I Love You

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Demi Lovato- Don't Forget

Katie's POV

I turned around and found a hand grabbing my arm. I slowly look up and I see Percy sitting up in his coffin. His eyes closed and is extremely pale.


I'm just standing there, my mouth open, and I said, "Percy?!" I'm so shocked, I don't even know what to say. It's not like you see your friend dead on sec, then see him sitting up in his OWN COFFIN!!!

"Katie, what happened? All I remember is see red and that girl." He then opened his eyes, but instead of see his once baby blue eyes, they are now blood red.

"Percy, your eyes. What? I'm so confused? HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!!! I thought you died..."

"Katie, please don't freak out. But, I am dead. Just I'm a... vampire now. I think, all I remember is this little girl sucking my blood and telling me that I'm a vampire."


"What? Percy is this some sick game? Is this a prank?!" I start crying. This has to be a prank, or a dream. There is no way he can be a vampire. They only exists in twilight!

"What? No, why would I prank you like this. I know I should be explaining everything to you, but I'm so hungry. And you smell so good..."

His eyes then turned black. In that moment, I did even care that it's Percy, I'm getting the fuck out of there. So I ran. I ran as fast as I could and when I was out a breath, I realized I'm in a fuckin graveyard!!!

'Out of all the places in the world, I had to end up at a graveyard.'

So while I catch my breath, I think back to what just happened. So first, my best friend is alive, we'll sort of, I think. Second, he's a vampire, again I think. Third, he's chasing me for my blood, for the third time, I think. Just a normal day for me.

I was so into my thoughts, I didn't realize that a fog came in. I can't see anything but the tree that is right behind me. I was about to start running again. Until I'm trapped against the tree, with hands on both sides of my head. And Percy right in front of me.

"Why run away Katie, we need to talk."

"No way, I'm not about to have you bite my neck."

"I'm not going to bite you, yet. I just want to talk, please Katie."

I don't want to though. I wanted you back, but not like this. This isn't even Percy, he would never hurt me or scare me like this. He would also never mix with my emotions like this.

I didn't replay and let him talk.

"I was wake when the funeral started, I'm just good a pretending. I wanted to listen to what they said about me. But I didn't even know half the people up there. And my parents would rather leave my sister alone with her dead brother in front of her, then miss being social. But, you came. You toke care of my sister when my parents didn't want to. Also, you waited until the very end to tell me how you really felt."

He heard. I know I should be happy that he heard, but he isn't Percy. This one acts nothing like the Percy I know good and well.

"And I didn't ask to be a vampire, but I would rather be this monster then not tell you that I love you too. I always had. I just didn't want to ruin our relationship if you didn't feel the same way. I now that I'm a vampire, I am immortal. And I don't want to be alone. Not again. I was already alone with my family. Please Katie, please let me turn you. We could be happy together, we could be together for entirety."

"No Percy, I can't. Because this isn't the Percy I fell in love with. You may look like him, but you will never be him. He would never do this, I know him to well."

   His eyes look hurt by what I said, but he quickly covered it back up and now his eyes are blank.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but I can promise you it is me. I just drink blood now. See, I'm still sarcastic. Isn't that prof enough that I'm still Percy."

"No, Percy, or who ever it is, let me go. I missed you a lot and I did wish for you to come back, but not like this. Please just leave, I just tried to get over you and now your making me want to cry all over again." My eyes start watering up now and I feel like braking down.

"Then let me turn you, that way we can be free to do what ever we want. And, you won't have to worry about losing me ever again. Now, hold still."

He then opened my neck to him, and no matter how hard I try to get out of his grip, he's just to strong.

   By now, the fog has cleared up and in the distance. I noticed a person by a garden shed. Most be a worker here.

   I know have the choice to either let Percy do what ever he wants with me, or try to call out for help. Sadly, I already knew the answer to that.

"Help me!!! Someone plea..."

Authors note

   Sorry, cliffhanger. I just had to leave it in a cliffhanger. Don't worry, I will update soon. Also, I think there's only going to be either one or two more chapters. And, like I said before. If u want a sequel, go to the authors note chapter and comment if u want one. Also don't forget to leave a like and I will see u guys soon. Bye-Bye!!!

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