Chapter Thirty

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Age sixteen (Damion)

One hour later (Home from the Tate's)

"Such disrespect." His father mumbled out loud, no one said anything. The tension strong no one dared to speak, you could hear a pin drop.

"Get dinner ready, I'll be in my office." Mr. Grey said over his shoulder not bothering to turn around after putting his jacket in the closet.

He disappeared upstairs, utterly silence fall between the two. It became normal of this habit but still Damion had to glare and bite hard on his tongue.

"Mom you don't have to do what he says, for god's sakes." He grabbed hold of her hand as she was about to leave but she didn't want to hear him, pulling her hand from his tight grip, she whispers.

"He's my husband." Damion came speechless utterly shocked at her response. She turned to leave once again.

"You can't let him control you like this."

"That's enough Damion!, go to your room." She said within her whisper stren, without looking back she leaves for the kitchen.

Damion seems to give up his shoulders drop in defeat. He always detests his father seemingly from that very moment he made his mother a dog on his leash.

He stomps up the stairs not bothering to do no more, his mother was far gone but he had to save her before it was too late.

He walks pass his father's office but stops in his tracks when he over heard his conversation. It seems that he was on the phone.

"Make sure to not get caught or it's your head." He said through grash teeth. Damion felt deep inside he shouldn't be here but it's even worse to know that what gis father is doing is illegal.

Damion sighs, he knows he shouldn't be listening and a little part of him agrees. He shakes his head and continues on passed his father's office and into his navy blue bedroom. That is filled with Baseball and Football trophies from all the years his father made him ay sports just to keep up the family's reputation.

He throws himself on the bed and closes his eyes, but a particular brunettes face flashes in his mind. He sighs, he can't help but feel bad for little Maddie Tate, she is at the tender age of seven and she's tiny to. A sly little thing she was as well.

He can't help but smirk, feeling warm feelings towards her. Her little laugh that sounded like bells and her blush that was a dark shade of red.

Morning came as quick as the night it was only common to hear gis father already at his usual thing. Bossing around his wife.

He remember one day his mother collapsed and all his father did is kick her to get up.

He once defended it and stood up to his father only ending up with a bloodied nose and a black eye.

He raced out of his room in full speed only to see his mom on the ground picking up some paper work from off the floor.

It didn't help that his father was over her cursing at her in full rage of anger.

All dressed in his military clothes, he simply pushed his wife to the side after taking the papers from her hands.

Damion camw down stairs ready to say something but his mom held up her hands.

They been through this rounten everyday yet still nothing will change her mind.

Damion always wanted to know what power was so strong that his father control her.

He passes her taking his bag from the hook, leaving his mother without saying a word.

All throughout the day Damion felt something was wrong, he couldn't focus in class neither his trainings.

He ran home in full speed, entering his home but what he saw left him speechless.

There she sat, his mother sitting with chains around her wrists and tape wrapped around her mouth, she had a black eye with blood running down her face.

He shook in pure horror seeing his mother in such state even when the gun pointed at him, he didn't break eye contact with him.

Unsheld tears fill her eyes a dead look present in her eyes.

He was gonna take a step closwr when the gun fire at his leg, he screamed from the pain.

Wild thrashing and screams came from his mother. But the person over her put the gun further towards her head pressing down.

Damion's ears were ringing hus focus wasn't on his pain but his mother.

His mother...

Tears ran down his face whatever thses men want it would cause hus mother's life.

"Now I'll repeat again where is it." The leader said pushing the gun further, but she only looked upstairs to the office then back at Damion.

A evil grin crosses the guy's face bringing his lips closer to the lady's ear.

"Thank you for youe service now it's time to clean." He said, she looked at him briefly turning back her attention to her son on the ground.

In a blink of an eye gun shot fire, it happened so fast that the raw scream of pain was so loud it knocked Damion out.

He didn't know what happened after that only that his mother died right before his eyes.

She's gone.

And he couldn't do nothing to save her.

He woke up in a hospital room a couple hours after, dead to the world he became numb.

He didn't mind that his father was nowhere in sight.

A coward who killed his family and his wife was no father.

The door opened, his aunt came rushing in with tears running down her cheeks.

He couldn't hear or feel what was around him, his numbness was all it became.

Two Years Later.

Living with his aunt became as a peace to him. As well as the little puppy he got for his eighteenth birthday.

He called him Strom.

A name of the illusion of his life.

He pet him goodbye, today was his first day of military training. At first he didn't want to but what does he even want anymore.

If it wasn't for his aunt he would be dead and probably broken even worse.

He had his life ro regain. . .

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