Chapter Thirty Six.

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"Just say you won't let go..."


The only sound filling Evelyn's ears was the hum of Tristan's car. The only feeling filling Evelyn was the feeling of the heat blasting through the vents onto her skin. The only scent filling Evelyn's nose was the smell of Tristan's soap, which was soft, yet strong in the enclosed space. The only sight in Evelyn's eyes were the tail lights on the car ahead of them. The only taste in Evelyn's mouth was the bitter taste of betrayal.

At least, it felt like a betrayal to her.

Vaguely, Evelyn wondered if this was how Jane Eyre felt when she learned of Bertha; blindsided and confused, with a side of hurt. Except Tanya wasn't a madwoman locked in an attic, she was a skeleton locked in Tristan's closet. A secret locked in his mind. A lost love locked in his heart.

That was the problem, wasn't it? The fact that it was locked, hidden away. While her heart was unlocked, open, vulnerable, and delicately placed in the palm of his hand, his was locked up and placed behind walls. He didn't trust her enough to tell her and that... well, that hurt, if she was honest with herself.

The problem was not Tristan having a past, having an ex-girlfriend. The problem wasn't even how distracted he became by her. The problem was him lying to her about it when she asked, only to be blindsided when she reappeared.

The problem was Tristan being frustrated by Evelyn not being open enough, only for Evelyn to learn he was just as closed-off as her in some ways.

The problem was her being so inspired by his trust in her, that she put her trust in him, and revealed the part of herself she was most ashamed of when his trust in her wasn't as deep as it seemed.

The problem was the way Evelyn's mind kept flickering back to scenarios when she'd asked him a direct question and wondering if his instant answer was the truth, or a lie, as well.

"Will you say something?"

Evelyn was silent.


Evelyn took a deep breath. "I'm thinking, Tris."

"What is there to think about?"

Again, Evelyn was silent.

"You're overreacting, Evelyn."

At this, Evelyn turned her head to look at Tristan, crossing her arms over her chest.



"What's your definition of a lie?"

"Don't do that."

"No, really. I'm genuinely asking. What do you consider a lie?"

"A lie is when someone tells you something that's not true, but acts like it is."

"Good, I agree. And what is universally known as the most important thing in a relationship?"


"Humor me."

"Fine. Trust. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship."

"And what does it take to undermine trust?"


"Don't worry, I'll answer this one. A lie. That's all it takes. One lie. I don't care if it's as seemingly simple you telling me your shoes are red, when they're actually blue. Lies are never simple, because the second you tell one, people will always wonder about what else you've lied about."

"It's not like that, Evelyn. I was going to tell you, I just wasn't ready yet."

"And there it is. Another lie. If you weren't ready, you know you could've just said that when I asked, but you didn't. You lied."

"I didn't think it was a big deal."

"Look at it from my perspective, Tristan. You criticized me for not being open enough with you, told me you felt like I wasn't honest enough, when you always were. But that's the thing. You weren't always honest. I don't like that. I don't like being held to a double standard and I don't like being lied to. About anything."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not an apology I want. I just want you to trust me. If you feel like you have to lie to me when I ask a question, what's the point of being in a relationship?"

"Evelyn, don't say that."

"It's true."

"It's just an ex, Evelyn. Everyone has a past, she's part of mine. I wanted to leave her in the past and keep you here, in the present, and the future, so I didn't tell you about her."

Evelyn frowned. "I just don't understand why you couldn't tell me that before, why you felt you had to lie."

"Because I'm an idiot, Evelyn!" Tristan said with a small laugh. "Sometimes I make the wrong decision and pride or fear stops me from correcting it until I absolutely have to or it's too late."

Evelyn felt her lips lift in a smile, shaking her head. "That I can agree with."

"The pride part?"

"No, the idiot part," she said, glancing at him and smiling.

It wasn't long before they pulled into Evelyn's driveway, but as Evelyn went to open the passenger door, the lock clicked, alerting her that Tristan had locked the doors. She looked over at him, confused, and noticed the worry painted all over his features, most apparent in the crease between his eyebrows and his lip stuck between his teeth, as his dark brown eyes met hers.

"You're not going to break up with me... right?"

"Not unless you give me a reason to," she said with a cheeky smile, but ceased joking the second she realized Tristan didn't even smile, truly fearing she'd break up with him.

"Do you remember the day you told me you had dyslexia?" Evelyn asked.

"Of course," he said with a confused expression, until it was replaced with a fond smile. "You told me you wished your hair was curly, like mine, that day."

"Do you remember what else I said? You asked me to promise not to break your heart, and I did, as long as you did what in return?"

"As long as I promised not to break yours, you wouldn't break mine."

"Exactly. I see no broken hearts around here," Evelyn said with a smile. "Do you?"

"Well, no," he said slowly, as if he was expecting some sort of catch to her statement.

"You were wrong for lying to me and for holding me to a double standard, but why would I break up with you over it, Tris?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."

"Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily, Curly?" Evelyn said with a smile.

"So you forgive me?"

"There's nothing to forgive, just please don't lie to me again. I understand not being ready to talk, so tell me you're not ready, just don't lie."

"I won't. Promise," he said, holding up his pinky.

Evelyn laughed and shook her head at him.

"What?" Tristan asked, looking between Evelyn's smile and his pinky finger, with furrowed eyebrows.

For a moment, Evelyn didn't respond, she just scanned her eyes over his features, the tousled, dark ringlets, the place on his cheekbones where she knew there were freckles, even though they weren't visible in this light, his brown eyes framed by naturally long eyelashes, and his lips, slightly pouted in a confused frown.

"What?" he asked again. "Not a fan of pinky promises?"

"I think I know a better way to seal a promise."

Tristan opened his mouth, presumably to ask what Evelyn meant, but she decided she'd rather show him than tell him. Leaning over the console, Evelyn stroked his cheekbone with her thumb, but let her lips hover in front of his for a moment, not letting them touch just yet. Out of impatience, Tristan moved forward, his lips meeting her own. Evelyn's heartbeat sped up as he trailed his lips down her neck, to her collarbone, before back up her neck, to her ear.

"I think this is better than a pinky promise," he rasped.

Evelyn laughed softly. "Told you."

"Can I tell you a secret?" he said, ghosting his hands up her arms, until he cupped her neck with one hand.


"I don't ever want to hear you call me Tristan again."

Evelyn pulled away, laughing softly as she looked at Tristan. "What do you mean? That's your name."

"Yes, but I always want to be Tris to you, Evelyn. I don't like when you call me Tristan, like I'm a stranger to you."

Evelyn unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed over the console until she was in Tristan's lap, straddling him. Tristan's eyes widened as he looked up at her, her caramel hair acting as a curtain for the two of them, blocking the rest of the world out.

Evelyn threaded her fingers through his soft locks, pulling gently to angle his head to the left, to whisper in his ear.

"Tristan," she whispered. "How's that? Does it sound like you're a stranger to me?"

"That," he started, placing his hands on her hips and smiling at her. "Does not count."

Back in Tristan's arms, happiness in her heart and a smile on her lips, all felt right in the world.

The only question was... How long would they be that way?

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