Long Distance Relationship

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"I..I ..l..shit" She stammered

"I'm still not totally able to understand this language you know" I joked and she looked at me for a second but next, she hugged me so tightly that... It scared me.

"Naina.. Are you fine" I asked concerned.

"I just...Can't believe. You're...God! I feel like screaming in the world" She said

"You can if you want! Honestly, if you want to tell someone you may " I told

"What no! When more people know about your happiness, it always get ruined. And I can't bear to get this ruined." She whispered

"We're not going to ruin it. Because for the first time in my life, this feels so right in my bones that I can give up on anything for being with you. All I need and want is you" I professed and she looked at me.

"I swear, now if you run away, I'll stab you. I don't want another heartbreak Arjun. Please!" She sobbed and I know the first and the last relationship she had, still haunts her somewhere.

"Hey short cake, look at me" I said making her chin up.

"I'm never going to break your heart!" I told and she engulfed me into hug again.

Kissing is intimate?

Hugging is more!

"I..still can't believe" She said and I glared her now.

"Should I throw you out of the balcony then you'll realize this" I snapped and she chuckled

"Okay okay! I got it! But what yar! You could've told me before like in morning. At least Aashi bhabhi's friend and that... Sameer won't have flirted with me. We could've instantly said, yes we're seeing someone and we're unavailable" She said

"He damn asked you for coffee! I wanted to shove a cup of hot coffee right inside his throat" I muttered

"Okay. That's so violent" She spoke horrified

"So, I'm violent" I smirked kissing her jaw.

"I can tell bhaiya and bhabhi now" She said

"I'm not gonna tell anyone else right now" I told

"Of course I know." She narrowed her eyes but honestly she had no idea how cute she looked doing so!

I held her face in my hands and kissed her.

Honestly, today I felt another level of energy in her even while kissing!

Like... As if she was feeling so deep!

In between kissing I pulled her up on my lap and kissed her again.

As we went out of breath we broke the kiss when she tied her hairs in a bun.

"Seducing me with collar bone" I asked and she bit her lip.

"May be" She replied and I kissed her throat and she moaned.

I left wet kisses all over her throat and on collar bone and kissed the soft spot of her neck.

"Arjunn.. " She moaned my name and I felt her hands on my waist.

I removed my t shirt and she looked at me.

As she kissed my chest, I pulled her more closer as my hands went to her waist inside her loose t shirt.

She kissed my jaw and I clenched my fists inside.

"Naina" I heaved and she looked at me.

"If we don't stop here , I won't be able to stop" I said and she looked at me blushing and kept her head on my shoulder.

I kissed her forehead and made her lay down on me.

"Arjun... " She called and I hummed.

"Commitment no 1" She said and I looked at her.

"No" I whined and but she grinned.

"Yes" She replied pinching my cheeks.

"Don't do that" I warned and she chuckled.

" Okay, commitment no. 1, sharing every small happiness and sadness and worries. No lying, no hiding things and of course whenever you meet me, give me a chocolate" She said in a go.

"Wait wait wait! Everything is fine. Where did the chocolate come from" I asked

"That... Just like that" She winked

"Duffer!" I mumbled

"Okay on a serious note, share everything. Till now, whenever you said I need space, I'll tell you once I sort this out, I'll tell you tomorrow I'm not free today, I don't have time today! Nothing of this sort" She said

"Done!" I told and she smiled

"Arjun, I'm getting real serious now huh. I'll be demanding your attention, time, life etc. Everything. And I don't want you to make me cry for these things. Till now if we didn't talk for even a whole day without even informing that we're busy that was okay because... I didn't have that much rights. But now, I want to show my rights on you" She seriously spoke

"Short cake, first thing first. You had all the rights on me since start. You could've shown them whenever you wanted. But still, if you feel this now, you're free to kick me anytime telling me I'm going wrong here. No male ego" I sincerely told and she smiled

"You're spoiling me" She said

"I haven't even started spoiling you!" I told

"Do you even know how to spoil a girl?" She asked

"Who knows" I smirked and closed my eyes.

"When are we meeting next?" She pouted and I chuckled kissing her pout.

Let's get into live in" I smirked

"Ugh! Don't talk things that can't happen" She whined

"True! So shut up and sleep. Atleast let me cherish having you right now in my arms" I said and she sighed closing her eyes too.

"Good night baby" She mumbled and I looked at her.

"Baby and all huh" I teased

"Dog" She snapped and I smiled hugging her more tightly.

"Good night Baby" I mumbled kissing her forehead and closed my eyes.

Didn't even know when sleep overpowered and didn't even know when it was morning.

I opened my eyes next when I heard knock on the door.

I slowly opened my eyes and when I again heard the door.

"Shit! Naina... " I mumbled but there wasn't any reply.

"Nainaaaa"whisper yelled shaking her and she sat in once.

" What.. fire.. Earth quakee... Tsunami " she panicked and I really wanted to smack her head.

"Shut up! There's someone on the door" I said and she looked at me horrified when the door knocked again.

"Shit! Shit! It must be mom. Get the hell out of this room" She panicked and I looked at her.

"Yes but where's my t shirt" I asked and she may be now looked at me as I was without t shirt.

She looked away instantly and looked here and there.

And then I saw my t shirt lying beneath her.

I pulled that and wore it.

"Stop being so shy! Last night you were kissing this bare chest" I said and she threw pillow on me.

"Go now! " She told and I kissed her forehead and was leaving.

"Wait wait! Your sliders..and phone" She reminded and I took the same and left from balcony to my room.

And then I smirked as I came to my room.

Time for some fun!

I opened the door and saw her mom there.

" Good morning aunty " I wished

"Good morning Arjun. Listen na. I forgot my phone downstairs and this sleeping monster isn't even opening the door. Can you just make her a call" She said

"Of course aunty" I told and seeing the phone in my hand I was about to call when Naina opened the door.

"Good morning mom" She wished and looked at me shocked.

" What good morning Naina. I've been knocking the door since last half an hour" Aunty scolded and I smirked.

"Really Naina! You're such a heavy sleeper. I was about to call you" I said and she glared me.

"What! Did I say something wrong aunty? " I asked

"No nothing at all. She must've been scrolling phone till late night. That's why she isn't able to wake up early" Aunty scolded again

"Mom! I was in washroom" She said

"Really! But you..look as if you woke up just now! See, even your bed's mess" I smirked

"Ugh! Send him away. He's irritating me. I'll kill him in the morning" She snapped and I controlled my laughter.

"Stop behaving like an angry bull. What wrong he said. God, now just go and get ready! We've to leave in half an hour" Aunty chided and went away from there when I found someone glaring me.

"Aunty... Wait! " I said and she looked at me.

"What happened Arjun" She asked

"She's going to kill me" I complained

"What! I.. I'll surely kill you now" She screamed and was about to run to me when I ran inside my room and closed the door.

And then I laughed!

I laughed so loud that I feel I haven't laughed like this in ages!

When I looked into the mirror, I felt myself happy.

And honestly, I was really very happy!


Getting ready, I was about to leave the room with my suitcase when I heard a knock on balcony door.

I looked at the intruder and glared him.

He pointed the door but I denied when he frowned.

And then my phone rang and I knew it's him because he had his phone in hand.

"Open the door" He said

"What you did before half an hour, you think I'll ? " I asked glaring him.

"Naina please! We really don't have time. Your whole family has already done breakfast and they're... " He was saying when I opened the door.

The next I knew was he threw his phone on bed and grabbed me by waist kissing me.

And I too did the same throwing my phone on bed.

"God, I'm going to miss everything and specially you like hell." He mumbled

"We'll meet on Sunday Arjun. It's just four days after" I said

"I'm leaving for Serbia today evening."He told

" Okay so what! You'll be back in 4-5 days" I shrugged

"Two months" He told

" You kidding" I chuckled but he didn't say a word.

"No! " I mumbled

"I...the new project in Serbia that got it's approval a day ago " He said

"And you didn't find it necessary to tell me" I asked

"Of course I did. But , I didn't want our days here to get ruined just by this news. I.. Didn't want that what you felt yesterday would've been mixed with you getting this... Emotional" He said wiping my tears pointing them and I hugged him tightly as if my life depended on him.

Heck!! My life depended on him!

And the silent tears flowed from my eyes.

"You'll leave me" I whispered

"Insane. Why you think so? " He asked

"Long distance! You'll... I don't know" I sighed looking down.

"Short cake, look at me" He said and held my chin with his hand.

"You really don't pay attention to words right! " He asked and I looked at him confused.

"I told you, I got to know this one day ago. So when I told you yesterday that I want something serious with you, if I would've had intentions to leave you, why would've I told you this? " He asked wiping my tears

"You.. You won't leave me right!" I asked putting out my biggest insecurity.

"I'll die if I'll leave you idiot" He said chuckling and I slapped his cheek lightly kissing him.

In this one kiss we may be tried pouring the whole two months, but it wasn't possible.

I didn't want him to leave for Serbia but I know this has to happen.

After a while, I left him but his arms were still around my waist.

"I'm going to miss you so much" I mumbled and he just hummed hugging me and kissed the top of my head.

"Stay away from Sameer! Or people like him" He said and I laughed wiping my tears.

"You mean from boys" I smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"You know I should be the one to say this. Two months! Stay away from women! If I ever get to know you even kissed anyone on cheek, I'm going to sue you" I warned showing my fore finger and he raised his brow.

"The governer is lady" He said

"So? " I asked

"So... I'm going to have many meetings with her" He said

"God, stop making me insecure and jealous" I whined and he chuckled hugging me again.

"I don't want to be close to anyone. You're more than enough" He professed

"But, you know... I don't know how to say. What if... Someday you crave for some closeness and... physical intimacy. I'll be here... You know.. " I tried to say when he smirked.

"You mean what if I sleep with someone" He smirked and I glared him.

"Shut up Arjun" I snapped

"You wanted to say this. Don't blame me" He offended

"Yes but... I don't want this. Where's the commitment dude" I asked

"Here's the commitment dude. I'm not going to do any such thing. My words! " He assured and I kissed his lips again.

"God, these are going to be longest two months of my life" I mumbled

"This too shall pass" He said and I looked at him sighing.

"Okay, before I cry bad, let's go" I told

"You go first. I'll come. Have breakfast. Run" He said and I nodded turning and walked two steps but then again went to him and hugged him.

"Happy journey. Come back soon. I'll be waiting for you " I mumbled and he kissed my forehead.

And then I took fast steps going downwards controlling my all tears.

"Good morning" Bhabhi wished

"Morning bhabhi. How are you? " I asked

"I'm good. Listen, you're going doesn't mean now you won't come to home. I want you home frequently okay" She said and I nodded.

Home! Without him!

"Okay have breakfast. Where's Arjun bhaiya. Only you four are left" She said as I saw Ruhaan looking at me.

Well, four included three brothers and me.

These three brothers if present at home never sit on dining table alone.

And that's something really a family thing.

"Bhabhi. You go and rest. I'll serve them both" I told and she nodded.

"I'll see to Nishi! She didn't wake up till now" She told and went when I saw Arjun coming downstairs.

"Ehm! Didi, breakfast? " Ruhaan teased and I nodded.

"Nishant... " Arjun called

"Yes" Nishant bhaiya's voice came and he came towards us and sat down.

I served all of them their breakfast and took a bit for mine.

"Just a sandwich? " Arjun asked and I looked at me.

"Am yeah! I've to travel right! I can't stuff myself much" I lied

"Stop lying short cake" He snapped

"Guys! Arjun! What?" Nishant bhaiya asked

"Ruhaan, fill the bowl with Muesli" Arjun said and Ruhaan nodded doing the same

"Di, eat good. If you want even junk food. You need to gain some weight! " Ruhaan  tried to lighten my mood and I smiled at him.

"I'm leaving for Serbia" Arjun said as we had our breakfast.

"Okay. When? " Nishant bhaiya asked

"Today evening. For two months" He replied and I felt a hand on mine and then I noticed it was Arjun's.

Tears were again gathering in my eyes but some how I controlled them.

"Oh, now I get the reason of your dying appetite" Ruhaan mumbled and I looked at my plate.

"Don't worry Naina, he'll be back soon!" Nishant bhaiya said and I nodded smiling.

After this Nishant bhaiya & Arjun talked something related to their business only while Ruhaan and I were talking a bit.

"Naina, you done? " Dad's voice came and  Arjun & I left each other's hands instantly.

"Yes papa. I'm coming in a minute" I told

"Yeah do it fast! We all are at garden side " He said and went while I took a deep breath.

We took our plates to washing area and kept it there, came in Hall back where it was just the brothers and me.

"Okay guys bye" I said with a smile

"We live in same city. You gonna meet us. As Aashi said visit home often" Nishant bhaiya told and I nodded smiling.

"Yes! Even your college are getting over di. Come home. We'll see TVD again together" Ruhaan said and I chuckled nodding.

I looked at Arjun and he got my suitcase.

"Take care" He mumbled

"You take care too" I replied and wiped a small tear that was going to fall.

He came a bit closer and hugged me kissing my forehead.

"Ehm! It's hall guys! You need a room" Ruhaan smirked and Nishant bhaiya hit his head lightly while he chuckled.

"Ruhaan" Arjun spoke and we all looked at him.

"Take care of My girl." He said

My girl!

Damn! Damn!

I already love you, you idiot! Don't make it so hard for me to yell and tell you this right now!

"Bye ! Everyone's waiting for me" I mumbled

"Nishant, take care of Aashi" Arjun spoke and Nishant nodded.

And I don't know what look they conveyed to each other with eyes such that Nishant Bhaiya turned himself with Ruhaan.

"Wh.. " I was saying before which Arjun pecked my lips for some good seconds and then kissed my forehead.

"Bye" He mumbled and I nodded.

How can these three brothers have such an amazing understanding!

Especially Nishant bhaiya and Arjun!

We came out and I bid bye to everyone and left from there.

But the side view mirrors of the car were what I kept looking.

Arjun was standing there with hands in his pants pockets looking at the car, looking at me.

I sighed and closed my eyes telling mom that I'll sleep for some more time.

Welcome to Long Distance Relationship!!


Hello dear readers! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So.. Well.. How was the chapter!

The commitments! The promises they're making! ❤

They're laying another layer of their relationship!

But... Boom! There comes long distance!! 😬

What do you think will happen?

Will they both cross this hurdle of long distance or...

Will the newly embarking journey come to an end?

Let's see what happens!

Do vote, like, share and reviews are always welcomed!

Next update soon!

Till then....

Big hugs ❤

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