|You'll Feel Better when You Wake Up|

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-The Pictures That Are I keep Dearly, and treasure them, some are Heartbreaking...-

Well...its nearing that Month....July 31st 2017...my birthday...also the day when i lost HER....Denise...my birthday present, There's not a single day that goes by were i don't miss or think about her, i remember The memories we had, It hurts to just forget someone who gave you so much to remember...It hurts....Alot..........People say that the pain will heal in time, But its A lie!! Cause i still feel that pain....that sorrow....i can still see her....Her eyes looking straight into mine...

Just...Picture this-
Your me, holding denise in your hands, as she laid there Breathing heavily, Eyes wide filled with pain, You set her down on the pink blanket, Researching stuff, Trying to do whatever you can to help her, NOTHING..., You just lay by her side thinking love could heal her, Thinking she would make it, Until, ahe began to Wheeze, and Twitch, her body going cold, you Began to Cry pleading for her to Fight it, pleading for her to wake up, Asking for god to don't take her, But......She stopa moving....She looks into your eyes one last time, before...her heart stops, and her body goes cold, You Frozed, Sobbing uncontrollably Yelling and pleading 'Please...Wake up...Don't leave me...- DENISE!!!!!!' Your world shatters, your heart falls and tears into million of pieces.......She was Gone...


Thats how i felt...on that day...and to this day.........Knowing You(I) couldn't see her again nor was she coming back....You realize your nothing without her..........


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