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"Am I interrupting something?" -said a voice.

Sanskar's hands dropped from her shoulder and he stepped away as Sahil came to her side.

Sanskar was breathing hard, but his face was without emotion when he met the other man's gaze.

Swara bite her lip as hard as she could. If she cried Sanskar would think that she was feeling sorry for him,& he would hate her for that.

Sahil slipped an arm around her waist & glanced down at her with a gentle smile.

Sahil- Hi, babes.😉

He was as handsome as ever, dressed in a foam green collared shirt & designer jeans.

The difference b/w him & Sanskar was glaring,& the difference in how they made Swara feel was just as blatant.

Swara- H-hi😊

Normally, she loved hearing Sahil speak. His faint Italian accent lending a sweet cadence to his words, his voice settling over her like a blanket of Tranquility. But now it did nothing to quiet the riotous emotions battering her heart.

Sahil- No kiss?

He asked with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

The words were still spoken in a feather-soft voice, but Swara knew it was a test😈.

In the days she spent with Sahil, she had slowly come to know the secret side of him, the one that was forceful & jealous. That side of him wordlessly demanded for Swara to make a choice now.

Sanskar was staring at her.

Swara- I'm sorry.😔

She whispered the words silently to him just as she tiptoed to kiss Sahil on the cheek. Sahil twisted her head at the same time & their lips touched.

She pulled back in surprise😳,but Sahil only laughed.😃

Sahil-Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Sanskar was gone. She didn't need to turn around to know it. His presence was like a coat that kept her warm,& when he left she was all frozen inside.

Sahil pulled her close, stroking her hair, kissing her forehead.

Sahil- U chose me.

He said quietly.

She closed her eyes breathing in his familiar scent & drawing comfort from it.

Swara- I'll always choose u.

She whispered, knowing that the words were heartbreakingly true.😕😢

She pulled away when she felt Sahil hardening against her.

Sahil- Don't look at me like that, babes.

He caressed her cheek.

Sahil- I'm sorry. I was too fast, wasn't I ?

Swara nodded.

His answering laugh sounded force.

Sahil- Not even going to deny that, huh?

He walked away, leaning against the rails, his hands clasped over it.

Swara knew what he wanted &, Oh God, she wished she could give it to Sahil. Maybe someday she would but not now. She could make her mind rule her heart, but her body wasn't hers to command. It only answered to its owner,& it wasn't Sahil.

Sahil glanced at her over the shoulder, a tender smile on his face, the rising sun in the distance creating a gold halo around him.

Sahil- How about talking a side shot of me?

Swara- Sure.😊

She smiled back, her body instantly relaxing at the familiar twinkle in Sahil's eyes.

This Sahil in front of her was the one she wanted, the one that kept her normal.

Swara hurried to position, kneeling down again so she could get a different angle of Sahil.


When Sahil started to move, she shook her head.

Swara- One more.

She stood up & backed a couple of steps.

When she took the shot, Swara swallowed back a gasp.

Sanskar stood at the foot of the bridge, the look on his face leaving her cold.

Precap- Past...

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