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\Risky relations/

Marinette was.. texting in class.

Normally, this wouldn't be such a big deal, but let's face it- the bluenette was just about as goody-two-shoes as physically possible. She could even feel her stomach boiling in dissatisfaction at the unruly act she was performing, but it was important! Luckily, however, their science desks were very thick so her phone would be invisible to the teacher's wandering hawk-like eyes. She bit her lip as she stealthily texted her friend out of sight.

Alya, I told you.. I don't like him that way. Just because we're roommates doesn't mean we're.. well, dating. Or interested in each other in such a manner.

Hush hush! He was totally checking you out yesterday, are you serious?!? Well, before he left of course. I will literally die if you guys don't hook up!

Marinette sighed deeply, knowing there was no chance for her in arguing with Alya. At least, not on a topic like this. It had all started when they had first met him.. and both discovered that Adrien was a huge flirt. Alya, of course, claimed that it was all directed specifically toward Marinette, but she had her mind set on the fact that it probably wasn't the case.

Mari: I mean.. yeah! He's totally dreamy, funny, attractive and kind... but what do I have that he doesn't? I'm just normal, plain old Marinette. He's just.. ugh, he's amazing in every way that I'm not

She didn't get to finish whatever she was planning on typing next because suddenly she heard a voice behind her, and, as reflex, quickly stuffed her phone back into her pocket. A small laugh followed, it was clear indeed that she wasn't used to defying such minuscule school rules since that probably wouldn't be the best action to take.

"I'm not the teacher, calm down Marinette." It was Adrien. She cleared her throat nervously in his presence, why exactly was he.. at her desk? "I just wanted to say sorry.. well, that I left in the middle of your performance, I had a bit of a.. surprise photo shoot. But hey! I saw a video of it online! And you were great." He cracked a shy smile, scratching the back of his neck. It was true he felt disappointed and a bit guilty that, well- he missed it because he was instead plotting on.. killing her. Luckily that didn't happen. Or was that unlucky?

But thankfully she was unaware of that little detail. "Um.. thank you, Adrien." She managed her own smile, although in her mind she probably figured she looked like an obese snail holding its breath underwater while being strangled because of how flustered she really was.

"Oh, and, by the way," He was about to walk toward Nino, but he halted and peered back at the girl. He grinned that million-dollar model smile. "Two things. If you're going to text in class, make sure it's not right next to the window. A very reflective one, at that. Wouldn't want anyone reading your texts, would you?"

Marinette's eyes may as well bulged out of their sockets after the remark while she momentarily forgot how to breathe. A red streak of blush cascaded across the bridge of her nose and he smirked a bit, brushing himself off smugly. It was comical, really, how much he could get out of her with just a simple few sentences. Marinette suddenly found her shoes very interesting, her eyes darting down and locking onto them.

"I-I-" Marinette tried to protest, but all was left in vain. It seemed the string of embarrassment still wasn't quite over when she saw Adrien try to speak again.

"Mister Agreste! Please take a seat. This is not social period." The teacher interrupted, narrowing her eyes and pointing toward his desk.

"Alrighty," he responded, leaning down to pick up his pencil that he totally dropped on accident, and as he did sneakily he whispered into Marinette's ear: "oh and- you're really cute when you blush, you know?"

Then he gripped his writing utensil and marched back toward his desk, leaving a breathless, bewildered bluenette. But there was one odd thing about it that Marinette couldn't help but notice.

Adrien was.. limping.


Over time- and this may sound weird- Marinette grew to feel safer on her own.

No, not exactly on her own, persay- several times over the past week she had seen his eyes from the alleyways, the rooftops. Yes it was slightly creepy, but it was as if her "mystery stranger" was watching over her. Sometimes she tried calling out, getting his attention, but by then they had fled. Was he stalking her? Or was he truly worried about her getting home safe? Not to mention she still didn't know who he was whatsoever.

These questions rolled around her mind torturously while she made her way to Alya's house, practically feeling his eyes glued to the back of her head. She took shallow breaths, glancing behind her every once in a while. Her head was buzzing with so many questions yet to be answered.

And with that, she paused, and turned around. She couldn't take the nagging questions anymore; she was weary of constantly being left in the dark. Turning around toward the empty street and dark warehouses, she spotted the outline of his figure. She clenched her fists.

"Who are you??!? Why are you following me?" She demanded loudly, and must have looked completely delusional if anyone had been watching. She had been shouting only into the starless sky and empty street, now slightly annoyed in a way. She had lost his figure at this point, but her annoyance was no less.


"I know you're there! I can feel your gaze, and I can hear your footsteps-" Marinette attempted to finish but was quickly interrupted.

"No you can't." A voice said, startling Marinette so harshly that she fell backward, landing tailbone-first onto the pavement. She bit back a sob, barely getting a glance at the owner of the voice. But she knew for a fact that it was him; the one who watched over her from the edge of the rooftops, his legs dangling and kicking peacefully. More notably, the man who had saved her from the car the other day.

"Let me help you with that," she felt a gloved hand intertwine with her as she was pulled onto her feet, still exasperated. "Apologies. Guess you didn't quite hear my footsteps, I suppose." His sarcastic nature surprised Marinette. It seemed too.. normal.

She scanned his figure up and down. Oh, so he was a flirty stalker? Was this a joke? Marinette wasn't sure.. maybe it was reflection of the shadows of the streetlights or her eyes playing tricks on her, but this man was definitely without question wearing a cat suit.

"Like the gear? I picked it out myself," He leaned down to kiss her knuckle in a flirtatious manner, but she quickly pulled her hand away.

"Excuse me? You've been stalking me for hecks sake! Who gave you the right to follow me around and- and act like everything is normal!
I don't even know who you are!" She blurted thoughtlessly, although this feline stranger seemed fairly amused. His ears twitched wildly while intaking these sounds almost as if they were actually attached to his body.

"Yes, And let's keep it that way," he grinned, stepping backward and giving the girl a three-fingered salute. "Everyone needs someone to protect them, you and I both know that, princess. Remember when you almost got hit by that car?" She didn't answer, and instead stared at him blankly. He smirked again. "Yeah. I thought so."

Then he leapt away without another word, (again, -sigh-) once again leaving Marinette to sulk in a bunch of very confusing and unanswered questions.

"Hey!!! Aren't you supposed to have a.. a broken ankle!?!?" She yelled after him with arrogance lacing her voice, his figure still slightly visible from her distance.

"The only thing that's broken is my heart, princess! You wound me!" He yelled back, cackling of laughter into the night.

And even amidst all of the strange chemistry and mystery between the two, Marinette still couldn't help but manage a smile.


This is really short and i swear I'm inactive as hell but hey, I updated, didn't I? That's a first coming from me, lmao..

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