The Big Day

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My eyes opened without a blink as the alarm of 8 am rang.

It was a D - Day for me.

I woke up doing my regular chores and after a warm bath, I got ready in my short kurta and wide leg pants.

Since my hairs were wet, I let them loose and taking a scrunchie in my hand, my bag and my phone and tab, I went downstairs.

"Morning everyone" I  wished as I saw the family on dining table.

"Morning Naina. Come sit" Papa said and I nodded sitting near him.

"So, ready to fly" He asked as we all served the breakfast to ourselves.

"I guess. I'm very nervous though. It's like damn huge" I said

"You'll do it kiddo. We trust you" Bhai assured and I smiled

"Thankyou. You're all coming tonight right? " I asked and they nodded

"Great. I'll not be coming home now okay. Aditi will pick my outfit and everything else needed from the boutique. I'll be going directly to her house" I added

"Okay. We'll meet Ms. Naina Rathi there only then" Mom chuckled and I smiled

"I love you all you know right" I said and they looked at me.

"Yes kiddo. We know. And we all love you more." Dad spoke

"And we're all very proud of you" Bhabhi said

"Thankyou bhabhi. Raavi why you so silent mode today" I asked to the little devil who was having her breakfast silently.

"You forgot her brownie treats yesterday" Bhai told

'"Oh sh.. Oh! I'm so sorry Raavi. I promise you double brownies today night." I said and her eyes beamed

"Promise? Tonight? " She asked

"Yep. Though, brownies I guess are not in the menu of event, but when I'll be back from event, I'll specially buy you brownies. " I assured and she grinned

"I love you Bhui" She exclaimed and I kissed her forehead as I stood up.

"I love you more. Now bye everyone. And wish me luck" I sang and they wished me after which I washed my hands, and left for the venue.

The work was going on in jet speed and I was happy that my whole team was giving their best.

I even saw Jiya yelling and telling workers to coordinate the things.

"Ms. Jiya" I tapped her from behind when she jumped

"Ma'am. Oh God. I got scared" She said and I laughed

"Good morning" I wished and she smiled

"Good morning ma'am. The work is going on in progress. Everything is going on according to the way you directed. The teams of each section are working efficiently. " She told

"Great. I need a brief of every section. So call all the heads here." I commanded and she nodded.

And in some ten minutes, heads of each section starting from entry to exit was there and we had a brief meeting.

It was already 4 pm when I was looking after the works personally when I got a call.

"I'm very busy" I said as I picked up.

"Yeah Madame I know. But spare two minutes" He spoke

"Starts now" I sang

"Had lunch? " He asked

"Aaa.. Yeah. Lunch of course" I lied

"I'll punch you Naina." He groaned

"I'll eat with you at night na. I'm really into work right now" I pleaded

"Doesn't mean you'll skip lunch" He snapped

"Okay baba. Sorry. I'll have something now" I said

"It's four. Trust your team and go to ready. I'm going to pick you up from Aditi's at 6 pm" He told

"What. No. I've to look after some last minute things" I protested

"Naina. Right now. Or else I'm coming myself" He warned

"Fine, going" I huffed cutting the call and guiding Jiya , I left for Aditi's home.

As I was driving, my mind got back to what Sahil said yesterday but I chucked away the thoughts and went directly to Aditi's home as I had to get ready.

Aditi was already there who helped me with the dress and got me ready & of course food.

"Naina.. Where you lost" Aditi asked and I looked at the mirror to see her.

"No where" I said

"You definitely lost somewhere. You're not talking like you do" She stated and I sighed

"Just the business thing. Nothing else" I said and she raised her brow.

"Get me ready fast. Arjun would be here any minute. It's already late" I added

"You look beautiful" She complimented and I smiled.

"Pakka? (Sure) " I asked

"Bet on me" She blinked and I hugged her.

Soon she got me ready and my phone buzzed.

It was Arjun's text and he was there .

"When are you & Mitesh Coming? " I asked

"Till 9 I guess" She told and I nodded.

"See ya. And you've rocked it babe" She assured and I smiled waving her bye.

As I went downstairs, I saw  a car parked outside main gates.

And there he was, leaning onto his car's front door.

He was wearing an all black tuxedo and he looked...ravishingly hot.

But as I looked at Arjun, whatever that man said came into my mind again.

"Hie" I wished and he looked at me taking a deep breath.

"Arjun" I mumbled

"You look stupendously gorgeous. Such that I can't take my eyes off you " He said and I blushed

"You yourself look Greek God Mr. Singhania" I complimented and he smiled as he opened the passanger side door for me.

I sat inside with Arjun helping me with my dress and then came on his side, wore seatbelt and started driving.

"So all set " He asked

"I guess. " I mumbled

"It'll be more then perfect. I know you. I trust you" He assured and I smiled looking at him.

"Thankyou. I'll not let you down" I promised and he nodded.

"You're a bit down. What happened" He asked

For once I thought not to tell him but then I felt to tell him so that we could think on it together.

"Sahil" I muttered

"Did he do something. I swear I'll rip him off" He angrily spoke

"No. But, the way he talked yesterday, he's planning something Arjun. And I'm afraid of him ruining your event" I said l

"He won't. I don't think he'll do any nuisance in event" Arjun said but I knew this man.

He could do anything to get what he wanted.


"I'm here Naina. He won't be able to do anything to you." Arjun assured

"He talked in riddles again. I don't know what he wants to prove" I sighed

"That he's an asshole" He muttered and  a chuckle left my mouth.

"Sush. Drive" I said

"Well, I'm so glad that you're my date tonight" He spoke

"Arjun! You know this makes me remember that we never had that official date thing. Like, you asking me out on date and all. We've like always done hangouts." I frowned

"Am yeah. Because well.. We're we" He shrugged

"I want a date" I pouted when he kissed that pout.

"Arjun Singhania. Eyes on the wheels" I scolded

"So when do you want a date" He asked

"Once you hit this success today, after that" I replied and he smiled

"As you say" He said and sped up.

Soon we reached the venue and as the walet took the car, Arjun offered his hand which I accepted.

"Families will be here Arjun" I mumbled

"They'll not be here before 9 pm. Calm down" He said and I nodded.

Arjun looked at the entry and then walked inside.

As he walked he saw everything very keenly.

"Impressive Ms. Rathi. I can't believe, I'm anywhere less then heaven" He complimented and my smile widened.

"Really? " I asked

"You kept your word that you won't let me down" He smiled and I squealed hugging him.

"Ehem" Someone coughed from behind and I instantly got away from Arjun to find Mr. Davis.

He was a bit shocked at first to see me with Arjun but then may be he understood hence didn't question a bit.

"Every contract that Marrians will get this year, are going to be organized by you Ms. Rathi" He said and I looked at him shocked.

"You impressed every bit of me. This is ridiculously perfect" He added and I smiled

"Coming from you, it means a lot. Seriously thank you" I thanked

"Young lady, thanks to you. For past 15 minutes I'm here, I couldn't take my eyes off from the event. You did it extravaganza" Mrs. Davis said hugging me.

"She's my wife. Ella " Mr. Davis introduced

"Nice meeting you Mrs. Davis" I said

"It's Ella. And I'm really impressed" She told and I smiled

"You're very silent in the conversation Mr. Singhania! No compliments for her" Mr. Davis asked and he looked at me.

The another thing I noticed, Arjun didn't leave my hand yet. He was holding it since we stepped out of the car.

"She'll fail every compliment I give to her work. She always makes me proud." He spoke and a small tear of happiness left my eye which I wiped.

He not only just complimented my work, he spoke with so much respect and love for me which was visible to everyone.

"God bless you both. You're perfect example of what an ideal couple should mean. Putting respect for each other before anything else. " Mrs. Davis said and I held Arjun's hand more tightly.

"Ah, look who's here" A voice came and I turned back to look at... Well the face I hate seeing.

Sahil Arora.

And today he wasn't alone. He had someone with him.

"Well, everyone was here with dates and all so I thought, why I shouldn't show off my date too" He joked which was real lame because even Mr. Davis was looking uninterested .

"Naina.. " He spoke but I looked at Arjun because I felt no motion in his hand.

"Arjun what happ... " I was about to say when I saw him looking at the woman in front of us fiercely.


"No fucking way" I muttered as I looked at that woman

No way she can be here.

But she was!

Disha Singh.

"Arjun.. " A voice near me whispered and I looked at her.

"It's her" I mumbled

"I know" She whispered again and I looked at her.

"It's okay. We'll get past it" She added when that woman looked at me.

"Arjun..." She said smiling widely coming near me open arms when I took two steps back.

"Hey. It's been such a long time" She spoke while I just glared her.

"Oh come on. Don't gimme that look. Atleast wish me properly" She spoke and before I could say anything Mr. David and his wife came nearby.

"Feels like you both too know each other. Just like Mr. Arora and Ms. Rathi" Mr. Davis asked and I looked at him.

"Yeah, she's a cheat" I spoke

"Arjun" Naina muttered

"Excuse me! She's my girlfriend. Don't say names to her" Sahil protested

"Wow. A match made in heaven." I mocked

"Mr. Singhania" Mr. Davis spoke this time

"This is a formal event. Not a personal one" He reminded and I swallowed my anger nodding at him and looked at Disha.

"You're a guest. Enjoy the event, eat and go." I said and taking Naina's hand I went  to the resort's rest area.

"Arjun.. " She whispered when I looked at her.

She didn't say anything, just hugged me.
And I Cocooned into her.

"He knew which nerve to hit when" I angrily spoke

"We won't let him hit the nerve. He played shitty, we'll not give him the reaction he wants. He wants to defame you in front of people, we won't let him succeed in it" Naina said

"But he bought her here. Knowingly. How the hell did he even know this" I gritted

"I don't know. I told you right Arjun, he can stoop low" Naina sighed

"I.. Hate it. I just hate it all" I angered

"Arjun... Don't let it affect you so much. It hurts to see you getting affected so much by... By her" Naina spoke and I looked at her.

She was hurt!!

Shit! Shit!!

"Naina.. No. Sweetheart listen.. " I spoke when she denied

"I know, there's nothing. I know you love me a lot. And I know this because I faced the same when Sahil came back. But I know how pissed and angry this all makes a person, so I don't want you to be at that place." She said and I sighed

"Yarr, I love you" I professed and she smiled kissing my forehead

"I know. And I know I'm enough for you. But let's deal with these two shit faces together. We won't let them ruin your event" She determined

"Our event" I corrected and she smiled

"Our event. And I promise, I won't let him ruin your biggest success" She promised and I looked at her.

"Do you have the same shade of lipstick short cake ? " I asked and she looked at me confused

"Yaa but wh.. " Before she could complete, I grabbed her by waist and kissed her.

And she for a second was shocked but then held my neck and kissed me back.

"Ugh. You ruined my lipstick" She muttered

"You've the shade. Want me to help you apply it? " I asked smirking a bit when she hit me with her clutch.

"Pervert. Go away. Go to your event. I'll be joining soon. Everyone too would be coming. And I don't want our families to see us like this " She said and I smiled nodding.

"Should I wait? " I asked when she denied smiling.

"I'm not vanishing Arjun. I'll be back in fee minutes" She assured and I nodded going out.


Hey guys! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So how was the chapter?

The sudden entry caused havoc right!

What will Arjun & Naina do.

How will they deal with these two!

Let's see what happens!

Do vote, like, share and reviews are always welcomed!

Well, the book is almost about to end!

It might be last third or fourth chapter.

See you soon.

Till then. ..

Big hugs ❤

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