Chapter 21

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"Rosario, you said your name was?" Xavier poured himself more wine.

"Yes, sire." Rosario shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Zephrine had invited him to discuss his problems over dinner with them.

"You were asking for me. Any reason why?" Zephrine ran her thumb over Xavier's knuckles underneath the table.

"Well, my Lady-"

"Just call me Zephrine, please."

"Right, Zephrine. I-"

"You're not from Yna, are you, Rosario?" Xavier cut him off again.

"No, I'm from Physia. Callendan troops ransacked my village, led by Vana. They were headed toward Cellé, I'm sure of it."

"Why does this concern us?" Xavier leaned back, biting into a large turkey leg.

"I haven't gotten there yet. The troops were guarding something, this big cage, it was huge, but it wasn't big enough. Inside, I saw this beautiful white dragon, scratched to hell, wing split open. It was awful."

"Why would they be going toward Cellé?" Zephrine set her fork down, no longer having an appetite.

"My guess would be to sell the dragon to King Fulke. He loves to collect things." Rosario had stopped eating as well.

Zephrine's head began to spin again, she was feeling nauseous, breaking out into a cold sweat.

"Thank you for your information, Rosario. You may leave." Xavier put a comforting hand between Zephrine's shoulders. Rosario, getting the message, nodded, leaving his plate untouched as he disappeared.

"I didn't even realize Seyr was gone. Why didn't anybody tell me?" Zephrine stood, pacing around the Hall immediately.

"They probably didn't think of it."

"Yeah, they didn't think to tell the Dragon Singer that her dragon is gone! It's a simple mistake!"

"We can go back and get her. I'm sure Fulke will understand, from what I remember, he's a very compassionate man."

"Good, because that's what we're doing. Gather the knights, we're leaving." Zephrine stormed out of the Hall, thoughts going a million miles a minute.

"Woah, woah, we need strategy. We can't just barge in there, it'll never work." Xavier ran to keep up with Zephrine. He stopped her, taking her by the shoulders. "Besides, how long has it been since you've slept?"

"That's not important." Zephrine shook him off. "What's important is getting Seyr back."

"I think Seyr would agree with me that you would be of more use well-rested."

"Fine. We'll leave at dawn tomorrow."

"Thank you. I'll walk you to your chambers." Xavier held out his arm.

"I don't want to be alone, Xavier. Not now."

"Then stay with me. Rhys will assume the worst, but he can suck it up like a big boy."

"Did you just call my brother a big boy?"

"Yes, I did. Do you have a problem with that?"

"You're adorable." Zephrine gave Xavier a tender kiss. "You are the cutest thing I've ever laid my eyes on, you know that?"

Though she didn't know it, Rosario was hidden behind the corner, holding his breath. As he listened to the conversation, guilt welled up inside of him and he felt tears roll down his cheeks. This wasn't going to end well for anyone, and it was all his fault.

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