Let it all out

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Mercy- Shawn Mendes

Hey guys, so I'm in a bitchy mood. Nothing is going my way and I just really need to let my anger out some how. So instead of talking about my new book coming out, I going to be complaining. You can do it to, just comment something that made you pissed off. I don't care if you comment after this is posted for a year, I will reply back. Don't want anyone left out. Trust me, it will make you feel better in the end.

One, why the fuck do I have to take gym. I know it's to make you healthy and all that crap. But it's bad when people are always getting hurt, and not me, but other people can't jog for 3 mins. I'm actually ok with running, I guess soccer conditioning helped with that. But when you have people being fucken idiots with the equipment, shits going down. Yesterday, I was leaving gym, heading to lunch. When out of no where, a basketball comes flying from the sky. And lands right in the middle of my forehead. Of course I got hit in the head multiple of times, but this was serious. I was extremely dizzy, my head was killing me, and I wanted to throw up. I went to the nurse after a hour because I had conditioning and I still wanted to go to it. And she told me I had a really good chance of a minor concussion.
Which also meant that I had to miss conditioning, that would be a good thing. If I didn't have to make it up on tryouts...
Double yay

Second, soccer tryouts are next week. And holy shit I am terrified. I'm am so scared I'm not going to make it and I will embarrass myself in front of everyone. Please tell me I'm going to be ok...

Third, I can't calm down. With soccer almost every day and school work. I'm getting frustrated and I don't know how to solve it. And sadly, no one knows about it. Let's just say I'm good at pretending and I always say I'm fine. When I reality, I feel like I'm having a panic attack. I am trying to find ways to fix it, but I'm coming up short. Like just yesterday, my dad checked me out for the concussion. And apparently to him, I was a sleep for 5 hours. I then got something to eat, watch a little football, then went back to sleep. I had at more then 12 hours of sleep and I still feel like crap. I hope it gets better...

Ok that's about it before I go anymore deeper, even though I just told you stuff that even my closest friends don't know about. I hope you guys are having better days then this. And if not, use my moto. 'You have to have the bad times, to have the good. Nothing is always going to go exactly like how you want it. There is always going to be a fork in the road. But how you solve it, is what matters.' And for me, I just bottle it up till the worse is over. Which by how things are, is going to be a while. Again, good luck everyone and I hope you have an amazing day.😊

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