sighed in annoyance.

"Time to take a well-timed trip to that trash can," he finally said, standing up and moving towards the trash can only a couple feet from Tristan and Tanya.

Evelyn stood up, too, trying to tug Jerome back.

"Jerome, no. That's a private conversation," Evelyn hissed.

He just snorted. "Private, my ass."

Evelyn gave up, about to walk back to their spot on the floor, against the lockers, when Jerome threw an arm around her shoulders and guided her to the trash can with him. "C'mon, we're gonna have the best seats in the house."

"Jerome, that's not right. It's not our business," she said, trying to urge him away, when she heard Tanya say her name, and Jerome gave her a look.

"It may not be my business, but it sure as hell concerns you," he said, raising his eyebrows and taking a sip of his juice. How did he even get juice? Evelyn wanted juice.

As much as Evelyn wished she could say she was above it all, she couldn't help but listen intently to their conversation.

"How could you do this to me?" Tanya said and caressed his arm, but he pulled it back like she burned him.

"To you? I didn't do shit to you. The only one I owe an apology to is Evelyn," he said, his voice cold, the way Evelyn remembered it to be when they first spoke in the library.

"Tristan, I know I hurt you when I left, but we can fix this. We already have been."

"We didn't fix anything," he said with a flat look. "We broke something. I broke something that was worth saving."

"You mean Evelyn?" she said. "She can never give you what I can. I'm yours. I always have been."

"You're right. She can give me so much more. And you're not anything to me but a mistake," he said with such venom in his voice that Evelyn was taken aback.

Before anyone realized what was happening, Tanya raised her hand and slapped Tristan across the face, the sound stunning all the students in the hallway into silence. As if she had no control over her legs, Evelyn found herself walking up to them, standing between them, face-to-face with Tanya.

"What the hell was that?" Evelyn asked through clenched teeth.

"Would you like a repeat performance?" Tanya said with a fake smile, raising her hand to slap Evelyn, but she'd been expecting it, and caught her hand, applying pressure enough for Tanya to wince.

Evelyn took a step closer to Tanya, crushing her fingers even further. "Don't ever lay a hand on someone again."

"You won't do anything," Tanya said, trying to be tough, but her voice was shaky.

"Are you sure about that?" she asked and dug her nails into Tanya's hand, ever-so-slightly.

"Let go," she said, trying to pull away.

"Why? I thought you weren't worried about me doing anything," Evelyn said with a mocking smile.

"Please," she said through gritted teeth. Evelyn let go and Tanya rushed out of the hallway, rubbing her hand.

It was then that Evelyn noticed most of the students staring at her. She looked around nervously, before looking at her feet, embarrassed.

"What the fuck are you all staring at?" a voice from behind her snapped, causing most of the students to look away. Evelyn stiffened at Tristan's voice, finally realizing how close they were since she'd stepped between him and Tanya. He was so close. The closest he'd been since they broke up. The closest he'd been in weeks. And she was frozen in place, until her guardian angel came and snapped her out of it.

"Holy fuck, Evelyn. I'm liking you more and more each day," Jerome said with a laugh, throwing an arm around her shoulders and turning them around, so they were facing Tristan. She didn't look up.

"About damn time you got rid of Ursula," Jerome said and she finally lifted her eyes to see them fist-bumping. She smiled softly when she realized that meant they were talking again, but it slowly faded when she realized Tristan's eyes had been on her, even as he thanked Jerome.

"And you!" Jerome said, looking at Evelyn. "You got even more of a feisty side than I thought! And I think we all know what they say about the quiet ones," he added, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Jerome," both Evelyn and Tristan said at the same time.

"Fine, mom and dad," Jerome said, rolling his eyes. "Buzzkills."

"Idiot," they both said at the same time, Evelyn blushing when she realized they'd done it again.

"You know it's not even cute that you two do that. It's just freaky," Jerome said, before he started walking away. "I'll leave you two lovebirds to chat."

"You won't even look at me," Tristan said quietly, once Jerome was out of hearing distance.

"I... have to go," Evelyn said and spun around and walked out of the hallway, towards the staircase. He, of course, followed her.

"Evelyn, wait."

"I have a lot of Biology I have to do," she rushed out, skipping over certain steps as she heard him chuckle behind her.

"You don't take Biology, Evelyn."

She closed her eyes as she realized he was right. She took that in her freshman year. Damn.

"Right, well, it seemed more polite than saying I didn't want to talk to you, so," she said with a shrug, still speed walking, until she felt his hand around her upper arm. Slowly, she turned around.

"Look at me," he said, as she was staring at her shoes. She shook her head and felt a burning sensation in her eyes, realizing the situation was way too familiar. Just like the day they broke up.

The thing that broke her resolve was one little word.

"Please," he whispered and as if she had no control over her eyes, they lifted from the ground and found Tristan's.

"Hi," he said after a second of silence, a lopsided smile adorning his features.

"All that effort so we could talk and all you say is hi," Evelyn said, shaking her head, a small smile on her lips.

"I'm nervous," he admitted, running a hand through his hair, which he'd stopped covering with a hoodie. "Thank you, by the way."

"For what?" Evelyn asked and noticed his eyes flicker down to her lips were pulled into a frown.

"For defending me back there."

"Oh," she said with an awkward laugh. "No, it's okay. Anyone would've done it. I just got really, really angry when she did that, because you don't hit someone, no matter how mad you are, no matter if they're a boy and you're a girl, it's not right. And considering your history, I'm sure it brought unpleasant memories. Plus, an unpleasant sensation. You should really put ice on it. If you can find any, I mean. It constricts blood vessels, and less blood means less swelling, and you... won't be in as much pain... And I'm rambling."

Tristan laughed. "Yeah, you are. But I missed it."

Evelyn took a shaky breath. "I... don't, please. We aren't going to reminisce or talk like old friends. It's too much."

"Evelyn," he said as she turned around to walk away.

"Just leave me alone. Please," she whispered.

And this time, when she walked away, he didn't stop her.

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