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Sanskar crossed to her side immediately,his jaw clenching hard at the site of Swara's tear stained eyes.

Swara numbly watched a small frown crease Sanskar's forehead as he bent close.It was only when he cradled her face & wiped her tears away with his thumb that she realized she had been crying.

Sanskar whispered-I'm here,baby.

Concern mingled with fury darkening his gaze.

Sahil-Who the hell r u calling "baby" ,Maheshwari?😡😡

Sahil roared from behind,but Swara couldn't see him,with Sanskar's tall & lean form blocking almost everyone from her view.

Sanskar-My gf,who else?😍😎😉


Swara's eyes flew to Sanskar,stunned at his words.

He gazed back at her expressionlessly,as if leaving it to her to accept or denounce his claim.

Her lips parted,but no words came out.

He gave her a tender smile,as if reassuring her that there wasn't any rush.😍😍

Sanskar-R u ok?

Even as Swara nodded,her body started to tremble,the shock of what had just transpired finally catching up with the rest of her.

Sanskar moved away reluctantly,stepping back to stand at her side.

The 1st thing Swara saw was the distance suddenly separating Sahil & Kavya,the other girl fuming when she reached out for Sahil's hand & he batted it away instead.😂😂

The 2nd was the look of betrayal in Sahil's dark gaze,sending a sharf of such acute distress through her that she almost cried out.

Even though a part of her wanted to go to Sahil,she held herself stiffly at place,her hand instinctively searching for Sanskar's & gripping it as tight as she could.

Why was Sahil looking at her like she had hurt him when he had been the one to break them apart?

His unexpected betrayal was like a chainsaw that had hacked her heart into pieces,something she didn't know how to survive without Sanskar at her side.


The aching sweetness in Sanskar's voice made her look at him,unconsiously pleading her for something she couldn't put a label to.All she knew was that Sanskar was the only one who could give it to her.😍

The look of surrender in Swara's eyes nearly had Sanskar undone,but he managed to keep his control even though all he wanted to snatch her into his arms & finally had a taste of her lips.😝😝

Keeping his voice gentle,he asked...

Sanskar-Did u tell him then?

Swara found herself suddenly being pulled to Sanskar's side,one arm going around her waist with casual intimacy.She shivered again,for an entirely different reason.The touch felt like a start of something was had waited & avoided for so long,the moment when Sanskar Maheshwari was claiming her as "his".

His gaze on Swara,Sanskar caressed her cheek with his knuckles as he told Sahil...

Sanskar-I don't understand why u have to be so furious,Sahil.U seem to have someone else in ur life as well.Swara didn't mean to fall in love with me but she did so she went here to do the right thing & tell u.

The words he didn't say but implied were clear to everyone.Swara had the decency not to play around.Sahil didn't.

Saskar-I wanted to be the one to tell u,but she wanted to do things right.

It was another not-so-subtle-dig.

Sahil visibly bristled,but he still remained silent,his lips stiffly pressed together.

Sanskar's broad shoulders moved in an elegant shrug as he turned back to Sahil with a smile,his hand moving down to curl around the side of her hip.

Sanskar-But now she's said it.Don't u think it's better if we put the past behind & move on?

Swara jerked in shock when she realized where Sahil was staring,his eyes narrowed & his nostrils flaring in fury as he stared at when Sanskar's hand was holding her with fimiliar ease,a place where even he hadn't ever touched😂😂(This place is only for Sanky not anyother Jahil😡).His face was filled with loathing as he glanced at her,snapping...

Sahil-Is it true?

& slowly she heared herself saying...


Beside her,Sanskar's body relaxed,& it was only then she realized how he had been standing so tensely while waiting for her answer.

Kavya-You're right.

A coy smile Kavya flashed at Sanskar made Swara feel sick.😉

Kavya-We should let bygones be bygones & just be happy together.

Swara wanted to throw up.She couldn't help turning to Sahil,searching any signs of dismay in his face.

Couldn't he see how the other girl was flirting with Sanskar?

She knew Sahil was out of her league.She had known that from the very start,but atleast she was & would always been faithful to her,something Kavya could never be.

But Sahil was no longer looking at her or anyone else.

Sahil-F*ck u,Sanskar.😠😡

He said brusquely,& then he was walking away,dragging his date with him.

Ragini suddenly bounced into view.

Ragini-Oh God,I can't believe u had the courage to tell Sahil the truth & this happened!😮

Her voice was unnaturally loud,making Swara wince.Subtlety was so not Ragini's forte.

Sanskar still had his arm around her😍😉.

5 miutes ago,his touch would have sent her into a panic but now it was something that kept her world in balance,something she actually felt desperate not to lose.

Swara-I want to go home.

Swara whispered,more to herself.

Sanskar-I'll take u.(he said immediately)

Ragini nodded helpfully.

Ragini-Yes,take ur "gf" home now,Sanskar.😉

Her eyes twinkled.

If she could just summon enough energy,she would be glaring at Ragini by now.

She was not Sanskar's gf!She wasn't anyone's gf!She was an ex-gf!The thought threatened her resolve,making Swara shudder involuntarily.

15 months.For 15 months she had allowed herself to dream,had dared to believe that her life was finally going to be perfectly predictable bcoz she had the right man next to her.

She remembered laughing with Sahil as they argued about her choice of paperbacks in the bookstore.She remembered the times he would wake her up with a sweet chaste kiss on her lips if he caught her asleep on her laptop.Swara remembered a lot more,but the memories that used to make her smile were now like knife stabs into her heart.They were so beautiful,& they were so fake.😢😢😭

Sanskar's arm tightened around her,& his voice was tight with worry when he spoke.

Sanskar-U don't look good.


She was.She had to be.She had been alone b4.She could do it again.

The walk back to home was spent in silence.All she could do was concentrate on breathing & doing her best not to break down.

Sanskar's arm remained protectively curled around her shoulders even all the way up in the elevator.When they reached her floor,her fingers trembled as she fumbled for the keys inside her bag.

Swara turned around when she finally managed to unlock her door.

Swara-W...would u like to come in?

Was she really asking Sankar Maheshwari to come inside her room?

Sanskar stared her for a long moment b4 nodding.

Sanskar-I'd like that,thanks.😀😃😉

& then he stepped inside with her & closed the door behind him.

Swara stared at Sanskar,a bit of her sanity returning & causing her to experience a silver of panic as Sanskar's gaze settled on her,his thoughts hidden behind the blank mask on his face.

The room suddenly felt smaller & hotter,dominated by the sheer impact of his presence.She forgot about Kavya,about Sahil,about everything else.All she could see,feel,& think of was Sanskar😍😍.


Just that one word told her everything she didn't want to know.The way he said her name,the way his eyes burned with a purposeful glitter--

Once she had asked him why he kept bothering to be nice to her,when he so clearly didn't lack fot female company & she so clearly wasn't comfortable in his presence.Then,he had only given her a smile that could have meant anything.

But tonight,he was answering her.

Sanskar Maheshwari wanted to be her f*cking dom.



How was the part?😀

Shoot ur comments☺


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