Missed Me?

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"So, how was the yesterday's event. Though I read an article about it in newspaper" Papa asked

"A little hectic. Sometimes clients can be a bit... Over demanding. But yeah, over all it was great" I told as we were sitting in the living room after lunch.

"You look tired" He further said

"Yeah. Work now a days, is little hectic" I replied

"Other then that, is there something bothering you? " He asked and I looked at him.

"What. No dad. It's just work" I mumbled

"You look dull kid. As if something is bothering you inside" He said and I smiled at him.

"Why will something bother me" I asked

"I don't know. Just fatherly intuition you can say" He shrugged

Well, then the intuitions are real dad!!

It's been almost one and half month and Arjun's in Serbia.

Long Distance Relationship are really not a bed of roses.

There have been times we weren't even in contact for two days but Arjun always made sure to drop me one message in whole day.

And I don't even know how slowly and swiftly I was falling deeply in love with him.

But what bothered me was... His feelings.

I know he wants me. I know he feel something for me. But I don't know if he needs me!

It's been almost five months we've been dating but... Arjun haven't ever told me that he loves me.

And.. I know, I know just words doesn't matter, actions does but the words are very important for me.

Every passing day, I've one fear in my mind that what if he leaves me or what if we just... We both fall apart.

Because we don't have just one relationship on stake.

We'll loose the best friends we're to each other. And honestly, saying that we'll not let our friendship happen anything is very easy but when this relationship will drift apart, it'll wash away much more with it .

And, I don't even want to imagine the life after that. It's hell scary.

I sighed taking a deep breath.

"Just tired papa. Work load is sometimes a lot. Other then that. Nothing" I assured and he nodded.

" So, anything today? " He asked

"No much. Just a project to work on. Then two presentations to look after. It's from renowned political icons. " I told and he nodded

"Very good. Keep it up. " He praised and I smiled when the bell rang.

As the maid opened the door, I saw Yash uncle.

"Uncle. Jai Shri Krishna" I wished joining my hands and he smiled wishing me back.

"How are you my kiddo. It's been months you've visited home " He asked

"Works keep me busy uncle. Though I sometimes hang out with Ruh." I told

"Aashi specially told me to scold you that you didn't visit her the whole two weeks" He said

"Tell her I'm really sorry. I'll visit her tomorrow for sure" I assured

"So all the talks with my daughter Yash. Or me also" Papa joked while uncle chuckled as they both sat in the living room.

Mom where as came with some snacks and all and they all talked.

Uncle came due to some business related works where as I went to my room and checked the phone.

Can't even abuse him badly!

Well, we fought! Real bad this time.

And that was because, he wanted me to talk to him taking out some time for him where as I was very busy these days.

Though I know if I had time to eat momos, I should've called him back but honestly the start of week was so hectic that time actually flew.

And that, caused a fight. Though he every day messsges me a morning and Good night text but talks nothing else since last two days and that was the biggest reason I was dull.

Of course I had to! My morning starts with his voice and night ends with his voice and right now it's just a text message.

This one month have been a roller coaster for sure where I've seen a frustrated Arjun who actually yelled at me for being stubborn to a desperate Arjun who wanted to just be with me anyhow.

One thing that I've learnt about Arjun is, never disturb him in his work if he has once said that it's damn important.

For him, his work is his God and honestly I'm proud of it.

But what I was craving badly for was his touch, his kisses, his hugs and his mere eyes which see through my soul.

The next morning when I woke up I was really relaxed because I had just one event to look after for today.

After morning chores and getting ready into an over sized T shirt and wide leg jeans, I went downstairs.

"Morning everyone" I wished as I moved to dining table.

"Morning kiddo." Bhai wished as I smiled sitting near him.

"Where's my baby" I asked

"Went on morning walk with papa" Bhabhi told

"Really. Raavi woke up early on Sunday. She betrayed me" I asked

"When she was offered to meet Nishi" She replied

"Nishi? " I asked confused

"Actually, Yash uncle and papa had some work together and Nishi was coming with uncle so Raavi followed" Bhai told.

"Okay." I muttered

"You awake in morning today" mom's surprised voice came and I chuckled.

"Actually, Yash uncle came yesterday right. He told Aashi bhabhi was complaining that I didn't visit her since so many days. So I thought to go to the event which is today and then in evening visit her too." I told

"Yes you should. Even Vrinda called me to visit someday but Diwali is near and I've a lot of work." She told

"So I'll have my breakfast and leave for office. I've work today" I said and had my breakfast.

In some time I left for my office and went to my cabin.

"Good morning ma'am. " Jiya wished

"Morning Jiya. Is the team at event? " I asked opening the Mac book.

"Yes ma'am. Shall I connect to them?" She asked and I nodded as she connected the video call to team.

"Good Morning ma'am" The leader of the team wished

"Good morning Suhana. How's work going on " I asked

"As guided by you ma'am. The team has managed the event with utmost sincerity and I've been giving instructions on your behalf. And special guests have been recieved by me personally" She told

"Great Suhana. I want the after report of this event on my table till Wednesday" I commanded and she nodded after which I cut the call.

I had some events in coming months which had it's base ready so I reviewd them and then looked at the time.

At somewhat 1 pm, I drove to Singhania mansion and rang the bell.

The door was opened by a staff and I looked at Daadi sitting on the sofa.

"Jai Shree Krishna Daadi" I wished as I went towards her and joined my hands.

"Jai shree krishna Naina. How are you" She asked

"I'm good. How's your knee pain now? " I asked

"Just dealing with old age" She said and I chuckled

"Look who's here badi Maa " Aashi bhabhi's voice came and I looked at her.

"Bhabhi" I said going towards her when she narrowed her eyes at me.

"You didn't even visit me since so many days" She complained

"Sorry. Work kept a bit busy" I apologized

Why don't you tell that this home screams of Arjun and you miss him much more when you come here!

"Yeah Yeah I know the reasons" She said and I looked at her.

"Come now. Sit" She added and I nodded as I sat on the sofa but my eyes went to the third floor.

"So the date is near" I asked

"Yes. And I don't know which bomb is coming out this time" Aashi bhabhi joked and we all chuckled.

"Whenever the bomb explodes , I wanna know first. I'll be at the hospital itself at the same time" I said and she nodded.

"Of course you've to. It's not even a question. " She replied and I smiled.

"How's everyone at home Naina" Vrinda aunty asked

"Everyone's great aunty. Mom wanted to come but Diwali is near so there are lots of work." I told

"I know right. Look at the home. So much is needed to be done. Diwali shopping is also pending." Vrinda aunty spoke

"Where's aunty by the way" I asked about Arjun's chachi

"Her mom's not much well na. So she's with her. Ruh too went with her" Daadi told

"Oh okay. That's why I thought that why Ruh isn't here till now" I mumbled and she nodded.

"Vrinda, Why Dont you do one thing" Daadi spoke and we looked at her.

"Take her for Diwali shopping." Daadi said and I looked at her.

"Me? But... I " I was about to say when aunty spoke.

"Right Maa. Why didn't I think this. Aashi's baby shower shopping was also done by her and her choice is so pretty. Naina will you child? She asked

"Aunty but, it'll take a lot of time" I said

"Don't worry. I'll just take your today. For clothes shopping" She told and I looked at her then nodded.

"Okay. But then Aashi bhabhi? " I asked

"It's okay. You visited here that's more important" Aashi bhabhi assured and I smiled.

"Let's go to Shopping then" I announced and everyone chuckled.

"Where's Nishant bhaiya by the way" I asked Aashi bhabhi

"Office. There's some urgent meeting. Arjun bhaiya isn't here so he's handling it" She told and I nodded while my heart just focused on one specific name.

"Vrinda did you talk to Duggu. When's he coming back. It's Diwali near by" Daadi asked and tears were ready to come out of my eyes.


Is he too giving the work priority.

Will he too... No!! Arjun isn't like that. He... Shut up Naina.

God!! What the hell am I thinking!!

"Naina" Aashi bhabhi snapped her finger in front of me and I looked at her.

"Huh sorry. I zoned out" I mumbled and she looked at me then blinked her eyes holding my hand.

Assurance wasn't what I needed now.

I needed him to be here right in front of my eyes!

We haven't been in a good contact since last two days and all I know is when he slept to when he woke up.

Other then that not even call!

May be I don't hate his work but I still hate his work a lot!

And I miss him badly now!

I didn't even listen what aunty replied to daadi and after some minutes we both left in my car for market.

The next three to four hours went in shopping for sarees and some dresses.

Since I too had to do shopping for Diwali, I too called mom telling her the same and then shopped for everyone at home.

Vrinda aunty was hell bent on gifting me something but somehow I managed to not let her do so because it felt real awkward.

We both shopped for our families and when she asked me if Arjun would look good in a kurta she was seeing, I literally imagined him in that.

And as expected, he looked etheral in my imagination.

Being with Arjun's family without Arjun makes me miss him so much more because whenever I met him with his family, my favorite thing was to tease or mock him with either Ruh or aunty & uncle themselves.

The problem with me was....

I was falling more and more everyday for him. And this wasn't in my control now!

And I knew if someday he comes to me and say we're done, I won't even be able to live!

Though, I didn't even want to imagine that because it takes out the life out of me to even think this!

After the shopping was done, I drove back to Singhania palace.

"Come inside. Have tea then go" Aunty said

"No aunty. It's already late. I'll visit some other day" I told

"I'll take just 10 minutes Naina. Come on. And how can you say no to chai " She asked

"Well that's right too! " I said and she chuckled as I stepped out of the car and we both went inside.

"I guess Aashi & Maa both are resting" Aunty told and I nodded as the home staff kept all the shopping bags.

"I'll make tea and come to terrace okay. If you want go in fresh air" She suggested

"Not bad. Moreover I love your terrace" I said and she chuckled nodding.

"Go. I'll come with our tea" She told and I nodded as I took the lift and went to fourth floor which was terrace.

The terrace was actually a terrace garden with lots of colorful flowers, fountains, hanging lights and two sitting areas with a small pool.

I went to the wall and looked outside. Since it was already half past six I looked at the sun which was ready to set.

And, I missed him a little more. Opening my gallery, I looked at our favorite picture which was from Udaipur.

Sighing I put the phone back in my pocket and closed my eyes.

"Missed me? " A voice whispered in my ear and I jumped at my place!!


Hey guys! Hope you're doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter!

Long distance sucks!!!

But look, who's bacckkkkk🤩🤩

But aren't Naina's fears totally right at her place?

What will happen next!

Do vote, like, share and reviews are always welcomed! ❤

And.. IT'S A DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY! Nothing special... Bas, Just like that😂❤

See you soonest!

Till then...

Big hugs❤

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