twenty-one » closure

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The first thing Namjoon did was to search through every hallway for a certain figure, on a very cold Monday morning.

He was sure, he liked Yuna.

He had contemplated a lot about it.

And by a lot, it was really a lot. Around five days?

Oh, and nights too.

After Namjoon's test, which he was pretty sure he was going to fail due to the lack of concentration, he had been thinking about everything. His whole... situation. He had spent an insane amount of time with Yuna. Almost every day, after classes. Just studying together. Walking back home together. And even talking on the phone together.

She was a nice person to spend time with. And Namjoon enjoyed every millisecond of it.

But he had other worries.

Like, the notes.

The notes weren't stopping. He still found the notes every day stuck in their usual place.

Stuff like, How are you?

Or, I've missed your notes.

Or, I can feel you're busy.

Or, Are you okay? I'm worried.

Or, Please take care <3

And a lot more. He was guilty of being extremely dry while replying. And the guilt made him add in an apologetic tone, "I'm a bit busy these two weeks. Sorry for worrying you."

He was extremely confused. Sums it up in a sentence.

Why was Arin writing the notes to him, while dating Yoongi hyung?

He had to find out, once and for all.


"I think we need to talk."

Arin did not expect to see Yoongi's friend approach her near her locker, being all serious. Yoongi had a lot of friends. But she remembered his close ones pretty clearly, the ones who she had lunch with the other day. Jung Hoseok, and Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon was Yuna's friend too. Probably he wanted to talk with her about Yuna.

"Sure," she shrugged, facing him after closing the locker, and leaning on it.

"Would you mind if we go somewhere private?"

"O..kay?" Arin asked, unsure.

"Won't take much time, but it's important."

Namjoon led her to a less crowded hallway, and she patiently waited for him to speak up. She looked over to his tall frame fidgeting, hands rubbing the back of his neck and eyes landing everywhere but on her.

"Namjoon?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chest. She didn't want to seem rude, but he was taking a hell lot of time for something seemingly important.

"Look." He sighed, finally gathering the courage to face her, "There has been a very big confusion, and I'm here to clear it."

"Alright. What confusion, exactly?"

"Now that you have started dating Yoongi Hyung, I think we should stop writing the notes. I also don't—"

"What notes?"

"Shit. Okay," Namjoon cursed when he realised he had never revealed his identity in the notes they had exchanged. "Your locker, little notes, N... Ring a bell?"


"I used to leave a note for you every day, and you used to reply to them? I'm talking about those."

"Namjoon," Arin's eyes softened, "I'm sorry but I haven't received any note."

"But... I used to write them for you! They were placed every day between your locker and the neighbouring one."

Arin sighed, "Here's the thing." She took a deep breath and continued in a comforting tone, "You didn't personally give it to me. Believe me, I haven't received any notes. Someone else probably picked them up... There's a lot of possibilities that someone else thought the notes were meant to be for them."

"Oh." Namjoon uttered in an embarrassing tone. He awkwardly shifted his position, eyes not leaving the ground.

"Don't be embarrassed, we all make mistakes," she shot him a comforting smile.

"I wrote notes which were meant for you because I liked you."

"Oh." Arin said. Wouldn't that be awkward? Her boyfriend's close friend liked her too.

"But I don't anymore!" Namjoon quickly exclaimed. "Sorry? But I like someone else now. Someone who knows the real me."

"That's good. No hard feelings?" Arin asked, unsure. She didn't want to get in between two best friends.

"None." Namjoon said, and added, "But I still receive the notes."

"You do? I thought you sent notes."

"I also receive the replies in the form of notes. What should I do?!" he sighed. What a mess this was. [Oh Joon, tell me about it. Who in their right mind would think of such a plot? Of course, none other than me.]

"Well, you said you liked someone else, right? Then clear it out. Don't lead someone on." Arin said, thinking of her friend Yuna. Yuna received the notes, and she didn't want her friend to get hurt. Why didn't she tell Namjoon that Yuna was receiving the notes? Because, she thought it was their issue, and they had to solve it on their own. [also because if she does, the author won't be able to write the next few chapters. Yeah, Arin is smart. The author likes her.]

"And how will I do that?"

"I think you're smart enough to figure it out yourself."


author's note: 

Well, well, well. Aren't I impatient? 

I had a study leave today. So I wrote this. I'm very impatient. I felt the need to post this.

Yeah, expect some tea in the next two chapters. Stay tuned. 

And Please tell me to study. Ok bye.

Ps: Squared brackets [] is me, the author adding unnecessary fillers because she has to entertain herself. Hope you don't mind lovlies :))

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