Chapter 19

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Xavier had a massive headache by the time he woke up, so much so, he couldn't even call to Rhys. It was, to his surprise, that he could see slightly better, making out distinct object, colors, and shadows, they were all just blurry.

He placed his hand to to forehead, swinging his legs off the table. He glanced toward the window, only to find it was dawn. He felt his way along the room until he reached the door.

Over Rhys's shoulder, Xavier could make out Caius was sitting on the floor, trapping a distraught Zephrine in his arms, while she was struggling to get to the door, and failing.

"So, how do I look?" Xavier, eyes still on Zephrine, croaked out his question.

Rhys jumped, turning around, but moving to the side as Zephrine came through.

"I'd slap you if you weren't fresh out of surgery." Zephrine grabbed Xavier's face, she was just close enough he could see her clearly, gently on the left side, and pulled him into the biggest kiss she could come up with. There was little to no space between them.

"Can we save this until tonight or are we going to do this here?" Rhys interjected. "I know you are, my Lord, but I'm not too eager to see my sister, whom I've watched from her birth, get it on with the king."

"Sorry, Rhys." Xavier wiped his mouth, still feeling the imprint of Zephrine on it.

"He can deal with it." Zephrine pulled him in again.

This continued for some time, just the two of them in each other's arms, holding each other like it was their last day alive.

"I'm going to go find Rosario." Caius apparently decided he had had enough and left.

"Who's Rosario?" Zephrine turned to Rhys.

"His 'friend.'" Rhys was trying hard to hide a smile.

"Why are you saying friend like that? What happened?" Zephrine looked her brother up and down.

"I may have caught them... at a bad time. That's all I'm willing to say." Rhys had to stuff his fist in his mouth for a second to keep himself from laughing. "I'll leave you two alone, and hopefully you have more sense than Caius does."

As Rhys disappeared behind his door, Xavier heard him burst into giggles.

"Well, he's weird." Xavier turned back to Zephrine, who was slowly coming into focus again.

"That's my brother you're talking about." Zephrine smiled, bringing him closer to her.

"Oh, before I forget, we had a conversation to continue, didn't we?"

"I don't remember that." Zephrine pursed her lips.

"Sure you don't. But how did you know I'm actually a dead cat?"

"I knew it from the moment I saw you." Zephrine teased.

"Really? I thought you were going to kill me the first time I saw you."

"I'm glad I didn't. I've grown to like you."

"You just 'like' me? Sure you don't 'love' me?" Xavier raised an eyebrow. Zephrine paled a little bit.

She hesitated before saying, "I'm close. Not there yet, but close."

"My Lord and Lady." Caius reappeared, with a man behind him. "This is Rosario. He's been asking for you, Zeph."

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