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Part 1

"That controlling son of. A bi**h stood up again,didn't he?"

Her best friend Ragini growled from Swara's balcony,which overlokked the Roosevelt Bridge,its pillar outlined by an incandescent glow at night.Scenic views or even the balcony weren't typical features for the dorm rooms of Blake Hall,but then her unit wasn't the typical dorm room either.

Instead she had a suite,one of the many perks offered to students who did extremly well on scholarships.

Swara Gadodiya was one of those students,& her kind was the minority in Christopoulos University.All the others were rich & privileged like her friend,the kind who learned how to say "credit" & "card" before "Mom" & "Dad".Or at least that was what Ragini said.

Ragini-I just don't know what u see in that little sh*t.

Swara smothered a laugh when she saw Ragini glaring at the scenery knowing it was her boyfriend Ragini wanted to glare instead.

Briefly,Swara considered denying the obvious since the five-foot-tall "little shit".Ragini was talking about had indeed stood her up again.Not that it was a big deal.Sahil Sen Gupta,her boyfriend for 15 wonderful months,had been re-elected as Student Council President.Of course tgere'd be a lot of times he had to prioritize his obligations over dates with his girlfriend.

Ragini was still grumbling.

Swara-Stop it!(she said laughingly)

I don't have an issue with it so why should u?

Ragini-Did he atleast text u to sau he's not coming?

Swara took a deep breath,but in the end she couldn't lie.

Swara-He's just busy,okay?

The excuse that readily leapt to her lips only seemed to reinforce what an old edition of Cosmo had revealed to her.

Earlier at the library,Swara had impulsively taken one of the quizzes featured in the magzine.The title had grabbed her attention.

"Are You Playing the Martyr?"

By the time she finished the quiz,Sahil still hadnt shown up.She also 10/10,the only time she was aghast at getting a perfect score.

"But it was imposible for her to be martyr"she thought.Martyrs weren't happy.Martyrs didn't smile.& she was both😀.So she wasn't a martyr,never mind if Sahil was ditching her 2nd time in less than 24 hrs😞.

Cosmo was so stupid.If-when-she passed the bar exam 4 yrs from now,Cosmo would have the honor of being a recipient of her first lawsuit.She'd sue them for fraud on behalf of a young women like her whose minds they had messed up when they were perfectly happy.

And she was happy.Or at least she had been until Sahil had suddenly changed.For weeks now,he had been aloof to the point of cruel indifference,& she just didn't know what to make of it.

Ragini-Where is he supposed to be anyway?

Swara brightened at Ragini's question,declaring proudly.

Swara-He's at a photo shoot.The Photography Club asked him to model for their Valentines' poster.They're auctioning him off-the girl who wins gets to date him for one evening,all-expense paid.

Ragini's glory pink lips formed an O of surprise.

Ragini-& u agreed?😮

Swara-It's for a good cause!


Shaking her head,Ragini walked back into the living room & grabbed her shiny wrist bag from the leather sofa.

Ragini-I wish I can stick around to give the little s**t a piece of mind--


Ragini-But I have to go.I promised Laksh I'll drop by his party.

Swara frowned,wondering who that Laksh was.The only Laksh she knew--

Ragini took one look at her face & said dryly.

Ragini-It is Laksh Oberoi.

Swara-No way!Laksh Oberoi?

Laksh Oberoi was throwing a party?& she wasn't invited?

They were both nerds,& was not inviting her?Did that mean she was so greeky even fellow nerds didn't want her showing up at their parties?

How was the 1st part??

Shower your comments...


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