Chapter 7

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"Gone? All of it?" Zephrine jumped over a stray root. "Ithia can't be gone."

"I'm afraid so, Zephrine. I'm sorry." Seyr nodded, ambling along, left wing dragging on the ground. She had explained earlier that whilst saving Zephrine and Eetu, her wind had snagged on a tree limb so sharp, it tore a small hole in the skin of her wing, rendering it impossible to fly. Zephrine had torn off the Hem of her dress and picked the threads from it, and, using a pin from her hair, stitched the hole up. She ordered Seyr not to fly yet, in case the stitches rip.

Eetu, clueless, tapped his sister's shoulder. "What's it saying?"

"It's a she." Zephrine pointed out. "And she said that Ithia is gone. It burnt down three weeks ago. We've been out for three weeks."

"What about Caius and Rhys? What about Mother?" Eetu's voice carried more than a hint of fear now.

"I do not know." Seyr's tone became somber. "They could have made it, they could have perished. I cannot say."

"Seyr said she doesn't know. They could have survived , or perished. We don't know. We can only hope."

Eetu nodded, casting his eyes downwards to the ground, kicking at a pebble.

"If they survived, I think I know where they'd be." Zephrine turned to Seyr. "We're going north, to Viâna."

"That's a long way to travel, and you have no food."

Zephrine pulled the dagger from her bag. "No, but I know how to hunt." She said in human.

"I didn't know that." Eetu blinked in surprise.

"I have three brothers, E. I know a lot of things."

"You have to teach him." Seyr laughed a little bit.

"Why am I the only one who can't hear the dragon?" Eetu threw his hands into the air as Zephrine chuckled.

"It's magic." Zephrine teased.

"How about you don't make fun of me and find us some food?" Eetu gestured to Seyr. "And, I'm sorry, but I don't know what you eat."

"Anything, she says."

"This translating thing is going to get annoying." Seyr sighed.

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