Jedi Code

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                                       IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!! :D                                                                                                              Okay, so this is an AU one shot; basically Order 66 happened nine years later than in film, so Caleb was 23 when it happened, not 14. Another thing, I'm sure everyone knows this since they mentioned it in The Holocrons of Fate :D, but Kanab IS Caleb, he changed his name after Order 66. He and Hera met a different way, one that I will be doing a loooooong fan fiction on after I finish Crushed Dreams spoilers *cough* spoilers! ANYWAY he's almost 20 in this; and Hera is 17. I can't stop writing AUs!!! =D Thanks for reading everyone! Your comments are much appreciated. :D And without further ado, the story:                                                                                                                                                                  

    Well, Hera had gotten him into another fine mess; though it was her that was in a rancor pit, not him. Literally. Caleb would have preferred the latter, at least he didn't have to wear elaborate senate clothing and such. At least he  had the force. Wrenching his sights away from the already closing trapdoor that led the rancor's lair, Caleb let his gaze travel over the unusual inhabitants of Jabba the Hutt's domain. Where there any weapons in this lawless place? No, Caleb corrected himself, were there any lightsabers  here. Jedi didn't visit here often, not that Caleb knew. So I just have to find mine, then. Caleb thought grimly, well aware of the floor shaking beneath his feet. No, no, no! He didn't see it, didn't see it anywhere. I've got to calm down. Caleb reminded himself. I have to focus. Pushing away his fear of Hera's certain doom, he closed his eyes reaching out with the Force. There it was, laying innocently by Jabba's long, slimy tail; hidden under a weathered brown cloth. Using the Force, Caleb ignited the blade, summoning it to his hand. With a twist of his wrist, Caleb was free. Force-jumping high over the astonished crowd, he executed an aerial somersault, careful to keep the flaming blade away from him. Caleb sliced through the trapdoor before he landed, twisting his body to fit through the narrow gap and slowing his fall with the Force. Sticking his landing, Caleb searched for his brave yet reckless senator he was supposed to be guarding despite all her "I don't need a bodyguard Caleb." or  "Was that really necessary." and "Caleb, if you so much as touch Ghost's controls, so help me I will chain you up and toss you out the airlock". He hadn't heard the latter in a while, though to Chopper's disappointment it had taken him only week or two before she really trusted him with it. Not that Caleb thought she didn't  trust him. They trusted each other with their lives, all the time. Like now. Hera was doing surprisingly well against the rancor, using a spear shaped bone like a vibro-blade. Leaping gracefully, Hera jabbed the bone deep in its shoulder. The rancor let out a howl, batting her away with claws as long as nineteen-and-a-half year old Caleb was tall. Snarling, it moved in to kill on the motionless Hera, slumped quietly against a wall. There is no emotion there is peace. Focusing, Caleb let all his emotions fade, concentrating on their present dilemma. Soaring across the room in a gigantic leap, Caleb landed in between his possibly-more-than-a-friend and the rancor. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. The rancor was limping, walking on three legs of it's four legs instead of its two hind legs; Hera had somehow managed to cut off one of its hind feet. It had a weak spot, he just had to find and exploit it. There is no passion, there is serenity. Caleb couldn't dampen that warm feeling inside; the one that seemed to be ever present when he was around Hera. He couldn't discard it, but he didn't have to focus on it. Caleb let himself go to the Force, the moves coming naturally. There is no chaos, there is harmony. It was a thing of beauty, Caleb's attacks. He was all a blur of blue and brown, his light saber casting it's blue glow that filled the roomy cave with warm light. Flipping high in the air, Caleb sliced his lightsaber through the air, coming down on.... The rancor's brain sac. Caleb realized. His feet hitting the ground lightly, Caleb watched as the Rancor wailed in despair, withering for a moment before falling to the ground dead. There is no death, there is the Force. Gently, Caleb rested his hand lightly on its armored shoulder. Wondering distantly what it's life must have been like before it too, was held prisoner here. "Caleb." Hera. Her wonderful voice filled his mind, chasing away the fog in his head that clouded his thinking. Turning quickly, he stepped toward her, taking in the sight of her safe and sound; too relieved to scold himself about that glowing feeling again in his chest. "Are you okay?" His eyes rested on the marks the rancor had made; five gashed in her side, each welling up with with dark blood. "I'm fine." Impossibly calm, Hera picked her way through the boneyard towards him, though not without an unconcealed wince. Weaving around the uneaten corpses, Caleb met her halfway, already tearing off a piece of his cloak. "This will hurt." He warned her gently. "I know." Her vibrant green eyes closed, she stepped toward him trustingly. Gently, Caleb brushed his fingertips along the wound, grimacing guilty at Hera's poorly concealed wince. His fingers came back wet with blood. Calm. He reminded himself, collecting himself before continuing. Coating his Force signature with a warm, comforting feeling, Caleb channeled energy into her, healing the wound the best he could along with it. After he had done that, Caleb gently wrapped the rough cloth around Hera's wound, wishing he had something softer to supply her. Well, we just have to make due. Her Force signature radiated pain, he noticed guiltily. Dispite his endeavors, Caleb was no healer; they'd still have to take her to a Med Center afterwards. Exhaling when he was finished, he sighed with relief. Instead of stepping away from him, Hera threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his chest and trembling. Startled, Caleb stood there for a moment before wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. Their escape could wait, as could his future scolding about his un-jedi-like feelings. For now, he was content just knowing she was safe in his arms.    

  Ha, ha. I probably should have named this "My Big Book Of (Mostly) Kanera Oneshots". Sooooooo, I'm probably going to take a break from my otp and scribble something else. :D Unless you want me to keep writing these XD. Then I'd work on one of my sitting drafts begging to be finished (I have about ten :P). Thanks for reading again! Have a blessed Thanksgiving Break. :D

God bless,


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