eight » names

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Yuna closed her locker, locking it and grabbing the note which was stuck in the gap between her locker 316 and the neighbouring Locker 314. It was none other than Arin's locker.

Arin was Yuna's one and only friend in the whole University. Arin was quite popular amongst the Jocks, while Yuna didn't have much interest in sports or cultural activities. And seeing it had just been a year since she moved here to stay with her grandparents, she was focused on her grades which were on the verge of going down the drain.

"Hey Yuna, I heard they've put up the results of the latest test outside the lab," Arin said. Yuna had spent day and night working hard for the said test, trying her best.

"Oh, they have? God, I just wish I could get better marks," she groaned. She silently slipped her note inside her pocket.

She didn't want to read it in front of Arin. Well yes, Arin and Jungkook knew about the notes, and so did Ara, but they never read what was inside. And Yuna wasn't willing to share it with them either. The notes were something very personal and made her feel special.

"I think you should go check them," Arin said.

"Yeah. I think so too. I'll go, you coming?"

"Oh no, I have a date today. I need to go and get ready~" she said in a dreamy singsong voice. 

"Oh, you do? You didn't tell me??? Who is it?" Yuna squealed.

"He just asked me out during the cheerleading practice today," She said, giggling, "It's the basketball captain, Yoongi."

"The short one?" Yuna asks, purposefully teasing her friend.

"Hey! You're completely shorter than him!"

"Already defending him, I see," Yuna taunted her further. 

"You know what, I'm just gonna go. Text me about your marks! Good luck!" Arin rolled her eyes, gathering all her stuff from her locker, and side-hugged Yuna before leaving.

Yuna sighed, walking toward the laboratory, hoping her result were somewhat better. 


Yuna was busy looking at the bottom of the list for zoology students, trying to find her name. 

"Yuna-ssi?" A very unexpected yet very familiar voice called her. 

Yuna turned to see the familiar tall man with spectacles. "Namjoon-ssi? Hi. Didn't know you went here," she said, surprised to find the tall male. 

"Me too. Botany as well?" He asked, nodding towards the list. Yuna then realized that they had the list of toppers for botany besides the zoology ones. 

"Zoology, actually," she said. 

"Ah, nice. Just passing by to check my results." 

"Same here."

Namjoon silently walked over to the botany lists, scanning to find his name as well. Soon, a big grin spread on his face. He topped this exam, just as he tops others. But that didn't let him burst his ego. He worked hard for every exam. 

He looked over to a list pinned on the soft board between the lists titled 'Botany Honors' and 'Zoology Honors', and a big 'TOPPERS' written in bold. That was something new, it seemed. He scanned the list to find the top three students' names in both fields respectively. 

"No way," Yuna faintly said, not believing her eyes. 

She was ranked third out of her whole batch.

"Congratulations, Yuna-ssi!" Namjoon said, lending his hand ahead for her to shake. 

She took his palm and shook it, still not believing it. "You too, Namjoon-ssi."

He smiled in return, and proposed, "Why don't we drop the formalities, knowing that we're both born in '94?" 

"Sounds good, Namjoon." She smiled. 

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