On My Way

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Steady 1234- Vice



I then ripped the cord out of the socket and throwing the alarm clock to the ground.

"That is what u get for waking me up in 10 in the morning."

If u can tell by now, I hate mornings. Never liked them, never will.

I then remember why I set up the alarm, I still need to be ready for his funeral. It's at 7 and I still need to get an outfit, go grocery shopping, and be ready by 5. Because the graveyard is so far away and I want to be there one hour earlier.

Better get ready I said to my myself.

I just wore my red plaid shirt and ripped jeans. I also brought my converse and just braided a little of my hair together.

I grabbed my phone and decided to go ahead and get the groceries.

2 and a half hours later
*Spongebob narrator voice*

Finally, I'm done, now for finding the outfit. I gonna be honest, I HATE shopping for clothes! I just can't find anything other then jeans and a t-shirt, man I'm a tomboy.

After what felt like hours, which was only 45 mins, I finally found my outfit. It's a simple black dress, black heels, and silver heart earrings. And I still have the necklace Percy gave me for my birthday.

I never take it off. It was to show how long we were going to be friends for, which is for infinite.

It's one thirty when I come home and I decided to take a hour nap. I just need some sleep since my alarm clock RUDLY woke me up this morning.

Katie's dream

I am in the middle of the graveyard, with fog surrounding me making me blind. I start to panic because I don't remember coming here, and I can't move. It's like my feet is super glue to the ground. And I'm wearing a red dress that I never seen in my life. And suddenly, I hear something. I first I thought it was a twig braking, but it didn't stop. It sounded like someone was coming closer to me.

I tried even harder to move my feet, but it was no use. And when the sound was right in front of me, it stopped. Everything was silent.

Then in the fog comes out a girl, a girl that I never seen in my life comes up to me. I have to say she is at least 5 or 6 years old and she stopped right in front of me. Then she said,

"I am sorry, I am so sorry. I did not mean it, I was just so hungry. And now, your in danger because of me. I suggest u do not go to his funeral, or bad thing will happen."

I am so confused, what does Percy have to do with this? And what does she mean by 'I'm in danger'? I was about to ask her all these questions, but before I can, she says one more thing.

"I know u love him, but if you value your life, please don't go, you might live."

Then she disappeared into thin air. And I am still stuck until I start to wake up.

*End of dream*

What the fuck was that!!!

I would have thought more about it until I saw it was 4 o'clock.

"Shit, I only have and hour left until I have to leave."

I then start to get ready, but I'm still thinking about what she said. Why doesn't she want he to go to see Percy? And why did I have that dream? I know I should listen, because this always happens in horror movies, but I just can not see Percy. This is my last chance of being with him. So I continue to get ready and some how I'm ready at exactly 5 o'clock.

"I guess it's time, ready or not Percy, here I come."

I then locked my apartment door, get into my car, and drove to the cemetery.

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