Chapter 12

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A/N: Dog shit pt. 2

Eetu fell on top of Zephrine, pinning her to the ground, as well as earning her a face full of dirt.

"What the hell, Eetu?" She closed her eyes and flipped over, getting ready to kick him off. Then she felt something drip onto her cheek, something wet and sticky and warm. Confused, Zephrine slowly opened her eyes, and was welcomed by an arrow mere centimeters away from her face, protruding from the back of her brother's head.

She screamed, throwing Eetu off of her, allowing a Zephrine a glimpse of his face. An arrow had found a home between his eyes, which were wide open, glassy, and lifeless.

Her breath caught in her throat, her brain and her eyes were in disagreement with what she was seeing. Her eyes saw her brother, dead on the ground less than five feet away from her. Her brain saw him alive, laughing at her for believing he could actually be dead. In the end, her brain was forced to admit her eyes were right, until they became obscured by tears that began falling so heavily they shook her whole body.

Eetu had pushed Zephrine behind him, he took the arrow that was headed for her, he died when it should have been her. This realization open the door to a gut-wrenching cry from Zephrine. Her voice carried out past the canyon, where anyone within a day's walk would hear her. Her screams shook the floor.

Something in her chest shifted, and with a single cry, the walls began to crumble, the floor cracked, the trees atop the canyon fell, clouds covered the sky, and dust kicked up from the gust of wind that had radiated from Zephrine. Her fingers found their way to a charm around Eetu's neck, then up toward the string. Her vision was so blurred she could barely untie it and close it in her fist.

Seyr, noticing how close the rocks were to crushing Zephrine, jumped from the top and onto the floor, lifting her Singer, still screaming within an inch of her life, off the ground mere seconds before it was completely swallowed by the avalanche.

She carried her to the other side with great difficulty, struggling to keep the squirming Zephrine in her hand. Seyr had barely landed when Zephrine rolled out of her grip.

Zephrine pounded on her dragon's side until her voice grew hoarse, but even then, she refused to stop yelling.

"How could you?" Her sobs slurred her words. "How could you?"

Seyr remained stoic, until Zephrine stopped beating at her side, and fell to the grass, defeated. She gave her a pitiful look, then, deciding to take mercy on her, began to whisper, "Somnus meus amicus," over and over until Zephrine eventually fell asleep. Seyr gently grabbed her Singer and hobbled along on three legs until she happened upon a group of knights sitting around a fire, warming their boots.

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